July 4th, 2017

[info]gre3n_eyed in [info]nevermore_ooc

Just checking in with you guys. It's been a hellish month and it looks like Friday I find out whether or not I'm still employed. I got written up for something not really my fault, but because my frame manager was on vacation, I got the blame. It looks like a warning that if I become human again and commit a human error I will be terminated. I'm not a doctor or a surgeon, nor am I building a bridge that could potentially crash and burn. Framing art (while sentimental yes), no one was hurt, art was found, crisis averted. But I'm being held accountable, and I guess someone has to take the fall---and at least I stood up for myself. So, if I've dipped off the planet for a bit it was in trying to keep things afloat. Now that the shop manager is back, I can breathe a little. I definitely need the distractions from life atm. Love you guys.


[Poseidon & Co.]