January 26th, 2013

[info]shamrocked_ in [info]nevermore_ooc

Well, my beauties, our lovely mod is gone for a week. And I am alone in our house, pining just a little. Seriously all three housemates went to medieval faire and I am stuck here with my Sims and our cats. It's a picture of my future though (unless Chelsea marries me), so I guess it's all good.

Moving past my lonely soul, I will be taking over most modly thingies for the next week. SO if you have anyone to add to/drop from the comms, or anything else that is a pressing issue, email me because I don't get email from the mod account and otherwise I won't know!


I promise to he helpful and like, SO pretty omg.

I'll be up for writing tomorrow too. For now I am pretty worn out by pointing out things for Circe to clean from my spot on the sofa and watching people try to shove too many things into a car.
