September 4th, 2013

[info]better_than in [info]nevermore_ooc

GOOD MORNING NEVERMORE! I have returned!!! I actually flew in last night but the moment I got home I conked out. And I'm still con-lagged. I was surrounded by so many geeks everything reminded me of you guys! I saw a Dionysus and Poseidon costume. I was SURROUNDED by Whovians. I got a glimpse of a Greed now I totally have to put my Greed really into the con. He's gonna do this! I cried at the Red Wedding group from Game of Thrones, and wanted to strangle the Geoffrey waltzing around. So much Geekdom! I also met one of the dwarves from the Hobbit, and met Ioan Gruffudd and got an autograph (OMG I just about died but that man is still beautiful!) I have pictures I will share later, this morning I have to go to work. I miss the con already! But the net was HORRIBLE, so now I'm having RPitus. I've missed it too!! HIT ME ALL OF YOU!

[Poseidon & Co.]