Feb. 4th, 2008


Life As We Wish It: A Victorian Nuke Ficlet -NC-17

Original poster: illiriahrising

Title: Life As We Wish It
Fandom:As The World Turns
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary:Victorian Nuke AU-Mayer and Luciano want to be together, but narrow-minded Victorian society poses quite an obstacle. Can they find the courage to be together despite the danger?
Warning: Contains graphic depictions of m/m sexuality and some schmoopy fluffiness that might rot your teeth from the sweetness. If you are under 18 just turn right around now!You have been warned.
Disclaimer: ATWT and its characters belong to CBS/PGP. No copyright infringment is intended.
Author's Note: Well, after like 2 months, I finally finished my Victorian Nuke fic. It started out as just smut, but I think it has too much schmoop and angst to be strickly in the porn category. This was written to be a stand alone fic, but I am toying with the idea of doing a sequel, so until I actually decide, just consider this a one-shot...a really LONG one-shot! Thanks to my beta,[info]amizada. You ROCK mango!!!

Life As We Wish It... )

Oct. 16th, 2007


I vid, therefore I am...

Original poster: illiriahrising

I've been lurking for a couple of weeks, but this is my first post and I come bearing a vid. I'll say right up front that I am a vidding whore and if I ship a couple or have fallen for a fandom, I'm going to have to vid it. I need a 12 step program, honestly. Anyway, this is my first Nuke vid. I apologize ahead of time for the less than stellar quality of some of the clips, but I was working with recompressed/reconverted flv files, so it's not up to my usual video quality standards, but even that could not keep me from vidding them!

I've posted the vid in an streaming FLV format on my site for those who like instant gratification and the link (which will open in a new window)is below:

Streaming Link:

But, for anyone who is more patient and would like to watch the vid in it's best sound and video quality,(and who would also like to help conserve more of my bandwidth) there are two download links as well:
Small Version-13MB- 320x240

Large Version-26.7MB- 480x360

Enjoy! And feedback/ConCrit is always welcome.

May 2009




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