November 5th, 2016

[info]honoretvirtus in [info]nevermore_ooc

Situation Report: 11/5/16. Location: Lebanon, KS.

So...I've been telling Lara and Circe over Snapchat that I'm totally gonna go see the center of the US, you guys! Like, this weekend! And that...was over a month ago. But today, I finally went to bed at a semi-decent hour the night before, got up, and got myself on the road by 12:30. Which turned out to be fortuitous, because this place is a two hour drive from my house, and doesn't have outside lighting, as far as I can tell.

So when I got there, I scoped the place out. It's beautiful. I mean, really beautiful. You're up on a hill, looking at nothing but blue skies, farmland, and roads, for miles in every direction. It puts that 'I swear we were infinite' scene from Perks of Being A Wallflower to shame.

And of course, what use is a scouting report without pictures?! Here, have some!

This is a bad land for gods )