August 2017




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Jul. 3rd, 2017


Who: The Wayne family and any and all friends and acquaintances.
When: Tuesday, July 4th (forward dated)
Where: Wayne Manor, Gotham
What: A very patriotic Independence Day celebration

The weather was perfect. )

May. 1st, 2017


Who: Bruce, Tim, npc Sam, open to other Wayne Manor folk
When: May 1st
Where: Wayne Manor
What: Tim's looking for instructions and guidance. Of course he's going to Bruce.
Rating: Low

Talk? )

Mar. 31st, 2017


Who: Clark & Bruce
When: Shortly after Clark's last text with Conner
What: Phone call
Rating: Low

Unhappy Phone Call )

Mar. 17th, 2017


Who: Tim and Bruce and npc Lynn Xue
Where: Shanghai, China
When: Years into the future
What: Tim needs some rescue, and there's only one person who can really help now. It says something when Grandpa is willing to fly to China to do so.
Rating: Low

She won't sleep. I don't know why. )

Jan. 26th, 2017


Who: Bruce Wayne, Dinah Wayne + Open (later)
NPCs: Alfred and introducing Samuel Wayne
What: It's that time. Dinah goes into labor, there's a kerfluffle, Sam is born and people get to visit.
Where: Stately Wayne Manor & Gotham Memorial Hospital
When: Friday, January 27th, early early morning & evening
Rating: PG-13. There's not going to be anything graphic, I promise.

Look at my son! Pride is not the word I'm looking for. )

Jan. 22nd, 2017


Who: Talia al Ghul, Batman, Nyssa Raatko, her second + NPCs
What: Talia and Nyssa settle the score
Where: Caverns beneath Gotham City
When: January 22nd, 2017

Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher. Summon all the courage you require, then count! )

Jan. 21st, 2017


Who: Jason, Tim, +OPEN to threads from those who know about his safehouse
When: 1/16
Where: His Crime Alley safehouse
What: Jason needs drugs, and Tim is a dealer. Except by "drugs", he means the hard antibiotics.
Moving is hard )

Jan. 7th, 2017


Who: Bruce and Dinah
When: 1/7/16
Where: Wayne Manor
What: As the due date draws near, the expectant parents try to relax. Try.

Calgon - take me away! )

Dec. 1st, 2016


Who: Everyone who was invited!
What: Baby shower.
Where: Wayne Manor
When: Saturday afternoon December 3
Notes: Feel free to put up any threads anywhere!

Baby Shower! )

Nov. 17th, 2016


Who: Dinah + Open to Manor Residents, Batboys, and Arrow Fam
What: Thanksgiving is about as close as it's going to come to a "get everyone together" holiday, so while they're all together, Dinah puts them to work painting the nursery.
Where: Wayne Manor
When: Saturday, Nov. 26th
Rating: PG

Post-Thanksgiving Family activities )

Nov. 4th, 2016


Who: Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul
What: Talia gives Bruce an update on Luthor's progress
Where: The Batcave, Wayne Manor
When: November 1st
Rating: PG, possibly PG 13

The Day of the Innocents )

Nov. 2nd, 2016


Who: Open to party guests
When: 10/31/16 - Halloween!
Where: Stately Wayne Manor
What: The Annual Wayne Charity Halloween Ball

Let's do the Monster Mash! )

Oct. 14th, 2016


Who: Kal & Talia (and canine guest NPC)
When: Friday, October 14th, 2016
Where: (Location Classified)
What: Meeting
Rating: Low

Information Exchanged )

Sep. 3rd, 2016


Who: Superman and OPEN! To any Batcave dwelling people
When: Backdated, Friday early evening, September 2nd, 2016
Where: Batcave, Gotham City
What: Sweets delivery (as promised)
Rating: LoW

Wafting scent of homemade baked goods )

Aug. 24th, 2016


Who: Bruce and Talia
Where: Chez Joey, Metropolis
When: Sunday, August 21, 2016
What: Parents' Conference

The future will be the child of the past and the present, even if a rebellious child. - George Crumb )

Aug. 20th, 2016


Who: Bruce & Dinah
What: Bruce and Dinah find out some important news, and go for a burrito date afterwards which is interrupted by the dreaded press
Where: Gotham City, NJ
When: Tuesday, Aug 16th [backdated]
Rating: PG

Congratulations! It's a... )

Aug. 16th, 2016


Who: Bruce, open to reaction from Jason
Where: Jason's place
When: August 16th, 2016
What: Bruce drops something off

He didn't forget. )

Aug. 14th, 2016


Who: Loki and Damian, open to Wayne Manor residents/visitors
Where: Wayne Manor
When: August 14th, afternoon
What: Loki is bringing Damian home and crashes on the poor guy. Because when your friend is wealthy and your legs are wobbly, it’s the thing to do.
Rating: PGish

It’s like making you enjoy kiddie birthday parties and romcoms. )

Aug. 6th, 2016


Who: Jason and Bruce
When: 8/6
Where: Jason's safehouse, Park Row, Gotham
What: Bruce has news. Too bad Jason's somehow managed to already hear it.
Rating: Low except for swearing
Family communication is evidently not a strong point with any of us )

Aug. 4th, 2016


Who: Bruce, Dinah, Tony, Pepper
Where: Wayne Manor, Gotham City, NJ
When: August 4th, 2016
What: Bruce and Dinah have news

Some day, some day, you will blow us all away... )

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