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April 22nd, 2013

[info]iron_fist in [info]newalliance

Who: Danny Rand and Dinah Lance
Where: Gotham Tower Apartments, Gotham
When: April 17th, 2013. Very early. (Backdated)
What: Danny and Dinah after her party.
Rating: NSFW

I still have to give you my gift. )

[info]noir_canary in [info]newalliance

Who: Dinah Lance, Danny Rand
NPCs: School of Thunder Students
What: Turnabout is fair play- Dinah surprises Danny on his birthday.
Where: The School of Thunder, NYC
When: Monday, April 22nd, evening
Rating: PG

Happy Birthday, Sensei! )

[info]bobsicle in [info]newalliance

When the Fizzle Goes Out of the Firecracker

Who: Bobby Drake and Jubilation Lee
What: Jubilee ditches his tutoring session, so Bobby goes to find her.
Where: Xavier's School, Westchester, NY
When: Monday, April 22nd, afternoon
Rating: PG

But today, she seemed a thousand miles away. )

[info]goblinesque in [info]newalliance

Who: The Osborns (Norman and Harry)
Where: The Osborn Residence (NYC)
When: [Backdated] to April 15th [ after Norman's time magazine cover is revealed to the world.]
What: Harry's dad is on the cover of Time - that's pretty cool right?
Rating: G

there had been his dads face staring out at him from the cover of a magazine. )

[info]herownway in [info]newalliance

Who: Cissie King-Jones and Emma Frost
What: Discussions of protests and politics
When: Monday, April 22 2013, Just before 3:00
Where: Emma's office, Hawthorne Academy
Why: Trying to get a staff member to help with this project.

Hey Ms. Frost, do you have a minute? )

[info]agentpcoulson in [info]newalliance

Who: Maria Hill & Phil Coulson
When: Monday night, April 22, 2013
Where: Phil's Apartment, NYC
What: Dinner and making good on a bet
Rating: PG-13ish

Yes, he was wearing an apron )

[info]whatever_bitch in [info]newalliance

Who: Rose Wilson and Jubilation Lee
Where: Chinatown, NYC
When: Evening, April 22
What: Rose wants comfort food just like her mom used to make it. She runs into a firecracker.
Rating: PG-13, language, etc.
No, no turtles for me, thanks )

[info]trampled_webs in [info]newalliance

Who: Peter/Spider-Man and Kara/Supergirl
Where: Empire State University
When: 4/22/2013
What: Campus visit turns into work. ARGH.
Status: Ongoing
Rating: Uh... lowish? Maybe some punching in the faces.

God damn Mondays! )

[info]zen_archer in [info]newalliance

Who: Cissie King-Jones and Connor Hawke
Where: New York streets
When: Monday, April 22 2013, past sunset.
What: Green Arrow II meets Arrowette.
Rating: PG-13

One more thing before I graduate; Never let your fear decide your fate. )