March 24th, 2017

[info]sweetspring in [info]nevermore_ooc

I'm not really around at the moment cause I've got two assignments due by the 5th, but I found this awesome site that has the pronunciations of all those pesky Aztec names. Here!

(I'm sort of working on Hecate and Itzpapalotl as a break between studying so expect them in the near future...)

[info]uruisg in [info]nevermore_ooc

Hey guys! This here is Gerald, and he's a hobgoblin who lives in the Delacroix/van der Burg/Rowland house. I banged him out in about an hour for a specific plot, but that doesn't mean he couldn't meet visitors. Or...I don't know, go out wandering once he's finished his tasks and people are sleeping.

He's 3 feet tall and he can shapeshift. He loves Earl Grey tea. He also speaks Welsh. :D Plots please!