Jan. 23rd, 2009


FIC: Fearless (Luke/Noah, First Sentence Challenge series)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Fearless
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG-14
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah, Van or Jake. This is complete fabrication. They belong to others and themselves.
Summary: "You should never be afraid to try new things, my friend.”
A/N: Done for the First Sentence Challenge. Well, this is the third part. I think there may be one more part for sure. No beta. All mistakes mine. Feedback loved and appreciated though not required. But loved!

You should never be afraid to try new things, my friend. )


Dec. 26th, 2008


FIC: Tomorrow (Luke/Noah, First Sentence Challenge)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Tomorrow
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,153
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah, Van or Jake. This is complete fabrication. They belong to others and themselves.
Summary: "Come on, Noah! We're watching Frosty the Snowman!" Natalie bounced up and down, blissfully ignorant of the longing gazes between her older brother and his ex, "You have to stay!"
A/N: Done for the First Sentence Challenge. It's becoming a shorts series from the looks of it. :) No beta so all mistakes mine. Feedback loved and appreciated.

Previous Part:

Winter Wear

Come on, Noah! We're watching Frosty the Snowman! )


I think I like this sentence challenge series now. *lol*


Dec. 17th, 2008


FIC: Winter Wear (First Sentence Challenge series)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Winter Wear
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah, Van or Jake. This is complete fabrication. They belong to others and themselves.
Summary: He'd been through an Illinois winter once already, but Noah still wasn't used to the snow.
A/N: Done for the First Sentence Challenge. I'm thinking it might end up being a little shorts series so posted it in the thread and out here.

He'd been through an Illinois winter once already, but Noah still wasn't used to the snow. )


Oops! *lol* It's fixed now.

Dec. 19th, 2008


"Icing" - Part 3

Original poster: willwork4dean

What It Is: My very first ever Nuke fanfic!
Title “Icing” Part 3 (First Sentence Challenge series)
Prompt “Hi, there. Need help with your stick?”
Author: WillWork4Dean
Fandom: ATWT
Characters: AU Noah + Luke + assorted Snyders & friends
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.


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"Icing" (First Sentence Challenge Fic)

Original poster: willwork4dean

What It Is: My very first ever Nuke fanfic!
Title “Icing” Parts 1 and 2 (First Sentence Challenge series)
Prompt “Hi, there. Need help with your stick?”
Author: WillWork4Dean
Fandom: ATWT
Characters: AU Noah + Luke + Assorted Snyders & friends
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.


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Dec. 15th, 2008


First Sentence Challenge

Original poster: indigo_5

So last week, the brilliant [info]sweetiejelly responded to [info]rebelchic2788’s A to Z Nuke Dictionary by taking one of the one-sentence definitions and expanding it into a one-paragraph drabble. I thought, what a fabulous idea for a challenge! After a few PM’s between me, [info]sweetiejelly and [info]1miracle, I now present you with the First Sentence Challenge. All are invited to submit sentences that you’d like to see built into fics or to write fics based on others' sentences. Details are below the cut.

Read more... )

May 2009




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