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13th December 2017

[info]justifiability in [info]neeps

Ran into one of my old, old mates from primary school as he was home for the Christmas Holidays. We played the 'what have you been up to' game. So that was fun. I'd ask when did it turn into a competition, but lets be honest its always been one of those.

Just so you know, I am using my voice.

[Muggleborn Contingent]
So I have extra pens if you want them, even though the next game isn't going to be until the middle of next month. They're charmed to read Muggleborn and Proud and if you want can be charmed to have colour changing ink to prove someone wrong.

Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but The Profit Prophet hasn't addressed the Pink Campaign when it comes to their match coverage. They did report on on our appearance at the BIL hearings on 30 November. Nothing since then.

So I drafted a letter to the editor, if you would like offer your suggestions.

Draft of Justin's Letter
To the Editors of the Daily Prophet,

Why? It is a simple question. A question that should be on the tip of every journalist's tongue. However, it seems to me that this basic question seems to be either ignored or forgotten when it comes to your coverage of the Quidditch matches since 1 December 1999. So I will ask it for you.

Why are muggleborns wearing pink? This includes the players on the pitch, staff members and reserves on the sidelines, and supporters in the stands.

I am sure this comes as a surprise to many of your readers who may not have the ability, for various reason, to attend Quidditch matches on a regular basis. I will do my best to explain as I do not think it is a terribly difficult concept, but one that again, The Prophet, failed to adequately address and cover.

Muggleborns wish to be visible.

Because, without some visible outward sign we look just like any witch or wizard. Previously, Isla Cameron quoted one of the most treasured Muggle playwright in history, William Shakespeare. I too will quote him, with some minor changes,

I am a Muggleborn.
Hath not a Muggleborn eyes?
Hath not a Muggleborn hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?
Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Wizardborn is?
If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die?

We have just come out of a War, which was primarily fought over who should be allowed to be a part of society by virtue of pedigree alone. I do not wish to debate the morality of the War, though I do wish we can all agree that genocide and dictatorship are not models to live up to. However, my point is that without the outward visible signs of pink adoring Quidditch kits and gear or us donning pink clothing you would never know we were different from anyone else.

We will not be ignored. We will be listened to. We are here to stay.

Justin E. Finch-Fletchley
Longhaven House
4 Moray Place
Edinburgh, UK

[info]mmmcc in [info]neeps

Who: Joy, Meaghan and Florrie
What: Acquiring a Christmas tree and finding excuses for a party
When: 6th December
Where: The Cattery! A tree farm!
Warnings: A bit wooden

She glanced at the window, where if there were any poetry and justice in the world it would be snowing, but this was Scotland, not a fairytale, so it was just grey and miserable. )

[info]lady_dragon in [info]neeps


Welcome to the season break.
It is a dreadful time.
Players are known to get bored.
And make bad choices.

Also the fans, ever do they miss our matches and the drama excitement.

So. Merc and I were drinking talking and we demanded suggested a friendly.
And not just an ordinary friendly, a mixed up match up friendly.

In the spirit of Scottish unity and pride.
But also to see if he could handle half of my players.
He cried at the thought, but quickly recovered and accepted such a challenge.
For charity ... unity ... and friendship!

Essentially, it will give the players something during the break
Keep our fans engaged over the long winter nights.
And maybe even to get out the vote

I mean, nothing says vote like quidditch matches.

[info]avoidretrograde in [info]neeps

Who: Merc McGonagall & Ellie MacFusty
What: Rival coaches and cousins finally sit down for drinks and frank coping talks (ends with a tipsy coaching challenge)
When: Sunday Dec 10th
Where: An Nead
Warnings: None. Medics might disapprove of some buzzed decisions made.

Which brings me back to the question - how do you do it? )

[info]wrecktify in [info]neeps

bad ideas holiday party vol. 3

Who: Hosted by Maggie MacDougal, attended by whoever's on the guest list. Feel free to add your character last minute!
What: The third annual "responsible adults behaving poorly" holiday party.
When: Friday, December 15. (Posted early because we'll have a few IC/OOCs next week.)
Where: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Montrose. Around.
Warnings: Language for sure, adult content discussed probably, who even knows, man.

Try to behave, children. )