September 1st, 2013

[info]sollemnis in [info]nevermore_ooc

Hey-o! To any of you playing saints, would you be interested in having your unplayed French version being in some sort of relationship last year? It would have been at least somewhat sexual, but probably had a lot to do with them wanting to help out a Lost Cause, as she is. I'm annoyed at alluding to her saint paramour vaguely in narrative and want a name, and it could be fun for her to run into the American version at some point.

(If no one is interested then I'll probably just end up saying it was Saint Sebastian, so long as a quick perusal of his wiki page won't contradict that being possible.)

ALL SORTED! So instead for this post I say, HI GUYS! Here's my list of kids, does anyone want plots/scenes?

(And Lara, I'm dropping Gabe. I've honestly lost him completely.)