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Sep. 7th, 2020


Here is Aristaeus! He is the son of Apollo and the soon to be back Cyrene!


Aug. 24th, 2020


Ali make me a meeeeme! :D )
Tags: ,

Aug. 22nd, 2020


This is Theo! She is the daughter of Erato, but was raised by Calliope and blessed by her as a baby (since Calliope does that shit with babies.) She moving back to NYC because her marriage has collapsed and she's kindly letting the wife keep the city/the friends/the band. Very darn generous, Theo thinks.

She will be opening a cake shop eventually, but currently is going to be an unemployed lump on her mother's couch.

A lot of the Greek gods will know her, because she spent her childhood trying to be the centre of attention in every single room. Hey, she follows after her bio mum in that regard.

Aug. 21st, 2020


Hiiiiii this is Rhiannon Llewellyn

I don't know if she'll stick, it depends on what happennnsssssssss but she's the aunty of Addy and Iestyn!

Aug. 19th, 2020


I've started writing up some drabbles too, after Ness sent me a few prompts from Circe's master list.

I'm not going to post the master list right now because that sounds like a nightmare, but feel free to grab any from there and throw them at me!

Warnings for death and violence so far.

I don't know why we break so hard )


I'm doing a prompt thing too! I narrowed down the massive prompt list to about half (because over 500 is just too many for my brain), which is


So comment below with numbers and pairings and I'll post the fic in this post when I have some =D INSPIRE ME!

(Player Contact List, there's my chars at the bottom there if you need it =D)

Prompt fic yay )

Aug. 10th, 2020



This is Erato, BIO, muse of love (and everything romantic that entails WINK WINK)

I think she is v close with Eros (when he re-awakens) and one dubious source I found said she carried his arrows for him, like they just hung out together hitting people with fantastic love poems and arrows and making them fall in love, what a time

She likes Aphrodite too I think, and also is very fond of Peitho, and wishes they could get their silly quarreling over with, because love, you guys

She lives in NYC, just has been out of town for a bit on a book tour. HMU with backstory and/or plot ideas!

Aug. 7th, 2020


I spent tonight being productive with text post memes instead of, like, plotting.

It's really uneven as to whose characters show up - sorry! I'll try keep an eye out for more that represent a more even spread but sometimes the posts just speak to you...

Incoming shitposts, in alphabetical order! )

Aug. 5th, 2020


/end post

Aug. 4th, 2020


circe drops

Announcing some character drops, but since I never play any of them they're not really going to effect anyone. But figured I should let you know. Anyway, I'm dropping Paimon, Brigit, Mona Kearney and Euterpe. (but totally keeping the UK version of Euterpe, shhhhh.)

I will edit the cast pages in the next couple days because there are a LOT to add by now. I've been slack. (Again if you have any on there that needs editing/any drops you've made let me know and I'll do those at the same time)

Jul. 30th, 2020


Hi hi! Sen here! Officially posting my two new chars:

Calliope, [info]firstofnine muse of epic poetry
Big sister, wise and thoughtful, doesn't take any shit from anyone but is not arrogant like the other gods can be


Tinsel Gloria Claus, [info]tinseltangled daughter of Santa Claus and sister to Henry (and maybe others? who knoooowwwwssss)
Works hard, plays hard, goes hard on the Christmas cheer, although currently recovering from a broken heart and simultaneously trying to prove herself worthy of taking over big positions in the Santa Conglomerate

So yeah! Gimme ideas! =D

Jul. 28th, 2020


Aaaand I now also have Asterion the Minotaur!

I'mma have him work at Diogenes club. Throw me plotttssssss


Hey guys! Here's Ariadne!

She's definitely friendly with most of the gods and other immortals, but she hasn't been around for a few years as she's been putting her head down and studying at the University of Maryland. But now she's got a placement at a therapists office in Brooklyn so she'll start being around again, once she runs into people...

Jul. 27th, 2020


*peeks around the corner*

Well hello all. It's been...a while. I'll spare you the details, suffice it to say my desire to write anything whatsoever at all completely dried up and I hid under my rock. I'm working on pruning my list to a healthy amount that I can reasonably handle, and hopefully that'll help. I can't promise I'll be fantastic out of the gate, but I can promise I will do my best. And I'm sorry. It wasn't fair to any of you.

While I'm here, this gal is Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, wife of Hades, etc., etc. She needs all the connections, although right now she's much closer to Kore than the Iron Queen. Give it a month, though, she'll start to shift. That'll be fun.




Late night perusing had me finding this gem of a character I dropped ages ago. He's Henry Claus,the 25 year old son of Santa!

I needed to bring him back, he sounds fun! everyone, play with Santa's son! I'm up for backstory or him meeting new friends! ANd if anyone wanted to make anyone in his family too, that'd be awesommmeeeeeeee

Jul. 26th, 2020


Will/Luna Playlist

Man, I miss 8tracks. 8tracks was such a better was to organize fanmixes than youtube, but needs must. (I tried to pick videos that had lyrics on them, either below on as lyric videos but some have none. If you want lyrics then, like, google, you lazy sods.)

All These Things We Can't Undo )

Jul. 22nd, 2020


HI FRIENDS. Have an Uzume.

She's the Shinto goddess of dawn, mirth, meditation, revelry, entertainers and the arts, aka one hell of a good time. She is best known for saving the world from eternal night by convincing the temperamental sun goddess to come out of hiding with a strip tease. She's innovative like that! Right now she owns a dance studio in Brooklyn and she's big into body positivity, encouraging students to connect with and find joy in their own bodies.

Jul. 8th, 2020


Lord of the Dead


He owns a Bronx funeral home that has been around since 1920s and originally served only the black community. (Because I watched a SUPER fascinating doco bit about the black funeral homes in that era and have become desperate for the idea of a TV show set around that, but since I cannot have that I will just steal it tangentially here.) As far as mortals are concerned the family has been owned by the same 'family' since then, but it's really just Anubis (and his daughter when she feels like being there!)

Anubis doesn't mind that he's worked the same job in the same place for so long, because he's a very settled kind of person. He likes predictability, and ritual, and everything being in its place. His funeral home is very well maintained, as are his nice suits.

Say heeeeeey death friends!

(I need to upload more icons but... men are so boring. All short hair and looking the same!)

edit: not the doco, but an interesting article about black funeral history/modern black funerals in america. You don't actually need to read this, BUT HISTORY IS COOL.


Just had to save this somewhere for posterity. Felt very important. Very very funny.


Jul. 1st, 2020


Boujour! Circe bringing in two old ones* who are trying to speak through me again.

(*old ones and not Old Ones. If they start speaking through me we're fucked.)

First up is Cassandra, doomed prophetess of Troy who is half the time absolutely bonkers and half the time a scared teenage girl who need to be treated with care. Either way she's usually confusing to have a conversation with. Her curse still holds true mostly, although it's effect on immortals isn't as strong. But generally if she tells you doom is coming, even if she's obvious, you'll suddenly not believe it.

Secondly, I have the mortal daughter of Hermes, Erica. She's going to be the manager at Diogenes and making sure that place keeps running well. She canonically has three daughters but since one of them was played by me and I dropped her and the other two players left, if anyone wants to play one of her kids hit me up.

If you had plots with either of these guys before I dropped them, I'm cool with it all remaining. (If you had plots you want to now drop, lemme know and we can!)

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