08 June 2011 at 02:33 am
[the first thing to show up on the camera is a blond young man lying on the ground. he seems slightly distressed. the foot of a high-heeled boot pokes at his side, making him twitch a little, before the camera pans upwards to show Nena smiling, as sweet as could be.]

Okay so, I was talking to this guy, and he sorta died on me. Well, not completely, but he looks pretty close! Now, before anyone gets any ideas, I didn't do anything! At all! Got that?

[glares a good few seconds, then she's cheerful again.]

Anyway, if no one comes to claim him or whatever, I'm keeping him! [v-sign! you can't say she's not being fair!]

((ooc: the poor victim is the lovely, unfortunate, Guy Cecil ♥ !))
07 June 2011 at 06:36 pm
[lots of rustling and shaking noises, since Kon's taken off his headset to examine it. He looks pretty out of place - the man in the long robes with the wooden geta sandals] ...Huh. Looks like those goggles... [sticks it back on his head and looks around]

This is my second time, so I really shouldn't be surprised. [sighs, rubs his head] So - question.

If I try to take a shower, will these robots follow me in?
07 June 2011 at 12:14 pm
[ after waking up in a koi pond, and then simply lying in it for long enough to guess what happened -- which didn't take very long, really; he doesn't remember said pond, but he recognizes the sky of the domed prison well enough -- Murata has begun to suspect Acumen doesn't like him.

oh well... he climbs out of the pond and drips on the grass for a moment before turning on his communicator. ]

[ voice ]

The koi pond is a very nice addition to things, I must say. Though I think the fish might be a little angry with me!

I think I should probably take a bath...

((ooc: Open for both voice and action tags!))
30 September 2010 at 09:51 am
[Anyone who enters the library may walk through the shelves to one of the secluded tables that is covered in a messy pile of papers and notebooks. Amongst the them is a blond head that may be slightly drooling onto a notepad.

Someone hasn't slept in three days and finally crashed.]
Location: Library / Early Afternoon
[Voice|Sender Encrypted|Open]
25 September 2010 at 01:34 pm
[The voice sounds like that of an elderly man with emphysema, deep, raspy and scratchy.]

The effects of the gas leaked by the explosion last night are not permanent. They will wear off within a few hours on their own and a cure will be spread before morning to make sure it all works.

There should be no negative side effects. Some of you might get a few extra hours of sleep tonight and wake up a little sore in the morning, but that's about it.

The explosion was an accident and a big misjudgment on my part. No one was meant to be exposed to that gas. For that...I'm sorry. May not be worth much, but I am. So I'll do what I can to fix this.

[Anyone who tries to hunt down the sender will find their roads blocked by several fail-safes, including a very loud screeching noise before communication is disconnected completely.]
[video / action]
23 September 2010 at 02:21 am
Sorry to bother everyone who's busy enjoying their new appendages or ability to turn things inside-out, but I just wanted to inform everyone that the Philosophy and Literature classes originally offered by Beatrice have been revised a little now that I'm taking them over. For one thing, they're going to be held in Classroom 1 [instead of outdoors, in the park, like animals] and I've adjusted the dates and times. There shouldn't be any schedule conflicts, but feel free to check -- the signup sheets are in the usual place.

If you want to ask me any questions or offer any suggestions for the classes, please feel free.

[He's been in Classroom 1 since breakfast, in fact, moving things around and moving in boxes of books for his first classes, and then preparing his syllabi. You can find him there if you want. But first--]

[//encrypted// private to Richie]
[neutrally] I don't suppose you're so quiet because you're preparing a confession?
20 September 2010 at 09:25 am
How Easily One Becomes a Mad Scientist )
[There's the sound of glass breaking as the windows of one of the thought-to-be abandoned buildings in Sector 2 blow out, a thick purple smoke that looks more like a fog bursting forth and saturating the area. It settles around the building for only a second before spreading out, a lavender mist that blankets the streets of the prison in the wee early hours of the morning.

Some may feel sick upon breathing it in. Or maybe they feel tired, fatigued and hurry home to sleep. Others may not notice anything until later. By the time the morning announcements come it will have faded completely. It would be like a strange dream until it's too late.]

{OOC: People can have reactions to the gas or explosion in this post! Event-style, threadjacking approved! Some people will have negative feelings or reactions, and if you're undergoing a mutation, there may even be stress and pain on your body if you want the gas' affects to begin now. All affects of the gas are up to you. But no one will have completed any kind of transformation/experience full effect of the gas until Morning Announcements or later! Oh, and people who see or some to ground zero won't find Richie as he'll have gotten out of Dodge.}
Location: Sector 2 / Around 2AM
18 September 2010 at 12:24 pm
[There's a long line of bamboo at the beach, their stalks curving gently over the quiet trickling of waves. Further back on the beach are colored lanterns and little tables with pens and sheets of paper and string.

You're supposed to write poems or notes to your loved ones who can't be with you today, right...?]

((event-style posting; comment here to get tagged by other people. sorry if this infringes on the people who posted recently, I was going to post this this morning but had to go out... consider this a post for people who don't have quite enough substance for their own action posts!))
14 September 2010 at 12:42 pm
[Anyone who comes into the Sector 6 early this morning may find a make-shift obstacle course of blockades, ropes, nets, balance beams, and other odds and ends have taken over one of the lesser used training halls. It looks like what you would find at an army boot camp--if army boot camps built their courses from what they could find in the storage closet of a high school gymnasium. And there's someone making his way through the complex--if a bit crowded--course as fast as he can.

It's been a while since Richie did any training like this. He and Virgil used to use the junkyard on the other side of the abandoned gas station for training purposes, and yet he's been slacking off.

And he could use the distraction of the routine course right now as his brain is off working on other things. The answer he's looking for is just out of reach...]
Location: Sector 6 / Morning
[Video || Open]
12 September 2010 at 01:25 am
[Angel is sitting on a cot in his cell. He's crispy red all over from being out in the sun all day long.]

Is there a place to get aloe vera gel here? I think I may have over done it with the outside work.
[Voice//Action | Closed] backdated to day 78
06 September 2010 at 04:01 pm
[Looks like things are dying down after the Level 4 and all the visitors, finally. Komui's been holed up in his lab, tinkering with equipment and half-done inventions -- trying to avoid remembering Bookwoman's story, drown out Lenalee's voice telling him I hate you.]

[Luckily, there were things that needed to be done.]

[Filtered to Exorcists]
Good news! I just finished upgrading my equipment, so all of you can have your Innocence checked up. Line up nicely, now; one at a time!

[And since he's looking for distractions:]

[Private to Richie]
Hey, Gear! I think I got my radios working, but I'm stumped on a mass-alert system for the monsters. Any ideas?
[ action / open ] Paintball!
01 September 2010 at 09:18 pm
[ Chuck's standing in front of a table. On the table are three boxes. In the first box, there are bags with paintball "markers" (guns) and ammunition. In the second box are goggles. On the third, there are thinly padded helmets and chest pieces, all in black. Chuck is wearing all the gear, but his headgear has a little white flag attached to it. ]

Okay! [ Very excited. Sort of looks like a spaniel puppy who has to go to the bathroom. ] Thanks, everybody, for coming out. [ Waves! ]

I'm Chuck, and I'm going to be your ref. Behind me -- [ Indicates the fields behind him that are littered with hay bales of various sizes and heights. Both fields have been set up into one large play area. ] -- is our game field. The boundaries are the white lines along the perimeter. If anyone just wants to watch, they can sit in the bleachers.

[ Rubs his hands together. Sort of nervous now, but hey, still soldiering on. ]

Here's how we're going to do this. Everybody get in line and come up. You give me your name, I'll put it down and then I'll give you your marker and ammo, and you can pick out your gear. Everybody has to wear the headgear and goggles. The chest piece is optional. Once everybody has their stuff, we'll play.

I just have a few rules. First, no head or face shots. I mean it. [ Srs face. ] Second, no shooting someone more than once per encounter. And third, no attacking with anything other than a paintball. The markers can't be modified, and you can't hit someone with your marker.

I've got white paint. I'm the only person. If I see you someone breaking a rule, they're going to get hit with white paint. That person has to sit out on the bleachers for ten minutes. If I catch them more than once, they can't play anymore. Also... no shooting the ref.

No teams, and we'll count the hits at the end of the hour. Whoever wins gets... ah... the pleasure of bragging rights. [ Ehehehe. ] After, party at the club.

Okay, let's go!

((ooc: Event style tagging under the headers. Threadjacks are encouraged. People can skip the sign-up process and/or mingle pre-game, or just go straight to playing. More details here. :D))
24 August 2010 at 11:17 am
[ morning, and the incident is over; all well and good, of course. but he and Tear did make plans to meet and, ah, compare notes, so Jade is in the park this morning, waiting for her.

...and, because he doesn't like to waste time, also performing something of a Fonic Artes exhibition. he draws the glyphs with his mind and a circle lights up around him; then he speaks the incantation, and a BURST of rock erupts from the earth, or a HAIL of icy water falls down upon it. this is something Jade likes to do, every few days, to check on his limitations in this place. it doesn't feel like a Fon Slot Seal, but that doesn't mean it won't give a little, if he can feel out how it works.

so: if the light show in the park catches your attention, feel free to ask the nice man in the military uniform what he's doing. ]
[ video ]
19 August 2010 at 11:38 am
Well, this is a shitton of new people. They're sure this is a glitch?
17 August 2010 at 02:34 pm
[The video clicks on to a close up of Joker's red grin, it shakes as he reaches forwards, placing it on the desk. He's clearly in the library sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. His makeup and dirty purple suit is mostly intact, and he slicks back his greasy hair when it falls in front of his eyes.]

Well hello there.

You know, I thought. I thought I was in Arkham, but this place is very, very different from my cell. [His gaze flickers about the room.] It certainly is much nicer than my cell in that dreadful place. [He grins.]

So tell me, [he licks his lips] where are we? Hm? What is this place? Who's in charge? Who thinks they're in charge? Ahmm. Don't be shy. Tell the Joker all about your rules.
[ voice/action ]
16 August 2010 at 08:24 pm
If this is anybody's idea of a funny joke--Hey. Guess what?

I am not laughing. [Nope, she does not sound amused at aaaall. This is slightly marred by a soft groan, however. She's been trying to fly consistently and failing at it, never mind the other powers not working... Do not want.]

This is Supergirl. Anybody feel like explaining? Better be fast.

Rao. I feel like I was hit over the head with a train. Again.
The 76th Day
16 August 2010 at 11:57 pm
-- Good morning inmates. It is the 76th day of the third generation. [It's hardly the even, dull tone that's become routine to hear at the start of each day, but in fact more terse and distracted; the sound of one who is clearly busy and has little time to stop, even to do this]

An error introduced during inmate GIR's time tampering with the system has been thrown. Individuals who have been or who are in the process of being investigated by this system are being brought into the dome. Please do not be alarmed by their presence as it will only be temporary, but may continue throughout the day.

I apologize, but as this malfunction must be corrected immediately, I will not be able to address all of your requests, questions and concerns, unless in an emergency situation.
[And, it abruptly cuts off]

[[ooc: Just to remind everyone, info and rules concerning this event are right here and here. 4th wallers will not have welcome messages or baskets. Go to it!]]
[ video ]
10 August 2010 at 10:45 am
[someone is clearly unhappy]

So those creatures returned last night. I'm assuming that Acumen is once again claiming that it's our own imaginations? My already low confidence in the new system is waning...
[ Video ]
09 August 2010 at 08:44 pm
Everyone have fun last night with that repeat performance?~
[Action//Voice | Open] backdated to late evening
09 August 2010 at 02:04 pm
[This time, when the monsters had arrived, Komui had been ready for them. All his machines were at the ready: net catchers, miniature bots to collect data, adorable scanning creatures. They were all set up in a few alleyways, near enough to each other that he should be able to hear the Capture Komurin's signal when it found something. He'd set it up so there should be a constant blip that would get louder as the monsters approach, but he must have miscalculated because it was completely silent...]

[Except for...]

[Huh. The makeup of the creatures must not be as expected because all the radio was picking up was a bit of static. And it's getting louder. And louder.]

What the. Hey, is anyone here using a 20 Hertz frequency? Drat, I was sure it'd be too low to pick up interference. Maybe --

[The static gets louder and louder, until...]

Wh-whoa! [And then the sounds of various mechanical things activating. Komui can no longer be heard, but the static remains, along with the roar of a very angry lizard.]

((OOC: Komui has accidentally made himself some radios straight out of Silent Hill! He'll be handing the monster-detectors out at a later date, but for now he's found out that his nets don't work that well. Defense Force or other heroes go? He'll also be answering voice though might be a bit frantic...))