May 20th, 2017

[info]harperwhitley in [info]nevermore_ooc

Hello everybody!

I'm James, and I bring you Aphrodite!

I know there are a bunch of existing characters who may have existing lines with the previous Aphrodite, and I'm super open to talking about those. Mostly, though, I'm just looking to get to know you all and have some fun writing times!

My Aph is very independently wealthy, because over the years she's saved/reinvested a lot of the presents her many suitors give her. She runs/owns a handful of pretty successful businesses, and has another in the works right now - but that's a surprise that's yet to come!

You can get me on faithinthesound on AIM, or email There's also an ic/ooc contact post on this journal. Alternatively, depending on your proximity to Christchurch, New Zealand, we can negotiate communication via smoke signal or interpretive dance.

I'm excited about all of the plots and connections! I can't wait to get started!