May 12th, 2020

[info]waxingthepoetic in [info]nevermore_ooc

I said to myself, "Circe, wait on this character overnight, just to make sure he's how you like him. You know you always think of better stuff when you leave and come back to it later. The wisdom of time is-"

But by then I'd already submitted his application.

So this here is Alan-a-Dale, bard extraordinaire of the Merry Men and Chaotic Stupid to the rest of their- well, okay, they're all a bit Chaotic Stupid in their own ways, aren't they?

Anyway, I'm saying that he's spent the last year in Charleston SC having followed a beautiful woman there originally. Then when that fizzled out after a few months, he decided to stay on for a bit. Surely you've been following his instagram? He posts lots of pictures of parties and live mini concerts from his bathroom - is has the best acoustics - and playing gigs in bars? You all watched those, right, fellas?

Anyway, shall make a post for him after I've made a cup of tea!