May 15th, 2020

[info]hears_every_cry in [info]nevermore_ooc

Jess again! This is Guanyin, the Chinese bodhisattva of compassion and mercy.

She's kind of a quiet radical, seems all sweet and sunny and benign until you remember that she once almost upended the order of existence by releasing all of her good karma at once into Diyu (hell), freeing so many imprisoned souls that the king of the dead brought her back to life just to prevent her from utterly destroying his realm. She gave up buddhahood in order to remain on Earth until all suffering had ended, and she's not going to rest until that happens.

She's living in Flushing Chinatown in Queens, where she works at a Chinese community centre and shares an apartment with a divine talking cockatoo who likes to get up in everybody's business.

As usual, wide open for plotting, backstory, etc!

[info]rouge_rogue in [info]nevermore_ooc

Sooo I'm finally going to intro my new characters even tho I've been using two of them for ages anyway.

This is Will Scarlet [info]rouge_rogue who I should have named rouge_rogue and it remains the biggest regret in my life to date

also Iestyn Ceredig [info]piu_fermata who is the long-lost son of St David and brother to Aderyn

and Merlin! [info]empiresanderas Mystical man of mystery, runs improv classes so he can laugh at the students and hit on the girls, and runs a comedy club by night.

Hit me up for ideas!