Dec. 18th, 2007


10 things I would love to see happen with Nuke

Original poster: marauderthesn

1. Maddie returns to Oakdale - with Noah's baby. Noah is a little in shock and doesn't know if he can be a good father, but eventually gets more used to the idea. Luke promises to support and help him all he can, but because of the baby, Noah starts spending more time with Maddie than he does with Luke, and tensions arise. Extra points if Vienna ends up having to babysit and gives the kid some weird Swedish baby food.

2. Colonel Mayer breaks out of prison and decides that if Noah won't give up Luke, he would rather see him dead. He goes and tries to kill both of them.

3. 1 and 2 combine, and Colonel Mayer kidnaps the baby, because he thinks Noah will raise him to be gay. Extra points if he kidnaps both Maddie and the baby, even more extra points if it turns out he has a thing for Maddie.

4. Noah's former neighbor, The Guy Who Went to Northwestern, goes to Oakdale U for grad school. He and Noah meet again; Noah had a crush on him back when they lived near each other, and suddenly all the feelings come rushing back. TGWWtN is also gay and likes Noah, and Noah has to choose between him and Luke. (Of course he chooses Luke.)

5. Luke writes a feature-length screenplay for Invisible Girl and a major studio wants to buy it. The problem is that they already have someone in mind to direct it, which cuts Noah out of the picture. Extra points if a real-life famous director appears playing himself, even more extra points if some hot gay guy working for the studio has a thing for Luke.

6. Luke's one remaining kidney goes bad and he needs yet another kidney transplant. Noah is a match, but the doctors discover that he has an underlying condition that means that if he donates the kidney, he has a 75% chance of dying in the process. Luke refuses to let Noah donate a kidney, but Noah says he doesn't want to live life without Luke and eventually convinces him to take the kidney. (They both survive.)

7. Noah's aunt sends him another box of his mom's stuff. Somewhere in the box Noah finds a bunch of love letters some guy wrote to his dad, and an unsent one that his dad wrote back. Extra points if the guy is that "the army takes care of its own" guy.

8. Jade comes back to Oakdale with a baby. The father of the baby is this psycho who follows her, and to try to get him to leave she says that Noah is the father of her baby, who was (supposedly) conceived just before she left Oakdale and met the psycho guy. The psycho guy demands a DNA test and Jade tries to bribe someone to falsify the results. Luke and Jade have this big showdown fight in which he tells her that he's sick of her lies ruining his life and he won't let her do it again. Extra points if it turns out Jade was never really pregnant and kidnapped the baby from that orphanage. More extra points if it turns out that the baby from the orphanage is Maddie's and Noah really is the father.

9. Luke starts drinking again and Noah has to see him through rehab and all that stuff. Extra points if Luke gets really drunk and makes out with another guy and Noah walks in on it. Even more extra points if Luke was so drunk that he can't even remember it the next day.

10. Luke writes erotica that's based on his and Noah's sex life. He publishes it under a pen name, but somehow everyone finds out that he's the one who wrote it. Noah gets angry at him because he thinks their sex life should be private between them. Extra points if Noah and Dusty share "now the whole world knows about my sex life" stories over drinks.

Dec. 17th, 2007


More icons

Original poster: marauderthesn

A few are just Luke and Noah by themselves. Samples:

The rest of them are here. Please credit if you take any. :D


Dec. 8th, 2007


9 new icons

Original poster: marauderthesn


The rest are here; please credit if you take any. :D


Dec. 5th, 2007


10 more icons

Original poster: marauderthesn

Three more moving ones, seven quote ones. :)

The rest are here. Please credit if you take any. :)


Dec. 4th, 2007


5 moving Luke/Noah icons

Original poster: marauderthesn


The rest are here. Please credit if you take any. :D


Nov. 19th, 2007


10 Nuke quote icons

Original poster: marauderthesn

I did some quote icons before and now I've made some more. Samples:

They're all here:

Please credit if you take any. :)


Nov. 18th, 2007


21 Nuke icons

Original poster: marauderthesn

Hi guys! I've belonged to this community for about fifteen minutes and I've been a Nuke fan since last week. ;D Anyway, I made icons!


The rest are here:

Please credit if you use any, and textless icons are not bases.

(x-posted at [info]world_turns)

May 2009




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