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26th March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Wigtown Wanderers (4-6-0) versus Appleby Arrows (5-5-0)

Wigtown Wanderers (4-6-0 0.400) versus Appleby Arrows (5-5-0 0.500)
Play Started:2000-03-26 at Scottish National (The Lamb)
Snitch caught in : 2 hours, 43 minutes
Wigtown Wanderers : 470
Appleby Arrows : 20
Congratulations, Wigtown Wanderers
Hardly unexpected, given the loss of the keeper, but still gives the Wanderers a nice boost heading to the postseason... )

[info]mmmcc in [info]neeps

Nice match and all Montrose but best not think WE'LL go down that easy cause we'll be coming atcha FULL FORCE. I gotta goddamned duck pond riding on this, also we're just better.

You're welcome for everything.

And cheers. Dint know you even knew my birthday. Did

[info]yaxels in [info]neeps

in which Mel remembers that his house has an owlery

Owl to Meaghan McCormack )

Owl to Ama MacFarlane )

[info]yaxels in [info]neeps

[Warded to DOMGAS]
I just wanted to thank you all for your kind support in the last couple of weeks after the untoward incident with the howler. Even those of you who didn't say a word, please know your silence was much appreciated. I haven't known what to say but I did want to say something. So thanks again.

[Yaxley siblings]
Just checking in to see whether you two have had any more run-ins with owls from Aunt Iphigenia. I've strengthened my wards at the house. Lufu has been making all my favourites and I wish it was making me feel better.

[Edited to add, later, because Mel thought about it later]
[Bill Weasley]
Hullo again. I don't know if Ainsley talked to you or not but I know she was having some more trouble at the Montrose-Wigtown match. I meant to get hold of you myself after that but there were some unfortunate things happening that interfered with me doing so. In any case I need to talk to you about possible further work to do with the curse because there's some connection there that isn't over. When can I arrange to see you on this matter?

I just realised that in all this buggering to-do about Aunt Iphigenia that I've let the curse problem drop. I'm contacting Weasley again and we'll see where we go from here.

[info]keptinreserve in [info]neeps

Who: Ainsley Galbraith, Bill Weasley
What: Attempting to Figure Out Next Steps
When: 13 March 2000, after Pride practice
Where: The Leaky Cauldron, London
Warnings: Language, Curse Talk

The thing with curses and people is...sometimes they stick in ways we don't expect. )

[info]closedcaptioned in [info]neeps

Who: Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Ernie and Justin may have been drifting apart -- they come back together over stress, secrets and sorting papers
When: Wedesday, 21 March, late evening
Where: Longhaven, Edinburgh
Warnings: none really

But I think this is what most people go through after leaving school. )

[info]justifiability in [info]neeps

Puppy Picture Here

Little guy still doesn't have a name (Pierre is a terrible name for a dog and I refuse to acknowledge it), but we seem to suit one another just fine. Didn't actually think I'd find a dog to take home first thing, but when you know, you know.

Just as long as he prefers the tennis balls over my shoes.

[info]rubbish in [info]neeps

Who: Terry Boot & Amir Khoury.
What: Drinks after football.
When: Thursday, 15 March 2000 after the Celtic match.
Where: A pub not filled with footy supporters.
Warnings: Awkwardness everywhere.

Good to know I posses world imploding qualities. )

[info]oh_ke_ke in [info]neeps

Who: Chidera Okeke and Hamish Roberts
What: Consolation Milkshakes
When: Thursday, 22 March after the Cannons loss.
Where: Riding House Cafe, Oxford Circus, London
Warnings: Not even a little

Blithely moving through life on a whim, it seems. Antithesis of all good Ravenclaws. )

[info]_dumspirospero_ in [info]neeps

Well, it was certainly a pleasure to attend such a fantastic party last weekend, and not to mention a whole bunch of matches in between that had their elements of... interest, shall we say. Many different reasons.

As a foreigner, the build up to the Neep is certainly quite the thing to observe. We have not been in Scotland for the entire season, of course, but it still seems to have crept up on us fast. It will be interesting to see if post-season and the Neep itself speed through quickly, also.

[info]newmiracle in [info]neeps

Who: Dani and Gina Miracle, Hamish Roberts
What: Hamish drops by for a chat
When: Monday, 26 March 2000
Where: Dani/Charlie/Gina's house
Warnings: Gina is an adorable force of nature and you should be warned about how adorable she is.

Has Uncle Hamish lost his bloody mind? )