August 2017




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Dec. 1st, 2016


Who: Everyone who was invited!
What: Baby shower.
Where: Wayne Manor
When: Saturday afternoon December 3
Notes: Feel free to put up any threads anywhere!

Baby Shower! )

Nov. 2nd, 2016


Who: Open to party guests
When: 10/31/16 - Halloween!
Where: Stately Wayne Manor
What: The Annual Wayne Charity Halloween Ball

Let's do the Monster Mash! )

Oct. 30th, 2016


Who: Steve and Zinda
When: October 30th
Where: Random New York pub
What: Steve wants to talk in person to let Zinda know what is going.
Rating: PGish

Not just anyone pays off Zinda's bartab. Does anyone know how much that costs? )

Aug. 12th, 2016


Who: Babs, Dinah, Mia, Lois, Maria, Pepper, Maxine, Bobbi, Zinda
When: 8/6/16
Where: Spandex, Gotham, NJ
What: Dinah's belated bridal shower!

I hope you brought your singles! )

Jul. 3rd, 2016


WHO: Everyone (Zinda sent out invites but really you think she's going to toss anyone who shows up?)
WHAT: Fourth of July celebration
WHEN: July 4

Fourth of July Shenanigans. )

Jun. 5th, 2016


Who: Zinda, Steve, vet NPCs
NPCs: NPC Students.
When: June 6
Where: NYU
What: Zinda doesn't do many public things, but she was invited for a panel during a summer history class. The topic Women in military history. She brought Steve along.
Notes: This is totally set up for NPC questions.

They all chatted for a bit until the professor called the class to attention. )

Mar. 25th, 2016


Who: Zinda (narrative but open if you want it?)
What: Hanging out with old folks?
When: Thursday March 24, backdate
Where: VA nursing home (NYC)

Read more... )

Mar. 6th, 2016


Who: Captain America, open to WWII vets
When: 1944
Where: European Allies base
What: Several high-profile operatives are brought together for a covert strike against Hydra, and are given an afternoon and night to unwind before mission.
Rating: Lowish, but you know, war and Bucky's mouth...

Dismissed. We'll see you at 0500. )

Oct. 28th, 2015


Who: Open to all
When: October 30, 2015
Where: Stately Wayne Manor
What: The annual Halloween charitable costume party

Masquerade! Painted faces on parade... )

Aug. 25th, 2015


Who: Black Canary and Speedy, bit of Zinda
Where: Africa
When: August 22, 2015 (bit back)
What: Black Canary and Speedy are playing delivery girls in hostile territory.
Rating: PG-13

Package for Doctors Without Borders? Postage paid. Just need a signature. )

Jul. 27th, 2015


Who: Black Canary, Kurt, and Zinda
Where: Bludhaven's Bay
When: 7/26/15 (backdated, cause you know, Kurt's got classes and stuff.)
What: Some BOP swoop in to take out a ship coming in loaded with weapons.
Rating: B for Bamfness

I'm never going to get used to bamfing. )

Jul. 6th, 2015


Who: Steve, Phil, Nat, Zinda, James and anyone they bring.
What: Poker night at Steve's
When: July 5, 2015
Where: Steve's apartment, Brooklyn
Why: He really wants to make this a regular thing but life keeps getting in the way.
Rating: Low I assume.

He was hoping to even the odds this time! )

May. 9th, 2015


Who: Zinda (Open to I guess Bucky and Steve?)
What: Paying respects
When: May 8th late (as to pay respects in privacy)
Where: Arlington

Don't worry it's the good stuff. )

Mar. 12th, 2015


Thread: Zinda, Bucky, Steve

Who: Zinda, Bucky, Steve
What: A rescue!
When: Mid 1943
Where: Europe somewheres!

They'd been pinned down! )

Mar. 8th, 2015


Who: Zinda and Dinah
What: First mission!
When: Early 2010
Where: In the air on a plane woot

Mostly Zinda felt wonderful. )

Feb. 16th, 2015


Thread: Zinda and Bucky

Who:Zinda and Bucky
What: Breaking up drug cartel shenanigans
Where: South America
When: February 16

Zinda had jumped at this assignment. )

Jul. 1st, 2014


Who: Hal Jordan & Zinda Blake
When: July 01, 2014
Where: Airfield outside of Gotham
What: Hal checks in on his favorite pilot, Zinda
Rating: PG-13 for tactlessness

He was coming to help her )

Jun. 11th, 2014


Thread: Zinda and Steve.

Who: Zinda and Steve
When: June 11
Where: Zinda's apartment
What: Watching Old news reels.

She thought this would be helpful. )

May. 16th, 2014


Who: Dinah, Hal and Open to anyone who would reasonably in Dinah's phone book or would otherwise get the message that there's a surprise party on for the green guy.
What: Combo Surprise Welcome Home/Housewarming Party
Where: Dinah's new Brownstone, Gotham City NJ
When: Friday, May 16th
Rating: PG-13

Welcome home or whatever. It's not like we missed you or anything )

May. 1st, 2014


Who: Zinda
What: Bomb yay
When: April 30th
Where: Gotham, building across from Babs'

Read more... )

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