[filtered to defense force|backdated to late night]
29 August 2010 at 10:27 pm
I want to make a report for a possible assault. And if I could get someone to help me over here I'd really appreciate it!


I really, really don't want to ruin anyone's night but - could I get a healer in Sector Five? And fast! [she's apologetic really, but mostly anxious and concerned, and yes, there is a need for a healer gdi]

edit: LINK for Zelda, Momo, Kitty, etc.
[ Voice ]
25 August 2010 at 06:49 pm
Wow... Just wow. That's all I can really say about that. Don't think I could even get names down if I tried... Wonder if those guys will work things about better than some of us still here.

[Probably not but hear the sound of clapping.]

Okay, I say no more talking about it. Good or bad, can't change it now. Gotta keep just moving forward, am I right?

So I wanna hear everyone give one reason to be happy today, okay?
[Action | Open | Forward-Dated to Afternoon]
24 August 2010 at 01:58 pm
[It's afternoon, and Ushiro's been released from the hospital with a warning to not exert himself too much.]

[As if he'll listen.]

[He's dragged himself to sector six, to the training hall, and found a training dummy. He starts to punch it, not caring that he should probably be wearing gloves for this, not caring that he's not even trying to punch properly, not caring that he shouldn't be doing this anyway.]

[Kana's gone. She didn't deserve to be here, but she's gone. At least that Kana got to live. At least he got to apologize.]

[But Kana's gone, and it makes him want to scream in frustration - instead, he just continues to punch the dummy.]
17 August 2010 at 08:16 pm
[.....Okay, this is strange. First, she was searching for Akarun with her friends, but how did she get teleported just like that? Did the Akarun led them here? Well, the bird told them that it was hiding near the arcade, not this underwater dome. She turned the device on, maybe her friends can find her with some public service announcement or something.]

Excuse me! Has anyone seen a girl with pigtails and pink eyes, along with another girl with long blue hair?

We're kind of in a hurry...
[Video | Filtered to Defense Force Members]
13 August 2010 at 12:08 pm
Good evening, esteemed members of the Defense Force! I have some great news! [And a big, goofy, way too pleased with himself grin to go along with it.]

As I was saying before, last night with the help of Kitty and Zack I was able to gather some data from the mysterious monsters that have been appearing -- they're not easy to get samples from, by the way! Uncooperative things. And so I made something that will be of the utmost use in helping us avoid attacks!

[He holds up a small metal box with a round speaker mounted in the middle, with two antennae sticking out. It's about the size of a walkie-talkie.]

Say hello to the newest and tiniest Komurin! Using a special frequency, it tells you when the monsters are close by with a static noise that gets louder with increased proximity.

[~*~GRIN!~*~ ...that fades a little.] But the bad news is, I only had materials to make about a dozen of them. So I thought we should decide how best to use them...

...Unless someone has an idea for picking up some spare parts?
12 August 2010 at 08:22 am
[ Asuka's walking to and fro across the park green. Once she reaches a particular point, she turns around sharply to walk straight back to the beginning. Over and over and over again. She looks a bit absentminded, like her mind is somewhere far away. ]

[ Anyone who sticks around to watch will see Asuka finally stop in the middle, clutch her head, and mutter to herself. ]

--stupid. I hate her. I hate, hate, hate her.
[action, video || open]
05 August 2010 at 07:10 pm
[The feed clicks on first showing Axel wrapping a white bandage around his palm and fingers before he pulls on his leather glove again and picks up the ice cream he set down on the ledge.]

What's your reason for living?

[He sounds amused, just a little, but it doesn't exactly show on his face. He wouldn't be surprised if he gets called out for asking this, but, hey, it doesn't matter, right?

You'll find him alone on top of the clock tower, quietly, almost forlornly watching the sun set as it normally should, and rather than eat the ice cream he'd gotten for himself he's holding it over his bent knee, letting it melt and drip off of the ledge without care for whoever it could hit down below. So, hey, heads up.]

((ooc: I think he and I are both curious.))
10th Connection :: [Video/Voice | Backdated to Noontime | Filtered from PM]
06 August 2010 at 01:51 am
[Please do not be disturbed by the filtering from the Peregrine Mendicant Marina, it is for a good cause~]

Good afternoon Marina.

I surely hope you have not grown tired of celebrations and festivities for there is another occasion that we simply cannot overlook: as you may recall, back in 71st Day of this generation, the hard work of our fellow inmate, the Peregrine Mendicant, has given birth to the Marina Postal Office.

Mrs Jennifer Shibuya, Hiling Care and myself would therefore like to invite you all, inmates old and new -- to a little surprise teatime gathering to be held at the Postal Office tomorrow, right when the Peregrine Mendicant comes back from making her rounds. Cakes, pies and tea -- hot and iced -- shall be served.

We also welcome any assistance with regards to setting up decor, tables and chairs for we only have a small window of time to get everything set up before she comes back.

Again, this is a surprise for our dear parcel mistress, so we would like to ask you not to tell her of this~

Should you have any further questions, I am at your service. Thank you very much for your time.
[ video ]
05 August 2010 at 12:02 pm
[See Zack. See Zack waving. See Zack waving and smiling like an idiot!]

Hey new kids on the block! Figured maybe some of you guys might need a friendly face so I wanna know if there's something I can help ya guys with. Name's Zack Fair and lookin' forward to meeting you in the next few days or talking! I'm good with talking. Sort of...

Anyway! Just holler if you need something, Okay?
[Voice | Open]
02 August 2010 at 06:29 pm
Um... hello? What is this place and why did this... Ak-yoo-men person bring me here? And why do I have this ball attached to my ankle? It's heavy...

I want to go home. I miss my mommy and daddy...
29 July 2010 at 06:02 pm
Do a little daaaaance.

[Suddenly, more demanding,] OBEY. [GIR laughs while he orders some angry bots to escort every single one of you to one of the parks. Fighting back will only result in punishment...and believe him, you don't want to know what GIR has cooked up for you then.

While you walk you may notice that dawn has suddenly become night again, the lighting is still working though it's all very...vibrantly colored and disco-y--maybe a strobe light here and there--and that the once peaceful silence has turned into blaring techno.

GIR starts to sniffle happily.]

Y-you're all so beautiful.

OOC info under the cut! )
28 July 2010 at 01:10 am
What a day. Well, at least all this is taking my mind off people disappearing. [Gino's smiling, though, if not terribly broadly. he's noticed Anya and Kallen's disappearances. he's just focusing on the important stuff, heading up to the education center to pick up some things, carrying an umbrella even though the rain is trickling off]

So, about my first self-defense class! Can I get my students' votes on whether or not we want to hold it in the dark and the fruit-punch rain--

[but he glances up. what's that shape blocking out the stars, rapidly growing larger]

That's-- Holy--!

[he dives out of the way as the ground suddenly shakes, a tremendous crash thundering through the communicator. Gino pries himself off the pavement after a second and glances up at the -- immense pizza that just smashed to the ground just outside the education center, as far as he can see, blocking the entrance to the school]

.........you... you know what? Self-defense class is canceled. Uh, and, can my -- DF guys keep a watch out for more like this?
[Action/Voice - Open!]
27 July 2010 at 09:37 am
[Awoke in the early morning as he often does and was rather disturbed by the lack of morning announcements. After a while, he left his home to walk around the dome. He figured maybe someone he would run into would know what was going on...

After a while though, it becomes night time in the dome...and the morning announcements occur.]

My, it's dark... [This worries him. Seeing as he doesn't know his way around the dome in the first place!]

Does this sort of thing happen often, fellow inmates?
9th Connection :: [Action/Voice | Open] Bacon tacos of DOOM
27 July 2010 at 03:08 pm
[Early Morning | Action]

[Bless Innovade technology, it was quite possible to set one's own body to wake up at regular times. However, the inner body clocks conflicted with what their eyes could see. Ribbons for one, was quite certain it was morning, but the skies remained dark -- perhaps Miss Lacus' celestial display was malfunctioning?

The next thing that registered in his senses was the smell -- of meat, spices, cheese and most of all, the meaty salty aroma of BACON.

Ribbons slowly crept from his room to go downstairs, where the scent of the food suddenly became stronger. What could possibly -- ?!

He drags a curtain aside, only to find the driveway and the doorstep with


[... and then there was the "morning announcement". If a face meeting palm could be heard all over the prison, then the time is now.]

[Morning | Voice]

[A few moments later, Ribbons placed an open call, clearing his throat.]

Good morning, fellow inmates.

Is... ah... anyone in the mood for tacos? I most specially would like to invite those with voracious appetites.

[He doesn't sound as confident as he did the day before, but... he's trying, in the midst of visualizing what will happen if the whole lot is not consumed/cleaned very soon...]

(( OOC: Ribbons and Hiling are pretty much stuck in their house/lot as it were so feel free to drop by~ |Db ))
25 July 2010 at 01:17 pm
... Here's a question.

What do you do when you can't sleep?

[Given that it's very late, he's not likely to get answers from people who don't have the same problem, but oh well.]
video | open
21 July 2010 at 01:22 pm
[ Hello! Have a happy Gaap, Marina. Probably not a good thing. ] Hm~hm~hmm. I've been hearing some interesting things lately, and I was wondering, [ giggles ] who here is human and who here isn't? Why, some of you look to be [ sounding somewhat bitter now ] so innocent, and yet you're not. Who should I be wary of? Who should I stay away from? [ she totally didn't filter this from anyone because she doesn't care. also doesn't know who to filter it from. ]

[ her face twists into a bitter smirk, sounding almost angry - a complete change in tone from her light, happy attitude before. ] ...You know, this place is damn snazzy for a prison. [ pauses. snarling; ] What kind of punishment is this? There's even a school...
[voice / filtered from Homunculi ]
21 July 2010 at 12:06 am
So today the school officially opened, huh? So the school year starts... it brings back memories! The fresh smell of paper and pencils, the studious atmosphere and the opportunity to learn exciting new things. I remember it as if it were yesterday- of course, the school I attended wasn't nearly as interesting as this one. Congratulations, miss Euphemia-- for organizing and getting such a large project started successfully. I'm sure it'll bring on good things.

I'm even looking through the catalog myself! [ Haha! so looking at you, tech courses. ] I'm not so sure I'm ready to relive the basics, I barely passed Algebra the first time around... If anything, I think I'll try expanding my horizons and look into new things.

Hm, I didn't know you were an Alchemist, Fletcher! Hosting an Alchemy class with Al? Don't show off to the girls too much! [ said in totally joking manner mixed with a chuckle ]

Oh, and it's been a few days hasn't it, Jennifer? If you're up for another cup of coffee, I would be too. Is Yuuri attending school here? [ will never tire of Happy Parent Hour ]
[ Voice ]
15 July 2010 at 11:28 am
Man, it really feels like it's been longer than two weeks since I've been here. Not that I mind! I've got to meet some really cool people here.


And it's definitely two weeks I wouldn't have had. So!

Kinda glad that some of you kids are excited and getting ready for tomorrow. Don't really have that sort of thing back home. My hometown's really, really tiny. Seriously tiny. I think even Cloud's hometown was bigger and that's saying something.

[A pause and then:]

Ashura, how you holding up today? Feeling any better? Those looked pretty nasty, man.
14 July 2010 at 03:30 pm

Hey, Buffy! I got an early start on the browsing but I'm by the swimsuit store if you're still up for the shopping trip.

action | open.

[ Shiki woke up early, so she's been strolling around the shopping area since early morning. If you see her, you may notice her occasionally taking out a notebook and scribbling something in it and/or using a tape measure to measure parts of clothing. And sometimes, she might just be gaa-gaa'ing over how cute a certain top or accessory is. Feel free to question her on her sanity! ]
07 July 2010 at 08:23 pm
[He's been feeling kind of weird ever since he woke up, and he'd been ignoring the pain till now as he went about his day. Maybe it was from all the fighting he'd been doing recently, but his muscles ached, and more importantly... the area around his scars along his chest, tummy, and back stung as he moved, the edges tender to touch. They flared up now and then, back home, but he had Healer Talents there to ease the pain, or at least a salve. But here... ]

Excuse me, but does anyone know of anything one takes to ease pain? Particularly that from old wounds flaring up?

[And for the moment it distracted him from Sakamoto's good over the communicators earlier. Really, that man....]