August 2017




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Sep. 14th, 2013


Who: Jason and Mia
When: Late 1800s
Where: Junction City, outskirts
What: Two travelling buddies make it to Junction City for a job.


Sep. 10th, 2013


Who: Locke (Loki) and Wanda
When: Late 1800's
Where: Junction City and Wanda's home
What: A Wild, Wild West is not complete without a bit of Western romance!
Rating PG-13 with a dash or RF for Ridiculous Flirtations.
Status: Completed in G-docs.

A foxy scoundrel can't resist a witty beauty. )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Who: Clark Kent & Open
When: 1800's
Where: Wayne Farms
What: New Arrival
Rating: Low

Appeared with the rising sun )


Who: The Sisterhood of the Bartending Petticoats (aka The Jessica's) + Open
When: Late 1800's
Where: Luke and Jessica's Bar
What: Bartending. Petticoat wearing.
Rating: TBA

Read more... )

Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Open
When: Late 1800's
Where: Effie's Saloon and Inn, Junction City
What: General drinking stuff
Rating: PG-13 (Bruce won't let things get out of hand)
Notes: Now with an actual post because I'm an idiot who drops tags.

xxx )


Who: Open to all, why not?
Where: The ol' Wayne place
When: 1800s WW
What: Bruce Wayne's throwing a Charity Ball to raise money for widow and orphans or something. (Just a little something to get people mingling.)

Tag in as you please! )


Who: Victor von Doom, open to Sue Storm
When: Late 1800s (Wild Wild West)
Where: Some forty-five miles from Junction City
What: He's up to no good, hearing rumors, and decides he needs to go investigate.
Rating: PG.

There were bandits, hostile natives, scorpions and rattlesnakes... Then there was him. )

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: OPEN (Wild West!)
When: Late 1800s
Where: Junction City
What: A large train of wagons, merchants, and starts into town.
Rating: PG-13?

Wagons West! )


Who: Rose Wilson, Raven, OTA anyone else who might frequent The Brothel...
When: Late 1800s ish
Where: Wild West! Junction City
What: General brothel stuff. Feel free to jump in on this thread if your character might or want to have any interactions at The Brothel... (We won't judge...)
Rating: High. It's set in a brothel. Potential for seedy people, sex, violence, and language is high. Plus, Tarot Card readings and all the gossip you can handle. Giddy up!

Shady dealings inside... )

Sep. 6th, 2013


Who: Diana and the Amazons, OTA, especially to Patsy, Cassie
When: Late 1800s ish
Where: Wild West! Outskirts of The Town
What: The Amazons are roaming around the Town, helping people. Doin' Cowgirl...woman stuffs. Feel free to jump in on this thread if you might or want to have any interactions with the Amazons and/or their village! Or start your own threads in this one or whatever!
Rating: PG-13?

The others could not believe there was a group of All Women living and working on their own... )