August 2017




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Aug. 3rd, 2017


Who: Bucky Barnes & L.L. Houston.
When: Friday, August 4th, 2017 thru Sunday, August 6th, 2017.
Where: Paris, France.
What: Bucky takes L.L. for a weekend in Paris for her birthday.
Rating: Low, likely.

How would you like to be down by the Seine with me? Oh, what I'd give for a moment or two under the bridges of Paris with you. )

Jul. 10th, 2017


Who: Bucky and L.L.
What: Bucky's taking L.L. out to get some motorcycle riding clothes with the promise of a date if it's under two hours
Where: Random shops then Bucky's place
When: July 10
Status: In Progress

Like I said, an under two hour shopping trip we go on a date )

Jul. 3rd, 2017


Who: Bucky and L.L.
When: July 3rd, 2017; late afternoon.
Where: L.L.'s new apartment, NYC.
What: It's moving day! Bucky helps L.L. move into her new apartment. Confessions are made and relationships change.
Rating: Low.

Moving day! )

May. 27th, 2017


Who: Natasha, Bucky, L.L., James
What: Natasha takes James to Bucky for safekeeping and deprogramming.
Where: Bucky's safe house
When: Shortly after this
Rating: Medium at least.

He's not the James you know L.L. )

May. 22nd, 2017


Who: L.L. and Bucky.
Where: One of Bucky's safe houses; New Jersey.
When: May 15th, 2017 (backdated).
What: L.L. and Bucky are forced to lay low in Jersey after HYDRA found their last location. They try to make the best out of a shitty situation while continuing the search for James and Loki.
Rating: Low. Just a little fluff within a super heavy plot.

It had been a little over a week since L.L. and Bucky's run-in with HYDRA and their move from the safe house in New York to one in New Jersey. )

May. 10th, 2017


Who: L.L. Houston, Bucky Barnes and NPC Olivia.
Where: One of Bucky's safe houses, then streets of New York City.
When: Evening, May 7th. About 24 hours after James' kidnapping. (backdated)
What: Even those in hiding need groceries and Olivia is going to take this opportunity to get rid of the recently revealed mage.
Rating: R. Trigger warning: extreme violence and torture.

Sorry, dear. It's not personal. )

May. 1st, 2017


Who: James, L.L. and Bucky
What: James is captured by HYDRA
Where: Streets of NYC
When: Forward dated to May 6.

There is no escape boy )

Apr. 21st, 2017


Who: James and Natasha
What: Natasha comes to speak to James about watching James Jr.
Where: James' safe house in NYC
When: April 21

Got a favor to ask... )

Mar. 8th, 2017


Who: Stephen Strange, Dormammu
When: 3/1 (and ALL times!)
Where: Skies of New York (and EVERYWHERE)
What: An epic battle between the Sorcerer Supreme and the Dread Lord leads to unintended consequences involving time and space. But mostly time.
Notes: This officially throws open the timeline for shenanigans, if you so desire. Make your own threads to keep the timeline settings distinct!
That was probably bad )

Jan. 22nd, 2017


Who: Talia al Ghul, Batman, Nyssa Raatko, her second + NPCs
What: Talia and Nyssa settle the score
Where: Caverns beneath Gotham City
When: January 22nd, 2017

Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher. Summon all the courage you require, then count! )

Dec. 15th, 2016


Who: Nyssa, a disguised Bucky
What: Nyssa's not happy with how the war with her sister is going and gets impressed by a disguised Bucky
Where: Nanda Parbat
When: Dec. 15

This is unacceptable! )

Sep. 9th, 2016


Who: Bucky, Natasha, Steve
What: Steve and Nat go to get their Bucky back
Where: Oslo, Norway
When: September 9
Status: In Progress
Rating: Medium

Give me back my Bucky!! )

Aug. 8th, 2016


Who: Winter Soldier
NPCs: Department X/Red Room officials
What: The Winter Soldier is back.
Where: Russia
When: Aug. 8
Rating: On the high side for violence

You belong to us Soldier. )

Jul. 27th, 2016


Who: James B
NPCs: Department X/KGB agents
What: James stayed in one place for too long and got found. Oops.
Where: Streets/Shady areas of Bucharest
When: July 27, evening

The silent night hides everything/He sneaks up behind you,/And he is going to get you./He walks.../He is coming.../Closer.../Tili Tili Bom/Do you hear someone nearby?/Lurking around the corner,/Piercing with his gaze. )

Jul. 3rd, 2016


WHO: Everyone (Zinda sent out invites but really you think she's going to toss anyone who shows up?)
WHAT: Fourth of July celebration
WHEN: July 4

Fourth of July Shenanigans. )

Apr. 6th, 2016


Who: Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton & Bucky Barnes
When: April 10th, 2016 (forward-dated)
Where: Jac's NYC Apartment
What: Jac spends her birthday moving into her new apartment and gets a surprise visit from an old friend.
Rating: Low

Moving Day )

Mar. 25th, 2016


Who: Everyone/Anyone
What: BBQ fundraiser for PPL
When: Saturday
Where: The park
Notes: So just pretend you got your invites weeks ago, and this event is open to the public as well. So come out, there's food and play space for kids. You can make up whatever stuff you want. Businesses and restaurants donated stuff too so YAY?

These were the events they were going to throw from now on. )

Mar. 6th, 2016


Who: Captain America, open to WWII vets
When: 1944
Where: European Allies base
What: Several high-profile operatives are brought together for a covert strike against Hydra, and are given an afternoon and night to unwind before mission.
Rating: Lowish, but you know, war and Bucky's mouth...

Dismissed. We'll see you at 0500. )

Mar. 1st, 2016


Who: James and Talia
What: James drops in on an old Hand hideout to talk to Talia
Where: NYC
When: March 1
Rating: Medium at least, will update if needed

Your organization has me intrigued )

Feb. 26th, 2016


Who: Bucky, NPC! Hand ninjas
What: Bucky gets approached for recruitment
Where: NYC
When: Feb 26
Rating: On the high side for violence/fighting

Recruitment Drive )

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