April 2018



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10th Mar, 2018


Who: Meaghan McCormack and Florinda McGonagall
What: Florrie is a Meaghan whisperer
When: 6 March 2000, Tuesday night
Where: The Cattery
Warnings: Naughty language from Meaghan

And you're gonna say she's right. )


I always feel a bit sorry for Wigtown. When it's a Portree-Montrose match, everyone gets excited about it, but nobody ever takes a Portree-Wigtown or a Montrose-Wigtown match that seriously. It's almost enough to make me think Banchory should come back so they can have a personal rivalry with Wigtown the way Portree and Montrose have instead of them being the third wheel of Scottish quidditch.

Feeling sorry doesn't mean I'm ready for them to beat Montrose, though. I expect a smashing victory tomorrow, Montrose!

I had a talk with Jason King earlier this week about the Montrose Uplift business. I reckon that's got to be hard for you no matter how you personally feel about it. How are you holding up?

9th Mar, 2018


Who: Meaghan McCormack, Scrimmy Scrimgeour, Florinda McGonagall
What: Possibly a bad idea, or maybe a really good one?
When: Sunday 25 February 2000
Where: The Cattery
Warnings: Pretty tame, barely even swearing!

We could put *you* in the spare room. )


Who: Ellie MacFusty & Meaghan McCormack
What: Ellie lets Meaghan know she is not going to start against Caerphilly. It goes as well as you might expect.
When: Monday after training (before the !pink announcement)
Where: Pride Clubhouse
Warnings: Language. Appropriate violence.

Meaghan fell back in her seat, blankly betrayed. )


IC/OOC: The Pride of Portree (7-1-1) versus Caerphilly Catapults (6-4-0)

The Pride of Portree (7-1-1 0.778) versus Caerphilly Catapults (6-4-0 0.600)
Play Started:2000-03-09 at Rannoch Moor
Snitch caught in : 1 hours, 35 minutes
The Pride of Portree : 430
Caerphilly Catapults : 50
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
It's always a sad day when they let us out of the stadium before happy hour... )

7th Mar, 2018


If a very tall man asks if you're familiar with me during the match on Friday, please inform him that you've never heard of any "Maighread MacDougal." I'd appreciate it if you even went so far as to insist the Pride's medic is a wizard named "Smith" and has been such for some number of years.

I'll be wearing pink to support Uplift and muggleborn witches and wizards at large. [...] I don't possess the artistic skills necessary to do enough to the tent, however, so [...] use your imagination where that's concerned.

What the fuck is your

Never do that again.
I didn't see "minding bairns" in the fucking job des
Do [...] The lads asked if you're coming round after the match.


Woke up to screaming bairns going Co-là-breith math. At least they are learning their Gaelic.

And the best gifts so far this year are...

Spell-o-Taped in

[ Private to Friends and Family ]
[ooc: If you think your character is a friend and/or family, you probably are]

Nothing too fancy, but there will be some food and cake tonight if anyone wants to drop by and say hi. No gifts necessary, please. The bairns decorated the house and the cake.

6th Mar, 2018


[Pride staff/management team]
Following our previous discussion on the wearing of Uplift pink, I'm announcing our agreement that players are permitted and even encouraged, if they are so moved, to wear pink for the Caerphilly match, but they are not required to. Also that Graham and Terry Edevane of the Catapults are talking about this as a joint exercise for the two teams.

Owen, please be ready to assist with league-approved methods of decorating brooms, uniforms, and accessories. I know this is short notice, but I have faith in you.

Anybody else who has questions or comments, let me know, and if necessary I can add to or amend my message to the team. Thanks.

[Pride +]

This is to let you all know that management and ownership are aware of the discussions in the league following on the incident at the Falmouth/Wigtown match, and further to that, the show of support for Muggleborns that has resulted during this bloc.

Mr Urquhart is speaking with Mr Edevane of the Catapults so that Portree and Caerphilly players and staff can jointly express their support by wearing pink along with their regulation uniforms. Any player or staff member who wants to wear pink will receive help in accessorising in ways that meet League regulations. You don't have to charm it on your own.

That having been said, there is no requirement to wear pink and anyone who does not feel it appropriate to wear pink for whatever reason does not have to. If you do feel it appropriate, I personally encourage you to do so. If you're not sure, please feel free to talk to me about it. I can explain my own reasons for doing so. If they're not good enough for you, or you don't feel moved, we're square. It will make no difference in how Coach MacFusty or I coach or play you.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. Please feel free to speak to me or Coach MacFusty with any questions.

[McBrides & Robertses]
Portree management is in for pink for the Caerphilly match. I just announced it to the team and we'll see how it goes. I think we'll get some support and some pushback but I'm hoping most of the players will go for it.

Congratulations to my good friend Des Parkin on assuming the headship of the Scottish Office. And congratulations to my talented wife Kirsten on taking up a position in the Office. You're worth the wait.

7th Mar, 2018


So heard the news about you getting traded to Puddlemere. You doing alright?


And hey, let me know if you ever need QUABBLE's help with anything.

Uh Hey.

Well, guess that's going to shake things up in DOMGAS a bit...

Congratulations to you though, Mr. Parkin.

5th Mar, 2018


My birthday's in like two weeks.

[Alec Urq]
Did she really say Good article.


Who: Ainsley Galbraith and Meaghan McCormack
What: Totally Not A Keeper Showdown
When: Saturday, 3 March 2000, After Practice
Where: Prides practice pitch
Warnings: Language, Internalized Anger

Rationality had obviously taken a backseat in Ainsley’s head, because she felt primed and ready to go toe-to-toe with Meaghan if it came to that. )



This week only you can register two patents for the price of one. Inquire at the front desk.

4th Mar, 2018





A yacht?


And where did that picture come from?

And why wasn't I there too?

(Posted after this magazine article is published, and he starts getting floo mail/owls.)

2nd Mar, 2018


my socks of the month have chimeras on them and i hope my pants don't catch on fire.

guess what i bought at lunch.

1st Mar, 2018


Who: Meaghan and Hamish. Also featuring Meaghan's trust issues.
What: Drinking, talking, avoiding feelings.
When: Monday night. 26 February 2000
Where: The Drunken Seer Pub in Stornoway
Warnings: Surprisingly mild language

It was times like these when Hamish wished he'd been a better student and gone on to study something useful, like Legilimency... )

27th Feb, 2018


Good News: I've been cleared by the Healers to return to the pitch.
Bad News: Due to others' injuries, hockey might be delayed. If we run out of the season of ice, I'm sure we can come up with some sort of work around. Like maybe socks on freshly waxed wood floors.

25th Feb, 2018


Late Saturday

[ Warded to Meaghan ]
Do you have Maddock's dog?

[ Warded to Tor & Luag ]
Ellie's staying at the hospital with Maddock tonight. Bad bludger hit. I'm coming by to get them some things.

I'm also tracking down the dog. Would I be able to bring him back to An Nead?

[ Ward to Owen ]
Going out! Sister emergency. Stay resting. I mean it. Love you.

24th Feb, 2018


IC/OOC: Puddlemere United (4-3-1) versus Montrose Magpies (8-0-0)

Puddlemere United (4-3-1 0.500) versus Montrose Magpies (8-0-0 1.000)
Play Started:2000-02-24 at Exmoor
Snitch caught in : 4 hours, 6 minutes
Puddlemere United : 170
Montrose Magpies : 220
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
Are they allowed to DO that? )

22nd Feb, 2018


Long-distance package for Joy Willison )

20th Feb, 2018


IC/OCC Holyhead Harpies (3-6-0) versus The Pride of Portree (6-1-1)

Holyhead Harpies (3-6-0 0.333) versus The Pride of Portree (6-1-1 0.750)
Play Started:2000-02-20 at Ellis Moor
Snitch caught in : 5 hours, 30 minutes
Holyhead Harpies : 20
The Pride of Portree : 590
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
Well, one of today's scheduled teams showed up. )

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