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12th December 2017

[info]laddiethelion in [info]neeps

I'm sure we'll all enjoy our break. Portree, don't do anything I wouldn't do.

The rest of you lot, if you're interested, I'll be performing at the Panto in Glasgow. We're doing Sleeping Beauty. 7pm every night till 7 January. And matinees some days. It's a muggle production and theater, so be ready for that if you want to come.

You ready for your niece?

The carols and pigs were brilliant. I tip my hat to whoever spread this holiday cheer.

[info]coritsmac in [info]neeps

Today's the day! Looking forward to watching practice and getting some interviews in for all those Montrose fans!


This might sound weird, but I haven't many mates my own age about, and wondered if you'd ever want to catch a pint?

[info]jumpinjupiter in [info]neeps

So I really didn't think it was necessary for Madam Malkins to owl me that my specifications for dress robes for my birthday were "a bit more strumpet-like" than they were comfortable creating.

I guess it's a muggle dress for me. FINE. I was just trying to support local businesses, excuse me for also wanted to show what I got at the same time. Sheesh.


Why am I still so bad at men? Though I think I kinda like Angus Campbell? Even if I'm not good at life?



So. How's...things....


Did Angus say anything about me just curious no rush haha don't need to tell me right away but no did he say something?



What's happenin

I had a..you're fun..sorry I


[info]wrecktify in [info]neeps

At least the Catapults and Harpies evened out to a proper two matches.

BAD IDEA PARTY PEOPLE [ooc: anyone involved in this event; feel free to sign up new characters!]
This is as formal an invitation as I'll ever send.

Annual party's this Friday at 7pm. Dress for dancing, pack for sleeping. Owl your overnight things to Maddie Savage at 51 New Wynd, Montrose. We may not be welcome back to the Catte

1. No work talk.
2. Don't mention anyone's ex.

Any questions?
Gathered from my experience as an emergency mediwitch, I'd like to issue a list of recommendations for the holiday season. I've put my name in for extra shifts at St. Mungo's while things at the club slow down, so if you don't want to receive any glares, sighs, or lectures, I suggest keeping the list in mind. [...] And on hand.
  1. Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage.
  2. Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  3. If you do, do not try to cure the resulting hangover with a vial of bulgeye potion.
  4. Don't agree to a pumpkin pasty eating contest. It's never worth the cost.
  5. Don't ingest Skele-Gro without the recommendation and supervision of a medical professional.
  6. Don't pick fights—magical or otherwise—with carnies.
  7. Don't find out from how high you can fall off your broom before breaking your legs.
  8. Broom racing is a sober sport.
  9. A bludger is not a rolling pin.
  10. If you attempt to transfigure your mate's head into a reindeer's but get your own instead, the mediwizards will laugh at you.

[info]majormoose in [info]neeps

TO: Anyone Who Expects an Invite (Or Anyone Who Wants to Crash)
FROM: Pip Parkinson & Anaïs Bolduc
WHEN: 12 December 1999

Click your card to open it! © tessisamess

[info]_dumspirospero_ in [info]neeps

Owl Post to Jason King )