Jan. 6th, 2009


Ugh. LJ economy dramarama. DO NOT WANT.

Original poster: shizumaslover

When I was surfing [info]ontd_political  earlier I saw an article about LJ laying off almost all of its employees and leaving the site to flounder on life support. They're claiming it's not as bad as it sounds, but who knows. We might lose this comm and all of the wonderful posts in it, and be forced to start over somewhere else. (My vote's for InsaneJournal if it comes to that.)

Thankfully, a fellow ontd_p poster, [info]earthmoon , made this handy post about how to back up LJs and move all the posts to one of the LJ clone sites. I'm not entirely sure if it works for comms or just for personal journals, but I figured it would be worth the mods looking into. And for everyone who posts fic/art/vids only on their personal journals and just links to it here: please, please, please back them up! I couldn't bear it if people started losing all their Nukey goodness.


EDIT: Probably not very bad at all. Thanks for linking to the newer article, [info]raynedanser .

Dec. 25th, 2008


Merry Christmas!

Original poster: bigredcrazyk

Just wanting to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  :)

Nov. 27th, 2008


happy and thankful

Original poster: wahlee

just wanna say happy thanksgiving
and that i'm thankful that i get to read
all of your great NUKE fictions, even though
i don't have the talent to write any of my own.

also i'm thankful for this shirt i just got...

i had to get it cuz it's called the NUKE HUGGER.

oh and...

nuke song of my day :
erykah badu - honey (luminfire letroset remix)

Nov. 1st, 2008



Original poster: wahlee

just wanna say hi
and that i love reading
all the great stories in here.

did you have a good halloween?
i didn't dress up, just walked
my lil cousin trick or treating.

what were your costumes?
anyone knows van and jake's?

Oct. 25th, 2008



Original poster: xxxkay722xxx

Ok, so, I've been watching some older Nuke clips and I just watched the Valentine's Day episode and I was just wondering if anyone knew what the name of the song is that's playing during Noah's tour of NY.

This may be a little off topic, hell, it's way off topic, but it's been bugging me, so I needed to ask.

If someone knows, I'd really appriciate it if you'd tell me so I can download it, it's a very catchy tune  =) 

Thanks in advance,
Kaylee (xxxKay722xxx)

May. 27th, 2008


Donate to LGBT Film Project and Win True Colors Tour Tickets

Original poster: francine2869

The short film, which will be shot in and around Los Angeles, is about a lesbian who continually falls for straight women. She employs the services of "The Master" to teach her how to harness her gay sixth sense, otherwise known as gaydar. It is a spoof on master/student films such as Kill Bill, Karate Kid and Star Wars.

All donations are tax-deductible through Power UP and should be made before Sunday, June 15, 2008 to be eligible to win the True Colors Tour tickets. Power UP is a non-profit 501(c)(3) film organization comprised of women and men, gay and straight.

May. 11th, 2008


Original poster: frances_veritas

I hope I'm allowed to post this on here. :-D

Because today is [info]1miracle's birthday. And Che's one of the moderators on here and I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She's also a good friend and a pretty freaking awesome person all around.


I wanted to express my gratitude for all the the things you do for this community. Seriously. I know sometimes it's not easy to help moderate communities and I think you're doing an amazing job so far. So I hope you're having a wonderful day (it's already around 3:00 pm-ish there, I believe) filled with lots of Luke/Noah presents, Luke/Noah cake, Jake/Van pampering, Jake/Van parties, and friends! :-DD


Ooooh, and I made you a banner. I hope you like it.

Mahal Kita, mucho <----ahaha, I mixed languages. *is a nerd*

Apr. 19th, 2008


tptb at atwt! check this out!!!

Original poster: boymommytotwo

i've been lurking here for some time... appreciate everyone's spoilers and epi discussions and fic, etc. i came across this today through another fandom and thought you all might enjoy it. i by no means am trying to take any glory away from nuke... i just marvel at how much better the germans are at this than us!!! and i thought some (most) here might enjoy it if they hadn't come across it yet. 

it's totally hot and a great explaination of the fandom can be found http://acari.livejournal.com/326259.html.

all i know so far is:
christian is the taller, lighter haired guy fighting the closet.
oliver (olli) is the shorter, darker haired very out guy.

both are totally hot and drool-worthy. we can only hope tbtp at atwt will look and learn!!!

of course, mods, if this is inappropriate, just delete. only trying to share the love!

May 2009




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