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13th November 2017

[info]scrambles in [info]neeps

Who: Angus Campbell and Gregor MacGregor
What: Prospective landlord and tenant do a property inspection.
When: Wednesday afternoon, 8 November 1999, after training.
Where: Angus's wee house near Salen, Isle of Mull.
Warnings: Hardly anything objectionable at all, I swear!

Nothing here's fancy, but the walls are sturdy and the roof doesn't leak. )

[info]mrs_dragon in [info]neeps

Lorna + Ellie = Sisterly Fistacuffs

WHO: Lorna MacFarlane and Ellie MacFusty (Guest Appearance from Alasdair Maddock, Davina MacFusty & Owen MacFarlane)
WHAT: Lorna is confronting Ellie about her ignoring her. This might be a bad idea.
WHEN: Sunday 11/12
WHERE: Ellie’s house on the reserve
WARNINGS: Swearing. Violence. Mentions of career ending injuries.

Unleash the dragons )

[info]douxnoir in [info]neeps

ooc: posted sometime on sunday (stupid timezones)


Even though I didn't get to play it was a great game to watch! Perhaps not so much if you're a Portree fan...

I'm sorry it wasn't a win for you, chéri. I still thought you played wonderfully though. I don't suppose you've figured out why your coach sent you a unicorn figurine?

Speaking of mail, my parents - well, I think mostly Maman - have decided to visit. The letter says it's for business but I'm fairly sure it's mostly them just wanting to check up on me... well, us. Are you okay with us possibly hosting them? Otherwise I'm sure we can find somewhere for them to stay.

[info]apaixonada in [info]neeps

Well, that was quite the match. Everyone played exceptionally well, but I'm rather glad that Montrose won.

Perhaps after the Harpies maatch, we might find a day to get away?

I've gotten the rest of your order in. Feel free to drop by the shop to pick it up at your convenience.

[Merc, Shona, Florrie, Lorna, Gwen, Aureliana & Jamie, + any other family/people with kids I've forgotten]
Our little Ava will be turning seven in a few weeks and we'll be hosting a party the afternoon of the 18th. Bring your swimsuits because Ava has insisted on a pool party.

[info]majormoose in [info]neeps

I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to the Montrose Magpies for a game well fought.

Lennox, that was a great catch. I look forward to a rematch. Forgive me if I hope for different a different outcome next time.

[info]maddocked in [info]neeps

Well done Montrose! I had a great view from the bench.

[ Montrose + ]
Sorry I slipped out of celebrations early. Something came up.

Also... do you guys know what happened to my Magpie's shirt? It went missing after the match.

[info]mrs_dragon in [info]neeps

Congratulations Montrose. It was a good match to come back to. But, be prepared for next time.

[ Portree Players ]

I know I've been around for less than a week, but it was amazing to see you all out there during the match. A loss is always disappointing, but if you are still willing to have me, I promise to be the best Captain I can be for this team, and we can all work together to take down Montrose next time.

[ Maggie ]

Any particular advice on what to do for a bite wound?

[info]apaixonada in [info]neeps

Who: Gabi & Merc McGonagall (with bonus appearances by Ava, Ellie & Theo McGonagall)
What: Getting a present from Elspeth.
When: Late night, 11-12 November, 1999
Where: Merc's Manor
Warnings: Family Cuteness? Random Portuguese?

Mama, what's the dragon eating? )

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Owl to Shona McGonagall )

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Owl to Sebastian Cavallero )

Owl to Dunbar Oglethorpe )

[info]wrecktify in [info]neeps

I woke up to find my bathtub in the rest of my fl sitting room. It brought the doxies with it.

They're in cahoots. And in the sitting room. The doxies, that is, not the bathtub. Sir Tubbs has been shooed back to his rightful kingdom.

And [...] good show Saturday. It was a thrill to watch, and more of a thrill not to have to put pieces of the Pride back together like Humpty-fucking-Dumpty.

How's the face?, she asks for no particular reason.

[info]more_savage in [info]neeps

Don't forget that donations for the annual C.L.A.M.S.* Christmas drive are due no later than Saturday, December 2. Volunteers are also needed for sorting and distribution.

*Children's Legal Aid and Mentoring Society

More under the cut )

[info]yaxels in [info]neeps

After a timely reminder from my cousin, I'll be putting a box in my office for donations to CLAMS, the charity that helps underprivileged and Muggleborn children, for their Christmas charity drive. I'll be taking the box in after work on 1 December.

If you want to donate cash, make your Gringott's cheque out to CLAMS Christmas Drive and I'll deliver it along with the toys. Thanks in advance for your generosity, as I know the children will appreciate it very much.

Also, I've got a minor family emergency and I'll be cutting out to deal with it. I'll be back tomorrow morning with breakfast pastries.

[Aureliana + Fraser + Jupiter]
Just to clarify that mystery ward from Shona: the PR bloke quit over Lex and Micah getting married. I'm headed up to Mum's now and I'd appreciate it if you all could meet me there so we can get this sorted without explaining to Lex and Micah until well after it's all over, and in particular after Holyhead.

[info]hatesheights in [info]neeps

Oh, for fuck's sake.

We need a new PR person. Alexander resigned, effective immediately. The arsehole couldn't even wait until our next match was over. How do you want to play this?