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Apr. 29th, 2013


Who: Jade Nguyen & Rose Wilson
What: Stalker meets stalker. It's an epic stalking showdown...except they're no longer stalking.
Where: Outside la casa de Arrow.
When: Thursday, 4/28 @ 12AM
Rating: PG-13

Jade had been watching. )

Feb. 14th, 2013


Who: Jade Nguyen & Roy Harper
What: Most romantic day of the year with the most messed up pair.
Where: Roy's apartment.
When: Thursday, 2/14 @ 11PM / After Lian's asleep.
Rating: tbd

Roy Harper made Jade feel things. )

Jan. 31st, 2013


Who: Jade Nguyen
What: Vivid dreams and memories.
Where: Undisclosed location.
When: Thursday, 1/31 @ 2AM
Rating: PG-13

Jade thought she was crazy. )

Dec. 5th, 2012


Who: Roy Harper + Open To People Coming to Lian's Birthday
NPCS: Lian Harper
Where: Harper Apartment in NYC
When: December 5th, 2012
What: It's Lian's birthday, so you know, there's a party.
Rating: It's a party for a five year old. It should be G.
Note: Sub thread at will.

Happy Birthday! )

Dec. 1st, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen
What: Birthday Shopping for the only person who matters.
Where: FAO Schwartz, NYC, NY
When: Saturday, 12/01 @ 2PM
Rating: tbd

Stopping by FAO Schwartz only seemed natural. )

Nov. 13th, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen, Pamela Isly
When: Nov. 13, Evening
Where: Gotham dive bar.
What: Jade takes Pam out for drinks after picking up some exotic poisons.
Rating: TBA

One didn't have a lot of friends in her line of work. )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


Who: Slade Wilson & Jade Nguyen
Where: A mansion in Bogota, Columbia.
When: October 3rd, 2012
What: Slade hires Cheshire to help him identify and assassinate a man from whom he needs information.
Rating: TBD

Beauty and death. )

Sep. 27th, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen & (NPC)
Where: Hamptons.
When: September 27, 3 AM
What: Working.
Rating: PG-13

Until you die, of course. )

Sep. 11th, 2012


Who: Team Pain-in-the-Ass [Rogue, Red Hood, Speed, Cheshire, Spoiler, Deadpool]
What: Doppelganger Challenge
Where: The Mojoverse
When: Tuesday, Sept 11
Rating: PG-13/R for violence and language

It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy... )

Sep. 10th, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen & Roy Harper
Where: Roy's Apartment
When: Sept. 10th. Before Dawn
What: Chesh is having a crisis.
Rating: PG

Jade wasn't sure what was happening. )

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen & Pamela Isley
Where: Arkham Asylum
When: Aug 21st, Night
What: Breaking Ivy out of Arkham, because she can.
Rating: TBD

Arkham wasn't what Jade would refer to as a vacation hot spot. )

Aug. 11th, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen & Roy Harper
Where: The Golden Triangle
When: long long ago, still figuring this out. >_>
What: Roy & Jade meet for the first time.
Rating: TBD

He'd come to her. )

Jul. 16th, 2012


Who: Jade Nguyen & Roy Harper
Where: Roy's Apartment
When: July 17; 1 AM
What: Cheshire drops off a gift for her favorite person.
Rating: PG-13

she wasn't sure if she felt like dealing with it )

Jun. 7th, 2012


Who: Nightwing and Cheshire
When: June 1, 2012 - Night (Backdated)
Where: Cheshire's apartment
What: After receiving the text from Roy regarding Cheshire's recent reappearance, Dick decides to investigate her apartment.
Rating: PG-13?

Dick had to be certain she was telling the truth. )

Jun. 6th, 2012


Who: Dinah Lance, Jade Nguyen
What: Dinah goes to check out Jade's apothecary and to make sure she's above board. And isn't falling back into old, bad habits.
Where: Hatter & Hare's, NYC
When: Monday, May 4 [Backdated]
Rating: R for safety sake. May be language-- and glaring.

Let's try to be civil. )

May. 30th, 2012


Who: Deadpool & Those invited [Black Cat; Harley Quinn; Mr. Zsasz; The Riddler; Scarecrow; Kristoff von Doom; Cheshire; Gambit; Loki; Mephisto; Domino; Deathstroke]
NPC's: Any other villains? Might be fun to have The Trickster roaming around. XD. Oh and Ratbag.. because I love him.
Where: Bludhaven, NJ - Near the docks.
When: June, 2nd
What: Deadpool decided to have a BBQ this Saturday. Coincidentally it will take place during the Loki/Avengers fight so the group can watch the news coverage and Riff the eff out of it.
Rating: PG-13? Possibly R? I mean, there are some messed up cats showing up. Let's just slap it with a Z for Zany.
Notes: After writing all of this out I have determined that should I ever wear the lottery.. I'm throwing a party exactly like this. Everyone is invited. XD

However, the three dozen fire hazards.. )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Who: Cheshire
Where: An undisclosed location in New York City.
When: Evening time.
What: A job.
Rating: High. Contains violence and death. Read at your own risk.
Notes: Meant to be a narrative, but if someone really wants in, just let me know.
Cheshire wasn't one to pass up on a decent paycheck. )