July 27th, 2020

[info]philosophos in [info]nevermore_ooc


Late night perusing had me finding this gem of a character I dropped ages ago. He's Henry Claus,the 25 year old son of Santa!

I needed to bring him back, he sounds fun! everyone, play with Santa's son! I'm up for backstory or him meeting new friends! ANd if anyone wanted to make anyone in his family too, that'd be awesommmeeeeeeee

[info]malophoros in [info]nevermore_ooc

*peeks around the corner*

Well hello all. It's been...a while. I'll spare you the details, suffice it to say my desire to write anything whatsoever at all completely dried up and I hid under my rock. I'm working on pruning my list to a healthy amount that I can reasonably handle, and hopefully that'll help. I can't promise I'll be fantastic out of the gate, but I can promise I will do my best. And I'm sorry. It wasn't fair to any of you.

While I'm here, this gal is Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, wife of Hades, etc., etc. She needs all the connections, although right now she's much closer to Kore than the Iron Queen. Give it a month, though, she'll start to shift. That'll be fun.
