June 17th, 2017

[info]insolentia_ in [info]nevermore_ooc


Lara here! I've been helli spotty lately because of some real and true bullshit at work (which is nothing when compared to what Ren is facing, but it still gives me tons of anxiety and I think they owe me nearly 1000 dollars in backpay). I think we've got a light at the end of a tunnel here and here's hoping it's not a train. AND as always, the shower is the waterfall of inspiration. SO I am bringing in another aspect of Nerd. The fuckboy, dudebro, the new ghostbusters is an abomination and no I didn't need to see it to know, kind of nerd. I am thinking Matthew Gray Gubler or Jim Parsons for their PB unless someone has a better idea (or vote between the two because I'm stuck)

Any ideas for plots for him? He's going to show up at the Nerd household and introduce himself and basically be terrible and the fucking worst, but he woke up a year ago amidst the Ghostbusters drama so any ideas who he could have been hanging with for a year? I am open to him hanging with old characters or anyone making new ones for him to play with.

AND finally anyone want to write things?