Nov. 24th, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke


Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Chapter 8a

Rating:  NC 17
Characters: Luke and Noah
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.


Chapter 8a




Nov. 12th, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Chapter 7
Characters: Luke and Noah
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.

Chapter 7



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Nov. 4th, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Rating: NC 17
Chapter 6
Characters: Luke and Noah, Derek and Keith
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.

Chapter 6

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Oct. 30th, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Rating: NC 17
Chapter 5
Characters: Luke and Noah
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.



Chapter 5



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Oct. 28th, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Rating: PG 13?
Chapter 4
Characters: Luke and Noah
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.

Chapter 4

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Oct. 23rd, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Chapter 3
Characters: Luke and Noah
Rating: NC 17
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.

Chapter 3

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Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Chapter 2
Characters: Luke and Noah
Rating: PG
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.

Chapter 2

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Oct. 21st, 2008


Cheyenne Love

Original poster: lovenuke

Title: Cheyenne Love
Author: LoveNuke
Chapter 1
Characters: Luke and Noah
Luke is a horse breeder and a famous author.
He has never met Noah until he goes to a ranch in Wyoming to buy a stud for breeding.

Chapter 1

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May 2009




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