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Oct. 1st, 2012


Who: Todd Rice & Mikaal Tomas.
Where: A low-key lounge in NYC.
When: Saturday, Sept 29 [backdated]
What: Todd celebrates his promotion with Mikaal.
Rating: TBD.

Mik caused a lot of conflicting emotions within Todd that he didn't really understand. )

Sep. 24th, 2012


Who: Scott Free & Company (Open to Barda, Mikaal and Jennie-Lynn)
NPCs: Oberon
What: Rehearsal-- aka more people stare at Scott's butt
Where: Gotham City, NJ
When: Monday, Sept. 24th
Rating: PG.

Mssr.s K and H assure the public their production will be second to none. )

Sep. 12th, 2012


Who: Team Ginger [Roy Harper, Pepper Potts, Guy Gardner, Barbara Gordon, Matt Murdock, Mikaal Tomas]
Where: The Mojoverse
When: Wednesday, September 12
What: Summer Blockbuster Challenge
Rating: R?


Sep. 9th, 2012


Who: Team Night-And-Day [Apollo, Obsidian, Captain America, Starman]
What: We're Going To Need a Bigger Boat Challenge
Where: The Mojoverse
When: Sunday, Sept 9th
Rating: God only knows with this group.

For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn fish. )

Sep. 8th, 2012


Who: All participants (open for reactions)
When: The early hours of Saturday, September 8th, 2012
Where: The planet Earth, Dimension New Alliance
What: Mojo tries to increase his ratings by 'recruiting' a new cast for his shows.
Rating: PG-ish

Here we are now, entertain us )

Sep. 7th, 2012


Who: Scott Free, Big Barda, Mikaal Tomas, Jennie-Lynn Hayden
NPCs: Oberon, Ted Brown
What: First Rehearsal-- or 'Everyone Stand Around And Stare at Scott's Butt Except For Scott and Oberon' Day.
Where: Gotham City, NJ
When: Friday, September 7th
Rating: PG/PG-13 (maybe)

Over men and horses, hoops and garters, lastly through a hogshead of real fire. In this way Mister K will challenge the world. )

Sep. 2nd, 2012


Who:Johnny Storm and Mikaal Tomas
Where: Gotham City
When: Tuesday, September 4th [forward dated]
What: Superhero team ups, go!
Rating: PG

Traffic in the city was horrible. )


Who: Mikaal Tomas & Dinah Lance
Where: Dinah's apartment, Gotham
When: Monday, Sept. 3
What: Dinah receives an unexpected visitor, or why Dinah should just put a queue on her couch.
Rating: TBD

Sadly, people didn't give blue-skinned alien former heroes any discounts when it came to rent. If anything, their security and insurance premiums for metahumans were higher than for regular people. )

Sep. 1st, 2012


Who: Mikaal Tomas & Greer Grant (Tigra) Cameo by NPC!Dr. Daniel Santino
Where: Metropolis
When: Friday, August 31st
What: A chance encounter reunites Mikaal with an old acquaintance.
Rating: TBD

He was saved from further awkwardness by a loud booming sound. )


Who: Scott Free, Open To All
NPCS: Oberon
What: Scott holds auditions for lovely assistants-- and wonders if he'll get as good a showing as he did from the ad.
Where: Gotham City, NJ
When: Saturday, Sept 1
Rating: PG (may change, depending who shows up)

They've been some days in preparation, a splendid time is guaranteed for all-- and tonight Mr. Kite is topping the bill )

Aug. 31st, 2012


Who: T'Challa, Mikaal, some NPC Badguys
Where: Wakanda, Central Africa
When: (Backdated) February 10th, 2010
What: Confused superheroes always leads to violence

Aug. 21st, 2012


Who: Mikaal Tomas
Where: somewhere in Bludhaven, New Jersey
When: Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012; Daytime
What: Introduction/Narrative. Mikaal wakes up from a blackout.
Rating: PG-13 for frank talk of drug use and other sticky situations. also FEELS.

The worst possible sensation for someone who has previously lost huge chunks of their life to memory loss has got to be waking up in a strange place not recalling how they got there. )