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30th Jan, 2018


IC/OOC: The British and Irish Quidditch League Quarterly Commissioners' Meeting: Jan 30, 2018

Because of the size of the crowd, the BIQL Commissioners' Meeting had been moved to the first floor meeting room. It was drafty, and cold, and only barely suitable, but it was large enough for everyone who wanted to see the meeting to be allowed in.

In addition to all the regulars, Fraser noted the attendance of several people he'd identified as team management from other districts.

The meeting began and Fraser let the beuraucratic niceties flow around him. The roll was taken, a quorum was present. The minutes were read and approved. The agenda was discussed and approved. The January meeting was normally quiet, because nothing much was ever done mid-season, but this one looked exciting, or it looked exciting enough to draw a crowd. In addition to the usual quidditch press, there were some international reporters present.

Whatever they did, it was going to be noticed.

OOC: BIQL is democratic! After each section/speech, feel free to ask questions.

22nd Jan, 2018


Owl to Augustus Pye


I know work has been busy this week, but I hope you've been taking some time for yourself, too. Maybe these will help.

See you soon?


[Enclosed: Selection of healthy snacks (Muggle brands)]

19th Jan, 2018


Who: Augustus Pye & Elektra Yaxley
What: Yet another checkup - this time, with news
When: 19 Jan 2000
Where: St. Mungo's
Warnings: Unrestrained outbursts of affection? (Pretty tame, really)

I don't want to ask because I'm afraid of the answer )

13th Jan, 2018


IC/OOC: The Election Charity Match! GotV

Scottish Lions Rampant versus Saltired Scottish Unicorns
Play Started:2000-01-13 at Scottish National (The Lamb)
Snitch caught in : 5 hours, 33 minutes
Scottish Lions Rampant : 540
Saltired Scottish Unicorns : 580
Congratulations, Saltired Scottish Unicorns
That's her fourth foul and she doesn't seem to like it one little bit. Crowd approves, though... )

10th Jan, 2018


Who: Maggie MacDougal and her merry band of revellers — any number of Ainsley Galbraith, Alec Urquhart, Augustus Pye, Meaghan McCormack, Peggy Urquhart, and a chance of Torquil McTavish.
What: It's her birthday and for once my plan is to not torture her YET :> Tor's panto! Dinner! Things! A low-effort IC/OOC because why do I keep doing this to myself!
When: Wednesday, January 10. Evening.
Where: Edinburgh, Glasgow. Places. Places where things happen.
Warnings: uhhhh language???

guess who forgot to write something for the cut and then posted it with just underscores for like 4 hours )

8th Jan, 2018


How do you know which team to support when they're both comprised of your club?

That is to say, I'm selling my charity match support to the highest bidder. Please inquire within.

It's been brought to my attention that people tend to celebrate their own birthdays at least once per year. With that in mind, this Thursday evening I'll be attending McTavish's panto and then having a late supper and drinks at the Gargoyle, after which I'll be able to stumble up to my bed.

If you'd like to join me in the celebration of my alleged date of birth, or my regained ability to walk on two entire legs, [...] show up, I suppose, because I'll be doing this whether or not you're there.

Though it may be more enjoyable with you there.


Beginning in February, I will be picking up mediwitch shifts at St. Mungo's in my time off. It will only happen outside of my hours with Portree and will not interfere with my work at the club. MacFarlane's already signed off on my moonlighting endeavour, but if you have any additional concerns, please don't hesitate to bring them up.
[i'll make a teensy bday ic/ooc thursday but it's going to be like... lowest effort ever. 🤘]

7th Jan, 2018


Today is finally my day off and apparently my cat has decided I need to spend it with him sitting on me. Good thing I have a wand to do chores...




5th Jan, 2018


Who: Augustus Pye & Kal Sharma
What: First DATE
When: Dec 31 aka New Year’s Eve
Where: Kal’s place and then the London NYE Do
Warnings: Cuteness

Warming charms were one thing, but warm wizards were far better! )

4th Jan, 2018


who wants free stuff?!?!?!

17 owls apiece for Alex Urquhart, Augustus Pye, and Meaghan McCormack. )

1st Jan, 2018


[ Jason King ]

You probably don't know me but... hi I'm Healer Augustus Pye. I'm going to be upfront that I am not much of a Quidditch fan, but I have been taking notice to the Muggleborn Pink Movement.

I just wanted to say that I think what you and the others are doing is great. Speaking as someone who at times has never really fit in in the muggle world or in the wizarding world... it's nice to know that you're not alone. I mean, I know I'm not alone, but it's harder to tell when we're all just expected to be magical.

If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know. I'm not the only Muggleborn at St. Mungo's and there are plenty of others who support what you're doing too.

So, thanks and Happy New Year.

29th Dec, 2017


Who: Augustus Pye & Elektra Yaxley
What: Healer Visits. Admitting to not following instructions.
When: 19 December 1999
Where: St. Mungo's
Warnings: none

You’re already dealing with some level of diminished capacity, you don’t need more. )


Who: Sorry we never sent IC invites, basically practically everyone is invited since it's thrown by two Prides and a Magpie (medic).
What: Housewarming! Plus Christmas Hogmanay! Plus Joy's (super-belated) birthday!
When: 29 December, evening
Where: The Cattery, Paisley
Warnings: TBD

A triple-purpose party! )

26th Dec, 2017


I made a terrible mistake. I came home for Christmas, and now we're stuck in the house because of the blizzard, and I can't just apparate back to my flat because my brother's girlfriend is here and is a muggle too and doesn't know I can just apparate away somewhere!! I have work tomorrow! And I'm supposed to be sleeping on the coach because my room doesn't exist anymore... so I'm watching movies instead. Liiiiife!

1st Aug, 2017


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