March 16th, 2013

[info]kingofmacedon in [info]nevermore_ooc

Hey all! So it's like 9 a.m. and I haven't slept, and I kind of feel like crying. But while I'm awake, thought I might run a few ideas past you fine people.

1. Back in Strays, there was an idea floated around of doing a Horseman's Ball type of thing. It fell through and I was always a little disappointed. Would anyone be interested in playing out that shindig?

2. I was talking to Chelsea on Tumblr the other day, and that conversation made me realize I want an Apocalypse AU like burning. Also more zombie AU. Any takers for either of those?

3. ...I had one more, but I forgot. SO TIRED.

[info]ever_so_plucky in [info]nevermore_ooc


So I decided to make this character like a month and a half ago and I had a plot all laid out and then I forgot what it was.

But I made her anyway.


So yeah, this is Adelaide St. Pierre. She is the daughter of Europa and a very wealthy dude so she's a socialite like Serena van der Woodsen. She loves extreme sports and throwing herself out of planes. You know, with parachutes. Not just willy nilly. Anyway, she's awesome and I like her but I can't remember what to do with her so HELP ME.

She obviously knows about immortals and has a good relationship with her mother. She's also really rich and pretty bendy. FYI. She says you know you want to do it with her on a mountaintop.

Fuck, I need to upload icons for her.


[info]deadshade in [info]nevermore_ooc

ugh this is a shitty post

Hey guys. I'm really, really sorry that it's come to this, but I've lost my inspiration for posting here, and though I do love my characters and the interactions they've had, it's hard to find the motivation to keep up. This is a painful decision, and I know I'm letting some people down with it, but I think it needs to be done so I'm not sitting on characters that can be played much better.

With that, I'm taking Adonis, Apate, Belladonna, Elaine, Enyo, Jas, Kindness, Manga, Morgause, Nanna, Neoptolemus, and Sophia. I've loved playing with you kids, and tyvm for all the fun plot we've done. Much love to everyone who remains, and perhaps I shall see you in another game. ♥♥
