May 26th, 2017

[info]lionhead in [info]nevermore_ooc

Hey, everyone!

I'm E, I'm brand new to the game and I am unbelievably excited to be here! Mythology is my favorite thing in the world so I feel like this is the home I've been looking for forever and now you guys are probably never going to get rid of me. Like, I'm seriously already contemplating a second character. No self control.

But for now...

I've got this guy here.

Everybody say hi to Phobos! He's an Aphrodite/Ares spawn and yes, he's basically the king of creepers. But come on, you can't really hold that against him because he's the god of fear, so being a scary dude is in his blood. He basically just goes around scaring the shit out of people and sometimes killing them (oops), or causing trouble in various ways with various results. Deimos is his number one (obviously), but he has a soft spot for all of his other siblings and for mommy and daddy, and he thinks most of the Nyx!babies are super fun and you guys should definitely come hang out with him!

I can be found at Feel free to poke at me there anytime! I'm also going to get a new aim soon because it's been forever and I have no idea what my old name was. Anyway, I look forward to playing with all of you!

[info]harperwhitley in [info]nevermore_ooc

Anyone around and fancy playing something? I can offer Aphrodite and Apate - I haven't had a chance to play with Apate yet so I'm keen to bring her out!

I'm bed-ridden and miserable with lurgy (that's what I get for subjecting myself to 60 plague monkeys five days a week, I suppose) so I'm keen to escape this world for a bit! Hit me up!