[Action | Voice | Open]
13 June 2011 at 09:50 pm
[There's a rhythmic roaring and pounding in his head, the occasional whimpering sound, and a weird prickling in his back.]

[Cain groans and shifts, trying to push himself up from the... sand? His whole body feels like it weighs an extra hundred pounds, so he gives up and decides to just lay there for a minute longer. The time is better spent piecing together what brought him to this miserable place feeling as though a Leman Russ ran over him, then backed up and did it again for good measure. His mouth is dry and he feels wholly dehydrated, so he was probably drinking and was foolish and irresponsible about it. The roaring is the waves, which places him at the beach, so that means he was too drunk to even remember what he was up to. With a sense of dread and nausea, he realizes he should probably immediately apologize to everyone. After the world stops spinning and the sky stops being too bright. At least he didn't wake up in a puddle of his own vomit.]

[Eventually, once he feels like he's ready to face the music, he reaches up and smacks his communicator on.]

What the frak happened last night, and do I owe anyone an apology for it?

[While he waits for someone to respond, he decides to give moving around another go. It's only when he tries to push himself up again that he realizes the additional weight isn't a trick of his mind. Eridan is duct taped to his back.]

[That explains the whimpering and the prickly feeling, at least. Before he can summon up something approximating an appropriately loud reaction, however, Gaunt's voice chimes in close enough to be heard on the network, but out of Cain's field of vision.]

"Oh feth... has anyone seen my hat?"

((OOC: Gaunt might tag into unfiltered voice threads and can be directly addressed through the network! As stated in the plotting post, please feel free to troll them mercilessly, but check with us before assuming something actually happened.))
[Action| Open]
10 June 2011 at 09:58 pm
[Revive is doing something very important. He is finally moving out! He has packed all of his belongings (which are cumbersome to take all in one trip, but he doesn't want make more than one) and is marching across the dome to the apartment that he had claimed as his.

It was a combination of Hiling and Nena's behavior, plus the return of Ribbons Almark that had him finally pushed to him strike out on his own, at least for living situation. So he is heading from Sector 3 to the apartment that he has picked out in Sector 2.

Not long after he arrives...]


Hiling. There's something important that I need to talk to you about.

[ooc: Video is closed to Hiling. Feel free to bother him as he is in the process of moving.]
[Action | Closed | Forward-dated to late afternoon]
07 June 2011 at 09:50 am
[With preparations for the Almark-Care reunion complete, all that is left is for PM to make the call. After Acumen's morning announcement, she would be surprised if Hiling didn't figure things out before getting here. ...assuming she even heard it. With that in mind, PM settles into the sofa and sets the filter. She blurts everything out a little too fast.]

[Private | Hiling Care]

Greetings, Hiling, could you join us for dinner? I have not seen you much this past week...

Oh, and you need to meet WV in person, as well as our special guest...! So, could you please come by?

((ooc: Sorry for the time shenanigans! With four of us plus different schedules, we wanted to make decent progress within the IC day.))
06 June 2011 at 09:57 pm
[There is a very angry German on the line. Will you choose to answer it or ignore it? He's read the message, but quite obviously doesn't believe it]

What the hell is this crap?! How the hell could I be in prison?! With a ball and chain at that?! Such a stupid idea...

How the hell can I not...?

This is a joke right?! A joke. Ha ha ha. Very funny, Oracle. The joke's over.

[There's a long pause as though he's expecting someone to answer followed by a slamming sound like he has just thrown something]

[Dream Event | Open]
27 May 2011 at 03:30 pm
Track 1: Trau, schau, wem!

[Welcome to the CBS Celestial Being. From this colony spaceship overlooking the Earth, humanity is ruled over by the gods of this new world. Victorious over the terrorists who dared challenge them, the Innovades are revered as the saviors of mankind. Years have passed since then and the peace is strictly enforced.

In Ribbons' absence, Hiling was left in charge. Having no pressing matters to attend to, she can do as she pleases. But a peaceful world means no battles for her to fight. She often grows restless with boredom. Occasionally, she will invite a guest to entertain her, though if she requires attention at that very moment, a servant will do. A number of captives are also kept for this purpose if she happens to be in the mood. She hums a tune to herself as she enters the room, flanked by two taller Innovades, and favors the occupant with a small smile.]

Track 2: Human After All

[The only light in the room comes from the soft glow of a clear chamber. The sleeping form inside is recognizable as Hiling, only with certain modifications. From what is visible, one might notice her figure is distinctly feminine, in contrast to her usual ambiguous form. Somehow, she has become human. She begins to stir and open her eyes.]
[ dream - open ]
27 May 2011 at 12:49 am
{OOC: cuts are to separate dreams and not kill your friend pages. Also, each dream will be spoiler-rific for certain parts of the Gundam 00 storyline, including side stories that I have found translated.}

Dream One - Origins )

Dream Two - Human Heart )

Dream Three - Operation Underway or Beginning of the End )

Dream Four - Home )

Dream Five - Restart or Full Circle )

Dream Six - The Next Stage (spoiler heavy for 00 movie) )
[Dream Event | Open]
26 May 2011 at 11:21 pm
[In a chilled but cozy hole-in-the-wall of a planetside tavern, the Valhallan 597th celebrates its latest victory.]

[Decorated officers, men and women alike, dominate the building as they carouse and joke, cheeks flushed red with the joy of another victory, as well as due to a fair amount of alcohol in their bloodstreams. Delicious food is plentiful, and whether you like to flirt or gamble, opportunities for both are abound.]

[In a fashionably late manner, Cain strides into the tavern, standing tall and proud with a goofy damn grin plastered on his face, wearing a fresh greatcoat and uniform. Right behind him, his rather malodorous and less-than-easy-on-the-eyes aide Jurgen slips inside. Fortunately, most people should be too drunk to care about his absurd body odor, or the skin diseases which are amazingly resistant to the finest medical technology the Imperium has to offer.]

[Gesturing over to the woman running the bar, who looks sufficiently impressed when she realizes who he is--the famous Commissar Ciaphas Cain, hero of the Imperium, admired and respected across the galaxy.]

Barkeep, a round for the finest men and women to have ever served in the Imperial Guard. It's on me. [Gathering up a waiting mug, he raises it and strikes an incredibly perfect dramatic pose, his voice booming with equal dramatic flare.]

A toast--to Valhalla! To the Emperor! [And amid the enthusiastic cheers, Cain chugs down the brew without stopping for a breath.]

((OOC: Eat, drink, and be merry! Everyone here is human, and either a citizen of the Imperium or a member of the Valhallan 597th! Don’t worry if you don’t know the canon; Cain’s subconscious will basically ignore any discrepancies.))
[Action | Closed]
23 May 2011 at 10:18 pm
[Hiling gets up early at the usual time, but instead of relaxing around the house, she heads straight to the Defense Force Headquarters. Barely acknowledging anyone else that might be there, she walks right up to Suzaku's desk with a smile. Though she would rather forgo the pleasantries, she decides it would make a better impression to be polite.]

Good morning. How are you?
17 May 2011 at 04:49 pm
So we're all from different worlds, I get that much.

But ya can't tell me that I'm the only one unlucky enough to come from a world full of Cape-types! [And then she laughs. Probably leaving you to wonder if she's serious or not.]


[If you happen to wander into the bar this afternoon, you'll find Zinda, sitting alone and looking mildly agitated, drumming her fingers on the table. Well, that's an unusual sight. She's normally talking someone's ear off!

Dare you approach her?]
[Action | Open]
04 May 2011 at 02:41 pm
[Hiling enjoys this weather much better than the rain. It seems like a waste not to be outside. She cant' do much in the way of physical activity with a broken arm and her wrist still bandaged, but walking by the beach doesn't require much effort. She heads out to the observation deck since that's a little drier. Perhaps she could be persuaded to share the popcorn she brought to snack on.

But she doesn't stick around for too long, as she has business at Defense Force Headquarters. For once, she's actually thinking about what she is going to say, rather than blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. She wants this to go well.]

((OOC: Run into Hiling at the beach or at HQ, indicating which in the subject. She would love to meet some newbies!))
25 April 2011 at 07:55 pm
[Beautiful rain. The cold wet has always been so soothing to the pair of them, and they've currently settled themselves in the park to better enjoy it, crouched on the ground like some massive, breathing gargoyle. The only thing that moves is their tongue, and it slithers about almost mindlessly, touching their cheeks and occasionally catching some of the moisture, though they never seem to drink it.]

What a lovely morning... So nice and dark. Why can't it just rain forever, mm? That's what umbrellas are for...

[Murmuring to themselves, each statement occasionally punctured with a deep rasp of a chuckle. If anyone's up at this early hour and brave enough to muck about in the wet, feel free to say hello!]
[Action / Voice | Openish]
13 April 2011 at 12:28 am
[BEGIN INVESTIGATION. Thanks to the nature of the incident between Hiling and Allelujah, as well as the related complaints from parties involved, he can't exactly let them deal with it amongst themselves. This means writing reports, finding connected parties and character witnesses to interview, writing MORE reports... it's a right mess, and Ciaphas Cain expects to be at it for the better part of the day.]

[Which he is. Cain can be found at varying times in the Defense Force HQ, on his way to interview leads, or calling people regarding the matter. Those wanting to take the initiative and contact him about the incident are welcome to do so.]

[He might not much like the whole ordeal, but there's a part of Cain that relishes doing something which feels like his old job, even if it involves the more onerous aspects he'd normally leave to his aide. --It's a small part, though.]
12 April 2011 at 02:28 pm
What has to happen before the Defense Force deems it necessary to lock a person up? Apparently, the man who assaulted and tried to murder me was not considered enough of a threat. Maybe next time he attacks they'll put him on the watch list. As if that will do any good. How is anyone supposed to feel safe when there are people like that allowed to walk free with not so much as a warning? I can't deal with this. I will not be a part of an organization this ineffective at what it claims to do. I quit!

[She breathes heavily from her hospital bed, both arms bandaged with one in a sling. If only there was a table she could flip for emphasis. Just as well, she'd only end up hurting herself. She glares at the screen, lowering her voice.]

Allelujah Haptism, I hope you get what you deserve.
[ Action ]
06 April 2011 at 09:55 pm
[ In the late afternoon, and stretching on until evening, the arcade has been taken over! Decorations have been hung, with a few tables set up with a pair of huge birthday cakes, other finger-foods, and drinks. Odds are, if you're close to Neil, you received an invitation to this party -- even if he has to come and drag you there, himself! (It would include friends of Lyle but, well, he kind of didn't talk to his brother about this. Whoops!)

For else that stops by, well... it will be hard to miss the ruckus, especially once guests arrive. Above the entryway to the bowling lanes a banner that simply reads:


It shouldn't be too hard to figure out why it's there, or who it's for, so come on in~ ]

(OOC: Here is a link to the invitations from yesterday! Party-crashers and guests welcome. Event style posting! Threads might be from either Lockon, with one closed thread as an exception.)
05 April 2011 at 01:16 am
Good morning boys and girls! We do hope you've slept well! [because they haven't slept at all.] We have a proposition for you, hmm? [Have a large, eerily grinning face in your video, Marina!]

How many of you more rambunctious sorts would be interested in a fight club? An all out brawl between yourself and another! Everyone gets a turn! The only rules are no disabling injuries, and when someone surrenders, you back off!

We're still working out the kinks, but for now, we'd like to just gather a headcount! Don't all pipe up at once! There'll be plenty of action for everyone! [they laugh]
29 March 2011 at 04:36 pm


((ooc: Putting this up now or I won't get to until laaaate. ;; Will be slowish to tag.))
[video | action]
17 March 2011 at 11:58 pm
I am so bored. Someone come down to the bar and get me some drinks! [stuff tastes way better when someone else gets it for you. she briefly looks away to the side where there just might be a few broken glasses on the floor, but let's ignore that!

looks back to the camera and gi~ggles~]
You know what? I bet I could drink anyone here under the table. Come on, try me!
[V-sign! 5ft tall 17 year old girl > you. search your soul and you know this to be true]
[ Video | Action ]
12 March 2011 at 01:13 am
Good evening, Marina! The sun is about to set and, as promised, tonight's special class is about to begin. [ The lights in the dome flicker on across the streets, in preparation for the impending onset of night. Neil isn't anywhere near the park, as is obvious from his vantage point. The projector cannot be seen in the frame, but there is the sound of something mechanical whirring and winding up not far from him. ] There's no formal lesson tonight, but I hope everyone gathered in the park -- or anywhere you can get a good view of the dome itself -- will still take something away from it.

[ The daylight fades out, and a bright source of light nearby illuminates his face. He's smiling wide as the projection of the desert sun over Africa is displayed on the inside of the glass just above the athletic complex fields in Sector 6. ] We have shown the stars in past lessons from an outside perspective, and it's easy to forget that we can take in the same kind of beauty from the ground with just the naked eye.

[ His own right eye, the fake one, reflects the light as the sky slowly shifts to images of sunsets. Is that a celestial body in the sky? Perhaps it was Venus.

He gives a quick glance over his shoulder. Time to wrap this up. ]
I'll let you all enjoy the show, now. Have a good night, everyone! [ And he did mean everyone. With a two-finger salute, and a rather big grin, he ends the feed.

The projection continues on, showing still images throughout the next few hours including, but not limited to:

A solar eclipse seen from Japan.

The moon over the ocean.

And, for the finale, some choice shots of the Aurora Borealis. ]

(OOC: Event-style posting! Come in pairs, alone, tag each other as you like at any point before, during or after the presentation. Plenty of room on the bleachers on the field, and hopefully the mood~ will be suitable for the holiday. Enjoy the show -- romance is optional, but encouraged; feel free to use this as an excuse to get those cross-chocolate dates out of the way~

Neil will not be answering his communicator tonight. ♥)
09 March 2011 at 12:53 am
[ Action | Closed | Early morning ]
[ It was just past the crack of dawn when Ashton left the shelter, making a beeline for the building Conrad said he had set aside for Diva. That sounded a bit much, because surely no one needed that much space... right?

He didn't question it, and his steps carried him straight to the front door with an urgency he couldn't place. This went beyond just thanking her for helping him-- no, for saving his life. Ashton genuinely wanted to see Diva. As a bonus, he thought, he'd like to know if she was happy to see him doing well. If that pleased her, it would be enough for him... ]
Diva, are you home? [ He called out as he knocked. ] It's me, Ashton.

[ Action | Open | Midday and onward ]
[ Ashton needs to pack. His apartment in Sector 2 has a lot of tiny things strewn all about, and he doesn't have many clothes. He won't need the furniture -- his "workshop" will come later. He will be making periodic trips to the store for boxes, tape, and... a microwave burger dinner or two ( because everything in his fridge expired). Strangely? The food does little to sate his hunger, but it is at least does its best to fill him up.

He pauses by the mailbox in front of his apartment complex. Ashton stares at it, unable to reconcile the image of the bent-and-broken mailbox with the now fully repaired one. There is no stain on the grass or the sidewalk -- where his blood had been spilled. And yet he still knows. He knows exactly (what he's been told) happened on that spot, and he can feel the memories somewhere in his mind. Then he glances up at the third floor balcony, a chill running down his spine at the thought that his hands slipping from that railing was all it took to--

No. Best to forget that. He has two years of new memories to sort through; surely one traumatizing evening in Marina can wait until later... ]
[Action | Open]
08 March 2011 at 10:05 pm
[Hiling doesn't seem to be in a very good mood today. Despite the festivities, she's feeling rather down. Having made her way out to the edge of the dome, she draws something from her bag before dropping it at her feet. She takes her knife and stabs repeatedly at the smooth surface.

tink tink tink

Though her eyes are vacant, here is a hint of a smile on her face as she persists. It's a nice sound.

tink tink]