September 6th, 2016

[info]steady_on in [info]nevermore_ooc

As I continue in my quest to spam the friends page...

Hey all! This is Iain Blackwood, oldest brother of Lachlan and Norah. He's a recently divorced recovering alcoholic, who will cut bitches if they look at his family wrong.

Plots! Gimme plots! ♥

[info]asterismos in [info]nevermore_ooc


My life lately has been !!!!!!!!!!!! But today my partner and I got an offer for a house accepted so HOPEFULLY we'll have a new home soon. But ALSO I am leaving the country for a trip to Ireland with the fam in three days, so like I said !!!!!!!!

So replies have been thin on the ground and will be for the next few weeks. When I get home I am hoping to move into our new house and then I don't have to spend my entire weekend househunting which is FUCKING EXHAUSTING. Like I can't even. I CANNOT EVEN.

New house is a minute's walk away from the ocean. I am so fucking happy, yo. And once I settle in I can write replies from my new porch while listening to the waves in the background omggggg. I am so sorry I have been non-existent for a while. I know it's shitty but with my chronic fatigue all my energy has been open houses and small talk and forms and insurance and !!!!!! And also hey packing. And hotels. And flights. And.

Ahem. I think I have made my point. Hope to be back in form in October. WE SHOULD DO A HALLOWEEN THING. I love you guys omg. If you need mod things while I am in Ireland, be sure to email Circe!
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