Action // Closed (for now!)
15 June 2010 at 08:55 pm
[Down by the training grounds a certain clown waits and watches, the target of his suspicious gaze none other than Ryu. It's not that he's fascinated with this particular creature - he could care less for the pathetic little dreg - but there's something special about this particular little dreg that demands him to pay close attention to. See, any moment now Ryu is going to undergo something spectacular thanks to none other than yours truly! And Kefka can hardly wait, watching eagerly, devilish grin plastered from cheek to cheek as he waits impatiently.]
[Voice / Action] Backdated a little
12 June 2010 at 01:33 pm
[Hearing the music before from Allen (who was not Allen, but he doesn't know that) has put Akito into a bit of a tuning mood. So he's dragged out the AT parts and not minded kind of covering the floor of his room with them. He's borrowed his other's AT and set to fixing them up, leaving the shark to lounge on the bed and watch.

He doesn't mind the fact that his communicator's on as he starts to sing, one hand holding the earpeace of the headphone to his ear, the other almost dancing over his AT, adjusting things here and there. His song is soft and quiet, dark yet something seems caring about it.

It stops now and then, so feel free to talk to him, he'll reply]

((Action open to Jennifer's household, should anyone want to <3 Backdated to around late afternoon, and Akito will continue on singing until nightfall, for your window of time))
[Voice, Action | Both Open]
11 June 2010 at 10:46 pm
I'd like to pose a question to the rest of the prison: who here has the ability to heal injuries? I know of some-- King Yuuri, Princess Zelda, Ryu and Rukia-- but I'm certain there are a few I'm not aware of, and there are recent arrivals to consider as well.

Before anyone grows worried, there's no emergency; this is just a consensus of sorts that will be helpful to have. [Her professional, plain tone backing this up]

[Action // Location: Graveyard, before nightfall]

[After she was done with the network, Tear headed straight to the graveyard. It had taken a shameful length of time for her to go there, even the excuse that she hadn't been able to find in herself to sing was an incredibly weak one she couldn't even tell herself. Once the tombstone inscribed with the boy's name was found, the girl stopped in front of it; a moment of silence before solemn notes began to ring out across the grounds.

It wouldn't bring him back, it might not even let him rest, but-- it was the only thing personal she could do for him]

[[occ: She'll be going through a few; the hymns have absolutely no effect coming from them right now unlike the mass heal, but her volume is about the same for those interested in discovering/ hearing her. Replies WILL be slow, I apologize uguuuu]]
10 June 2010 at 10:58 am
[The beach is one of those places that calms Ryu down, at least partially. Still, it's hard to control that kind of anger... he's doing his best, though.]

[He doesn't doubt that it was Xellos who murdered the two dragons previously attached to Ashton. And a dragon - any dragon - was like a cousin to him, even if they didn't come from the same world.]

[Which leaves Ryu with trying to calm down, and sitting on the beach, shoulders hunched, sifting sand through his fingers, his communicator next to him.]

[[ooc; Without the communicator on, Ryu only understands dragon and... fantasy-world equivalent English and Chinese/Korean/whatever the Fou Empire speaks. :T ]]
Tags: , ,
07 June 2010 at 05:51 pm

[ Suzaku starts every morning by taking a swim in the Athletic Complex, promptly at six am. he's doing his laps a little more slowly than usual today, though. you might notice him and think he looks -- really distracted. feel free to chat him up! ]

Closed to Housemates:

[ his walk home from swimming takes a little longer today; he drags his feet, spends a lot of time looking up at the sky, and just doesn't hurry. it's a little after seven-thirty when he finally gets to the stoop, opens the door, and calls in softly ]

I'm home!

((ooc: Backdated to the aforementioned time periods!))
[action - defense force party!]
27 May 2010 at 06:19 pm
[It's the first non-annual random defense force social~ On the roof of the DF's headquarters, we have strung-up lights around the ledge, decorations, and a table of food, mostly snacks, and drinks. (But not alcohol; sorry Sakamoto, let's say Gino warned you earlier in the day you'd have to get your drink on ahead of time?)

[There's some music, a dartboard set up, and a table with question cards -- mostly light, fun, get-to-know-you questions -- in case you all want to get your I've Never or some other form of question game on.

[Closed to DF members, their guests, and possibly crashers-- ask permission first! Event log, thread amongst yourselves~]
[video/action | open]
07 May 2010 at 06:37 pm
[Euphie's actually been feeling a little better after another long nap. In fact, she's practically sitting up if you ignore all the pillows keeping her in place as she makes her video post. She's still in pink pajamas and she looks tired, but she doesn't sound as sluggish as before.]

It's hard not to think about sleep with so much of it going on. Does anyone have any favorite bedtime stories or lullabies they want to share?
[text] Layer 16: Revolution
06 May 2010 at 11:25 am
I think Acumen knows who is responsible for all of these fatigue problems, and that risk of this threat happening was at 15%, but he won't release that information to anyone but the Defense Team leader because of inmate privacy protocols.

I didn't even know we had rights to any kind of privacy here.

In response, I've relinquished inmate confidentiality on my personal files. Information should be free and decentralized- Levy's 3rd and 4th commandments of The WIReD social ethos.

[Scrambled w/ Basic Encryption || Easily Hackable]

The first meeting of the Turing Society will be held in the Sector 2 Computer Lab Lounge, tomorrow at 3 pm.
05 May 2010 at 03:55 pm
[Ryu turns on the video function, yawning as he looks around his hospital room.]

H... hey, can anyone tell me where I am? I don't know what's going on..

[[ooc; Video for now but I am open for action if it fits! /o/ ]]
[Voice | Action | Mixed-bag of open/closed]
22 April 2010 at 10:45 pm
[Voice | Closed - shortly after talking to Ryu, just before lunch.]

Mami? Are you free today? Ryu was hoping you'd keep him company! And it'd be a huge help for me if you could as well~ [♥]

[Action | Closed to Wanijima people]

[knocking!] Kaito! Agito! I'm here with lunch~

[Voice | Open - after the lunch hour.]

[barely controlled anger] If I ever get my--! [sounds of frustration and stomping and ... deep breath] Can someone with medical experience please get back to me right away? Especially anyone familiar with dragons!
[voice, action, etc]
20 April 2010 at 04:14 pm
I just thought it would be wise to make a public announcement about this, in case anyone hasn't overheard. If you or someone you know are suffering symptoms of exhaustion or intense depression, please speak up. There appears to be something of an epidemic going around, and it's important to know who's affected and what they're going through. This also applies if you've seen anything unusual late at night.

It could be related to last night's attack, so be careful, and I'd advise everyone to stay indoors at night. Especially if you live near the shelter. [...or if he knows you]

[voice/private to Tear]
...I know this isn't a good time -- I'll understand if you'd rather cancel our previous arrangement. But if you're still willing to teach me to read your language, I'm still willing to learn...? [light-hearted; he won't take it badly if she's busy]

...and action! )
The 59th Day
19 April 2010 at 08:57 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 59th day of the third generation.

There was an unfortunate incident near the shelter that resulted in the death of fellow inmate Tatewaki Kunou last night. The Defense Force has been mobilized to handle the situation, so there is no need to worry. It is advisable that inmates not roam the premises during the night hours, and that any with information pertaining to this situation contact a member of the force.

Inmate Haruhi Suzumiya, your request has arrived. You will find the disc copy at the entrance to Sector 1, the other items in the storage beside the theater.
19 April 2010 at 09:36 am
It wakes, and the dome's illumination dies abruptly. Erratic shrouds are emitted to blot out the harsh light.

The air is cold. It leaves no warmth for other beings.

The air is thick. The energy clustered about it pervades the atmosphere and is almost nauseating.

"                       "

The only driving force is the need to eat.

It hurts. It doesn't heal because it's not enough. It's not enough at all.

So it looks for another meal.


There's no memory of purpose, intention, origin.

Something moves about. She can't make out a form, but its presence is undeniable.

Wavering vision; submerged in red sea. The air is hard to breathe and trying simply sucks in more of the heavy substance. It's only natural. This is underwater, after all.

So wake up.

Or else you'll--

OOC stuff under cut )
[The 58th Day]
12 April 2010 at 04:38 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 58th day of the third generation.

It has come to my attention that there are concerns about the replacements that have been situated in your timelines for the duration of your sentence here. I would advise that they be brought directly to myself, and that you not be alarmed by the words of inmates who know no more about the situation than others. Their progress is constantly monitored, and no signs of abnormalities or faulty behavior have been noted.

The plant kiosk requested by inmate Setsuna Seiei has been established in Sector 5. If there are any special requests, they may be made to myself or the remote unit situated there.

Inmates Axel, Franziska von Karma, Chuck Bartowski, Haruhi Suzumiya, and Ashton Anchors; the items you requested have arrived. They are at the entrance to Sector 0.

((ooc: Acumen will not be responding to comments until a little later in the evening. Thanks for your patience!))
[ OPEN voice / closed action ]
10 April 2010 at 09:02 pm
[The video turns on. Gino grins quickly into the screen, and then turns it on Suzaku, who is also smiling. They're outside, and the night is dark around them as they round the corner to the defense team HQ in Sector 1.]

Okay! I know there's been some concern lately, but I think we've finally gotten the HQ decorated tastefully. So, to settle everyone's concerns...

[He takes the camera up to the front door; narrating and showing off] We left up Rise's fairy lights. I think they're cute. But see, the outside is normal now.

Suzaku and I were working on the inside today, so it looks good, but still like a workplace, and we came up with...

[Gino pauses dramatically, to Suzaku's visible bemusement, and then throws open the door, on--

[Chaos. The defense team HQ looks like it's been ransacked. The desk is upended and the drawers have been torn out and hurled into walls; the furnishings are smashed, decorations torn down and belongings scattered and papers ripped up. In the midst of the mess is Anya, staring blankly at the scene with her fingers clutched tightly around her phone.

[Suzaku and Gino's surprise is instantaneous, gasps of] Anya! [and] What happened?!

[She turns to them, still expressionless, and says] ...I don't remember.

[The video clicks off hurriedly.]

((ooc: Anya was assigned to watch the HQ tonight, as everyone on the defense team should know. All anyone knows is that while she was in charge, she suffered a memory lapse, and the place is totally trashed. Did Anya get in a fight? Did Anya leave her post? Did Anya do it?

This event is designed to cast suspicion on Anya's reliability. Even Anya will end up doubting it. Please cooperate and let us have some awesome plot. ♥ ))
[Action | Audio] [Mostly Open - Early Evening]
09 April 2010 at 03:16 pm
[If the bots had done their job well, many of you would have received an invitation showing the location of Jennifer's new house and a hand written note. In short, she's finally getting around to opening up her house!]

[Audio | filtered to everyone she's ever meet] Hello? Everyone should have received an invitation today, but just in case you didn't, I made curry again! And I have a brand new house I'd love to share even though I seem to have already acquired a few roommates. [small laugh] You should thank Josak. He helped me find it!

But, even if you can't make it tonight, you should still stop by sometime~~ I have tea! And an endless supply of cookies [especially if she keeps baking like she has been] I do have one it~ty-bitty little favor to ask though. When you come in, please try not to make to much unnecessary noise? One of my guests is taking a nap and I'd hate to wake him up if we can help it...

Thanks! Hopefully, I'll see you soon!

[OOC: To any of the new arrivals, Jennifer would be perfectly happy to invite you to her house. Just poke me to start a thread to cover the 'knowing you' end of things. Also, threadjacking encouraged and condoned.]
[Voice//Action | Open]
09 April 2010 at 12:48 pm
[Lacus has set up a table in the cafeteria with cups of dye and paintbrushes and stencils, and a huge basket of hard-boiled eggs. After the Mass today she felt the need to do something more colloquial, something that reminded her of home, so she's painting Easter eggs with Pink (who admittedly isn't much help, but he's trying). She's no genius at this, so mostly the eggs are plain but colorful, with very few that she obviously put some more time toward scattered in here and there. Also nearby is a stack of baskets she found in the store, just in case.]

I thought it would be nice to decorate some eggs for the holiday. Pink and I are in the dining room, if anyone would like to help. We have plenty of supplies.

Pink! Help! [Then there's a tiny splash as Pink dumps an egg into a cup of dye, and Lacus giggles faintly.]
[action] [event!]
06 April 2010 at 03:45 pm
[In the park there are several benches set up almost like pews in a church, white and decorated with flowers at the edges and along the backs. Instead of two sedate columns with rows of benches pointing towards some dais, the benches are in rows facing each other, and in the center of the aisle between them is a long table with a substantive buffet of brunch food: colorful red eggs, fruit salads, muffins and rolls, glazed ham...

[The buffet table is extremely distracting. Allen is dressed in his full black-and-red uniform with a cloak and the Rose Cross worn over it; he keeps glancing at the buffet table as he stands right -- temptingly -- in front of it so that everyone can see him, with occasional glances down at his book to make sure he remembers his lines.]

Thus we give thanks and glory unto you, Father, and glory to the Christos, and glory to the blessed Virgin who bore him...

[He is trying not to rush, but he is mentally censoring out optional parts of the ritual to more quickly get to the eating part.]

((ooc: Event post! Feel free to post a comment here establishing what your character is doing during or after the ceremony, and other people will thread with you, or you can comment to someone else's comment~!))
06 April 2010 at 10:22 am
[These words...they mean very little to Latias. She understands them, and knows that they probably mean she's in trouble again. But she doesn't read them, as there's something more important right now. The initial looking over the device triggered the voice action]

...Latios? Latios? Where are you?

[Her brother should be here somewhere...why wasn't he here? He normally didn't leave her alone, and with so much going on...where'd he go?]

We have to stop the wave...Latios, where are you?

...where am I? [Now that she thinks about it, that could be a better question]
[voice/filtered from C.C., Nunnally, Euphie]
03 April 2010 at 10:43 am
[He's been keeping himself busy -- keeping his mind off of things. And sure, now he's literally dripping wet and there's a handful of strangers in his home. ...but it's better than feeling useless and not doing anything and brooding over his situation.

[It is high time he did something about his situation, isn't it? He'll start small.]

I'm curious. Why don't you tell me about your mother, fellow criminals?

I want to know if anyone's can compare to mine.