April 2018

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20th March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

IC/OOC: Tutshill Tornados (4-5-1) versus The Pride of Portree (8-1-1)

Tutshill Tornados (4-5-1 0.400) versus The Pride of Portree (8-1-1 0.800)
Play Started:2000-03-20 at English National (Maaaaaaanchester)
Snitch caught in : 0 hours, 37 minutes
Tutshill Tornados : 50
The Pride of Portree : 200
Congratulations, The Pride of Portree
goodness. 2:37 already? How time flies... )

[info]douxnoir in [info]neeps

IC/OOC - A&A Engagement Party, 17 March 2000

Who: Family, Friends, Furbabies, Teammates... oh, and probably Ada and Alasdair.
When: Saturday, 17 March 2000. Evening. backdated
Where: A&A's home on the outskirts of Dunvegan, Skye.
Warnings: Drinking. Language? (Hopefully not the latter)

time to celebrate these two lovebirds making a move )

[info]avoidretrograde in [info]neeps

A few announcements before the lineup and strategy talk in a few days:
  • First. Ernie Macmillan is testing out a new motion capture technology, which you all have already seen and tested in a previous practice but Friday will be the more public test he’s doing. I know it’s the day before the match, but luckily we keep those practices light anyway.
    Morning will be warmup then Gregor will be running you through some drills he’ll decide on. No new techniques, formations, or plays. Treat this as a public exhibition.
  • Kestrels are on the 24th. Do Not Get Injured before then.

  • Portree plays on the 20th. Dani, can we get a box for the team to watch from? Remember everyone, this is the last Portree match before the Neep. They might be saving some of their starters but since we’ve last faced them they have 2 new starters and are finally playing their reserves (of which 1 reserve is also new since the Fall Classic..)
    Note for chasers: Special attention on their new chaser, Pepper. And McCormack. They gave her a break last match so she might be extra intense on this one.
  • Not an announcement but congratulations Jason on finishing what sounded like a truly mad Annual Broom Race. We’re all very proud of you for it.

    For Friday morning for the Macmillan lad’s demonstration, throw the normal practice plans out. We don’t know who he invited and I’d rather treat it as a public exhibition of sorts with just a smaller audience. Classic skills drills, the more movement the better, but I’ll let you plan and decide on what. Have fun with it, make the players look good.

    And we have a few other things we’ll need to start talking about.

    Alright. Of these 4, who’s in the best flying shape for next match.


    [info]partandparsel in [info]neeps

    (Posted in the morning, before the match)

    Possibly I should have written here sooner and certainly I intended to do, but all things considered this has been quite the busy fortnight. I even had to miss the WILD bout yesterday. Thankfully the Portree match, like the Neep release, is easier to justify. I'm looking forward to seeing Tutshill get trounced. My wife's influence and my own time with the Catapults gave me a taste for their defeat, and I hope Pride won't disappoint.

    Met with muggle counterpart, most enlightening. Rather more established than we are thus far, which shows, and not just in the offices. (Let it not be thought that our current, temporary workspace is anything wastefully glamorous.) Looking forward to learning from mistakes, adapting successes to our different needs, and an overall productive collaboration.

    Still enjoying your well deserved reward (and all the congratulatory flora) I hope. Keep an eye on our young Mr. Yaxley, will you? I'm sure his shoulders are broad enough to bear it, but it's been awhile since I've known anyone disowned, and the others were a rather more quiet affair.

    [info]gilliflower in [info]neeps

    I thought about going to the match late today and it was already over before I'd decided whether I wanted to.

    [Study Group]
    Georgi broke things off with me yesterday afternoon.

    Apparently he's getting disinherited by his stodgy family for wearing pink and supporting Uplift. I don't care about him getting disinherited, and told him I wanted to marry him anyhow. The money isn't the issue and if his parents want to blast him off some tapestry for being friends with his own brother, that's their loss. But since he's not going to be a fancy heir any more, he doesn't want to marry me. So that's done.

    I don't want to talk about it but I wanted to let everyone know now that my family knows.

    [info]lady_dragon in [info]neeps

    Who: MadFusty
    What: An overdue conversation about professional and personal boundaries.
    When: Saturday, 17 March 2000, morning
    Where: MacFusty Dragon Reserve
    Warnings: Language.

    Mostly, I just hate how all of this is unfair to you. )