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Jun. 9th, 2013


Who: Rose Wilson and Jubilation Lee
Where: Rose's sweet NYC pad
When: June 6, 2013
What: Jubilee invites herself over for a slumber party. Rose is not having any of that.
Rating: PG-13 ... Just to be safe :)

Is that pink? LOL. No. )

May. 29th, 2013


Who: Professor Xavier & Jubilee
When: May 12, 2013 {Backdated}
Where: X-Mansion
What: Charles and Jubes have a talk about turtles, registration, and Emma Frost.
Rating: Low

She'd asked herself what would Wolvie do, and the answer wasn't satisfying. )

May. 17th, 2013


Who: Rose Wilson, Jubilation Lee, Loki Laufeyson (NPC: Eira)
Where: Rose's apartment
When: May 9 (backdated!)
What: Jubilee wants a babysitter for her turtle. Rose already has her hands full.
Rating: PG-13 for language, drug reference
I swore last night I'd give up drinking, such a lie what was I thinking... )

May. 4th, 2013


Who: Emma Frost (open to reactions)
What: Publicly coming out as a mutant who is against the Registration Act. Please note: No mention of Wanda or the attack will come up, even in the questions.
When: Saturday, May 4, midday
Where: NYC

I'm coming out. )

May. 3rd, 2013


Who: Open! Any and all people involved/attending the protest, Reactions welcome
What: An anti-MHMRA protest in Times Square
When: 3:30 PM, Friday, May 3, 2013 (1 hour into the protest)
Where: Times Square, NY, NY
Why: People really aren’t too happy about this…

What do we want?! When do we want it?! )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


Who: Rose Wilson and Jubilation Lee
Where: Chinatown, NYC
When: Evening, April 22
What: Rose wants comfort food just like her mom used to make it. She runs into a firecracker.
Rating: PG-13, language, etc.
No, no turtles for me, thanks )


When the Fizzle Goes Out of the Firecracker

Who: Bobby Drake and Jubilation Lee
What: Jubilee ditches his tutoring session, so Bobby goes to find her.
Where: Xavier's School, Westchester, NY
When: Monday, April 22nd, afternoon
Rating: PG

But today, she seemed a thousand miles away. )

Dec. 16th, 2012


Who: Laura Kinney
Where: Gotham city
When: December 16th
What: News picks up the story of a string of murders.
Rating: PG-13? Mentions of violence.


Oct. 6th, 2012


A Second [Rhymes with Gate]

Who: Peter and Jubilee
Where: Gotham Matinee
When: Saturday, October 6
What: Peter and Jubilee go see a second movie on a visit she assures him is not a date (but it is!).
Rating: PG

Peter was a fly in her web. )

Sep. 25th, 2012


Doing the Math

Who: Jubilation Lee, Peter Parker
NPCs: Aunt Hope
Where: Jubilee's new home two floors up from Peter's.
When: September 25, after supper.
What: Okay, so, like, Jubilee was pulled out of the Xavier school by her over-protective aunt? And she's like a total control freak, okay, so, now she's going to a normal school, and like, totally sucks at math, so her Aunt Hope and Aunt May are friends in the same building probably from some stupid bingo night or something, and they totally talk about their niece and nephew way too much, and so, like, Aunt May said Peter was good at math, and next thing you know to prevent Jubilee from getting bad grades she totally has to deal with this wallflower who clearly has no life and nothing better to do cuz he's a tutor and he shows up and well, there you go.
Rating: PG prolly, these kids don't tend to curse.

Solve for: Y-me?! )

Sep. 19th, 2012


Who: Logan and Jubilee
When: 9/19
Where: The Mansion
What: After getting this, Logan goes and comforts his biggest pint-sized fan.
He wasn't good with crying women. Girls. Teenagers. )

Sep. 3rd, 2012


My Fairlady

Who: Bobby Drake, Jubilation Lee, and Ororo Monroe
NPCs: The people in Ororo's neighborhood. The people that she meets each day.
Where: Blüdhaven, NJ
When: September 3, 2012. In other words, Labor Day.
What: Bobby brings Jubilee with him on a car trip to the Haven of Blüd and Umlauts to visit Ororo. Assuming he isn't driven into a murderous frenzy before he gets there.
Rating: PG

No, Jubilee, we're not there yet. )

Aug. 4th, 2012


Who: Logan and Jubilee
Where: Xavier Mansion, Logan's History Classroom
When: Friday August 3rd (backdate)
What: Logan needs more Jubilee in his life. REALLY!
Rating: PG-13 if Logan starts swearing. Otherwise, low.
Fight Frost Giants, do lesson plans. One of these sucks )

Jul. 24th, 2012


Who: Heroes + Pepper + SHIELD
Where: 590 5th Ave. at E. 70th St., New York City
When: July 24, 2012 Afternoon - ?
What: 'We Survived' Heroes party
Rating: PG-13 (for who know what reason)

Anything but low-key would have been gauche. )

Jul. 7th, 2012


Who: Frost Giants + OTA for reactions
When: July 7, 2012
Where: The World
What: Frost Giants appear around the world, bringing with them a highly unseasonable winter. Plus, you know. Frost Giants.
Rating: Eh. Whatever.

Winter is here. )

Jun. 28th, 2012


Who: Jubilee, Iceman, Wolverine and OT all Westchester Folk!
NPCs: X-Students
Where: The outdoor swimming pool on campus.
When: Thursday Afternoon, June 28
What: Jubilee and Bobby create a special unauthorized party for the kids to celebrate the arrival of summer!
Rating: PG-13, there may be fights

ice skates and swim suits! )