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Jun. 9th, 2013


Who: Guy and Tora
Where: Warriors
When: 6/9 - early evening
What: Tora's having a bad few days and goes to see her boyfriend.
Rating: PG-13

It had been incredibly tough to pull herself away from the paperwork and the field work that was mounting hourly )

May. 12th, 2013


Who: Tora and Guy
Where: The Apartment Building
When: 5/13 (forward dated)
What: Tora has a bad day at work and looks for comfort from her boyfriend.
Rating: PG-13

With decisive steps, she turned towards the door farther down and knocked, hoping that Guy was home. )

Apr. 29th, 2013


Who: Guy Gardner & Open
Where: Warriors
When: April 29, 2013
What: Guy is working at the bar and doing his bartender thing.
Rating: SFW

The best thing about running your own business was that you were your own boss. )

Mar. 14th, 2013


Who: Guy Gardner & Tora Olafsdotter
Where: Tora's Apartment!
When: March 14, 2013!
What: Guy comes to see Tora, but she is understandably angry at him.
Rating: Low

I'm back! )


Who: Guy Gardner
NPCs: Mace Gardner, Peggy Gardner, Roland Gardner, & various others
Where: Balitmore, Maryland
When: 1995 — 2005
What: The life and times of the Gardner family. As told through vignettes.
Rating: R, for violence, cursing, etc.

You don’t know nothing about me or what I’m doing. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Who: Director Hill (+OPEN to SHIELD, Avengers, F4, NY heroes...and anyone else who wants to play Whack-A-Mole)
When: 3/6
Where: Streets of New York
What: Invasion of the...mole people?
Rating: High-ish for possible language
Notes: Subthreads and random teamups welcome!
It was bound to happen sooner or later )

Nov. 20th, 2012


Who: Jennie-Lynn Hayden, Guy Gardner and open to anyone with character who likes to drink!
NPC: Random barflies, etc.
When: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - evening [forward-dated one day]
Where: Warriors, Guy's Bar, NYC
What: THE BIGGEST BAR NIGHT OF THE YEAR! Come out and drink! Sub-thread it up, yo.
Rating: Medium?

If ever there was a time to be thankful for family and friends, now was it. )

Oct. 12th, 2012


To: Master Bart Allen, Dr. Bruce Banner, Ms. Barda, Miss Kate Bishop, Miss Stephanie Brown, Ms. Jessie Chambers, Miss Mia Dearden, Mr. Tim Drake, Mr. Scott Free, Mr. Guy Gardner, Ms. Barbara Gordon, Mr. Dick Grayson, Mr. Roy Harper, Deputy Director Maria Hill, Ms. Maxine Hunkel, Mr. Hal Jordan, Mr. Clark Kent, Master Conner Kent, Miss Kara Kent, Mr. Ted Kord, Ms. Koriand'r, Ms. Selina Kyle, Mrs. Lois Lane-Kent, Ms. Dinah Lance, Mr. Lex Luthor, Mr. Matt Murdock, Ms. Linda Park, Ms. Pepper Potts, Mr. Oliver Queen, Master Doug Ramsey, Ms. Raven, Lt. Colonel James Rhodes, Dr. Reed Richards, Dr. Sue Richards, Captain Steve Rogers, Agent Natalia Romanova, Mr. Vic Sage, Mr. Tony Stark, Mr. John Stewart, Mr. Johnny Storm, His Majesty King T'Challa of Wakanda, Dr. Kristoff Vernard, Miss Cassandra Wayne.

From: Mr. Bruce Wayne and Master Damian Wayne
Date: October the first, 2012 (backdated)
Subject: You Are Cordially Invited...

((*Note: Invites were made to people Bruce and family knew, or who might be in that society scene, BUT if you feel I've left a character off the list, or would like to be added, please ask me. :) Chances are I somehow missed you.))

To a Halloween Masquerade Ball )

Sep. 27th, 2012


Who: Tora and Guy
Where: Brooklyn, NY
When: 9/27 - evening
What: Tora comes home to a surprise!
Rating: Worksafe

Tora trudged up the steps to her walk-up. )

Sep. 25th, 2012


Who: Guy Gardner & Open to Ted Kord, Michael Jon Carter, Tora Olafsdotter, Bea da Costa & Jennie-Lynn Hayden
When: Sept. 24th, 2012
Where: Guy's New Apartment!
What: Guy is moving in. Well, there goes the neighborhood.
Rating: R? Language, children, language!

He didn't think his new landlord had called his old one. Or maybe he did and Guy's generous offer of a few free drinks every now and then was incentive enough not to care. )

Sep. 20th, 2012


Who: Hal Jordan, Dinah Lance, Open to anyone who received Dinah's text
What: Hal's Surprise Birthday Party-- Surprise!
Where: Avengers' Mansion, New York, NY
When: Thursday, September 20th: 5:30 pm
Rating: PG-13... maybe R. There will be booze.
Note: This is a 'Come As You Are' party-- I.E. wear your super costume if you have a Secret I.D.


Sep. 13th, 2012


Who: Guy Gardner & Jennie-Lynn Hayden
What: Guy tries to cheer Jennie up. By stealing a car and going joy-riding.
Where: New York City, NY
When: Sept. 13th, 2012
Rating: R, because teenage Guy possibly curses more than adult Guy

Whoa, you're white. Cool. )

Sep. 12th, 2012


Who: Team Ginger [Roy Harper, Pepper Potts, Guy Gardner, Barbara Gordon, Matt Murdock, Mikaal Tomas]
Where: The Mojoverse
When: Wednesday, September 12
What: Summer Blockbuster Challenge
Rating: R?


Sep. 9th, 2012


Who: Team JLI [Scott Free, Big Barda, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Ice, Fire, Guy Gardner]
When: Sunday, September 9th
Where: The Mojoverse
What: Disney Princess Challenge
Rating: PG-13 for language

Once Upon A Time... )


Who: Team Bad-With-Girls [Ted Kord, Guy Gardner, Bobby Drake]
What: Holiday Horror Challenge-- Valentine's Edition!
Where: The Mojoverse
When: Sunday, September 9th
Rating: Guy is a teenager, use your best judgement.

Cupid, that promiscuous pixie, is on the loose again! )

Aug. 25th, 2012


Who: Bea da Costa and Guy Gardner
NPCs: Bar goers
When: August 25, 2012
Where: Warriors
What: The start of something wonderful.
Rating: Filthy mouth syndrome?

Homeless you say? )

Aug. 12th, 2012


Who: Tora and Open
Where: The Carrier
When: 8/10 (backdated)
What: Tora gets homesick.
Rating: PG

She felt a momentary ache in her chest as she wondered how everyone was doing and what had transpired in all the time she'd been gone.  )

Jul. 20th, 2012


Who: Bludhaven - Black Widow, Apollo, Midnighter, Mockingbird, Nightwing + misc.
Gotham - Batman, Bat Family, BoP, Catwoman, Cypher, Spider-Man, + misc.
Metropolis - Captain America, Hal Jordan, Booster Gold, Cyclone, Flash Family, Green Arrow, Miss Martian, Ms. Marvel, Super Family, Tigra + misc.
New York - Agent Coulson, Iron Man, Agent Hill, Arsenal, Blue Beetle, Daredevil, Guy Gardner, Hawkeye, Hulk, Jade, Kyle Rayner, Rogue, Obsidian, Jesse Quick, Speedy, Teen Titans, + misc.
Westchester X-Men.
Anywhere Else - Misc.
When: July 20-21 (ish), 2012
Where: Everywhere
What: The final battle ensues.

Something was happening. )

Jul. 7th, 2012


Who: Frost Giants + OTA for reactions
When: July 7, 2012
Where: The World
What: Frost Giants appear around the world, bringing with them a highly unseasonable winter. Plus, you know. Frost Giants.
Rating: Eh. Whatever.

Winter is here. )


Who: Tora Olafsdotter + OT Bea and Guy
NPCs: Frost Giants!
When: 7/7/12
Where: Norway
What: Tora plays her part in releasing winter upon the earth.
Rating: PG

Our Midgardian heir... )

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