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Jan. 1st, 2009


Luke and Noah fanvid: Shattered

Original poster: ashleigh_lin

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Secondly, I am totally diggin' this new journal layout. Tres fabulous, mods.

*cough* Yes, so this is how I work out my angst! *obviously fake and exhausted smile* With sad Nuke videos. Contains clips through (EDIT)10-30-08. (omg why am I such a loser?) 12-30-2008. Seriously--it's sad.

Song is Shattered by Trading Yesterday.

Dec. 29th, 2008


Nuke Video: Noah Longs for Luke

Original poster: ashleigh_lin

Hi!I'm new to the com and new to the fandom and... I've made a Nuke video. It also kind of has a specific story and a specific timeline behind it. It occurs way back at the beginning of the Luke/Noah saga, before Noah comes out. After the infamous towel-fight, Noah is having dreams/visions of what a life with Luke could be like, but he is unable or unwilling to act on his feelings. The dreams become increasingly clearer and more vivid, until Noah, eventually, succumbs to his feelings by kissing Luke for the first time (ha) and setting into motion all the events to come. This is supposed to run parallel to the canon of the time.

I hope you like it! Feedback would, of course, be awesome. Tell me what worked and what didn't; what you like and what you don't. Thanks for watching. Ta!

Dec. 20th, 2008


Look After You

Original poster: shizumaslover


{ lyrics } ~ YouTube Link!

Is it Monday yet?!?!1


Dec. 15th, 2008


Van Hansis Interview

Original poster: shizumaslover

I know it isn't even Christmas yet, but for me today is officially the best day of 2008. It was so amazing I had to commemorate it the only way I know how -- with lots of pointless editing that amuses me way too much.

YouTube Link!


Oct. 30th, 2008


Nuke and Will & Grace vid mesh

Original poster: sweetliked

When I first saw the mistletoe scene I had this episode of Will & Grace pop into my head, and have been planning on making this video ever since. Then I got lazy LOL

And then last night I had some sort of craziness I believe is called "spare time" which I've never experienced before, so I finally did it :D

My other YouTube vids are here

Oct. 25th, 2008


Video: Breathe Me

Original poster: indigo_5

It is with great anxiety that I am posting my first-ever video. I've been working on this forever (how do you make this look so easy, [info]shizumaslover?), but insomnia has paid off tonight, as I think I've finally finished it. The song is Breathe Me, by Sia. Because of the lyrics, the video focuses mostly on the early days of the story; in case it's not obvious, the first verse is supposed to be Luke longing for Noah, the second verse is Noah longing for Luke, and the rest of the song is sort of a whirlwind tour of the entire story of the rest of their relationship. I hope you enjoy it! Feedback would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Oct. 16th, 2008


Luke & Noah's Story - Trailer 1

Original poster: shizumaslover

This trailer covers the first Nuke story arch – the Luke/Noah/Maddie triangle – and is the first in a series of trailers I plan to do to promote Luke & Noah’s Story.

I had some technical problems with WMM, but I hope that’s not too noticeable. And it’s a lot more spoilery than I originally intended, so it’s more like an ultra-condensed recap than a trailer, but… yeah. 8D

Hope you enjoy!

YouTube Link!

Luke & Noah's Story @ Andy's Channel (for any community lurkers who might not be aware of it)

Oct. 2nd, 2008


Echo (by Cyndi Lauper)

Original poster: shizumaslover

I've been piecing this video together for a long time, and the short reunion scenes today finally gave me exactly what I needed to finish it! YAY HAPPY REUNION!

As far as I'm concerned, Cyndi Lauper wrote this song while thinking about Luke and Noah and all of the WONDERFUL, DELICIOUS PARALLELS in their relationship. And then Jake and Van heard the song and immediately knew that it was about their fictional counterparts and went "OH HAY, CYNDI, WANT TO COME HOOK US BACK UP ON THE SHOW?" and she went, "HELLZ YAH. YOU GAIZ ARE MY INSPIRATION." (... Yeah, not really. But how awesome would that be?)

LYRICS UNDER THE CUT! Because it's probably much better if you know what she's saying, and I sure as hell didn't when I first heard it. 8D )

Hope you enjoy!

YouTube Link!

ETA: Also! The first NUKE MADNESS now has over 10,000 views (probably mostly thanks to Andy's pimpage of it on his channel). So thank you again to everyone who viewed and commented on it. You guys are amazing.


Sep. 20th, 2008



Original poster: shizumaslover

What do internet memes, dirty talk, and beloved children's television programs all have in common? This video, apparently! (Yeah, I could go to hell for this, lolol.)

Once again I've deeply amused myself making some madness. Hope it amuses you as well! 8D

YouTube Link!


Sep. 12th, 2008


Fall to Pieces

Original poster: shizumaslover

Due to popular demand, NUKE MADNESS 2 is in the planning stages. But I wanted something to occupy myself with while I gather and organize the extensive resources that video will require, and this just sort of came to me.

I wanted to do something from Noah's perspective that showed just how madly in love with and devoted to Luke he is. I keep seeing comments from people about how Noah isn't good enough or committed enough or gay enough, and it upsets me, so in a way this is my defense of him.

I also wanted to do something with LOTS AND LOTS OF EYESEX. Because their eyesex is the best and there needs to be more of it.

Overall this came out more angsty than I wanted it to, but I was just going along with the lyrics. So... blame Avril. 8D

YouTube Link! (Watch in high quality!)


Sep. 2nd, 2008



Original poster: shizumaslover

Five minutes of madness. Every fandom needs a crazy, random, Robot Chicken-ish, edit-happy montage. So I made this. Yes, I am a dork. But this was so much fun to make.

Hope someone besides me finds this amusing. 8D

YouTube Link!


Aug. 29th, 2008


Vid: Luke and Noah bumper

Original poster: frances_veritas

I decided to make my own Luke and Noah bumper because I got sick and tired of them being on the bumpers for, like, half a second. Blink and you'll miss them. It's silly.

So voila!

Aug. 22nd, 2008


Toxic (not the Britney version, the awesome Local H cover)

Original poster: shizumaslover

My third Nuke vid! Woooo! 8D

God, I love this song. I first heard it when I came across a ridiculously sexy Brian/Justin kissing tribute. I know Luke and Noah don't kiss nearly as often as the two of them (or as sexually) but I did the best with what I had! Every single kiss is crammed into this thing. And a lot of other stuff. Probably too much stuff.

YouTube Link

Also, anyone who gets my icon is awesome. <3

Aug. 13th, 2008


New Vid

Original poster: mystictwilight

These guys just won't leave my muse alone. Made a new Nuke sappy romance/fluff/tiny bit of angst vid.

Song: You're Still You
Artist: Josh Groban
Summary: After everything Luke and Noah have been through together, they still have each other.
Youtube Link:
Download Link:

Aug. 6th, 2008


If You're Not the One

Original poster: shizumaslover

My second Nuke vid! Slower and more dramatic than my first vid, I'll Cover You, but hopefully just as fitting for their relationship. 8)

(Lyrics in the info at youtube.)

Also, I made a new icon! Because food is a lot like sex, amirite? I still want that sex, though. 

Jul. 27th, 2008


Luke & Noah - "Homeward Bound"

Original poster: nicole4ja

So I am a bit obsessed with instrumental music and scores, and I came across a beautiful piece by a pianist named William Joseph called "Homeward Bound" that I absolutely fell in love with. I decided to make a Nuke audio montage of sorts, using voice-overs from the show. I've been wanting something like this to have on my ipod, and really liked how it turned out, so I figured I'd share it with you all. I uploaded both the MP3 itself, as well as a version for youtube, so here are both of those links:

Jul. 22nd, 2008


I'll Cover You

Original poster: shizumaslover

My first fanvid ever, and I'm actually pretty proud of it. Very surprising that I can't find any other Nuke vids with this song.

Hope you like!

Jun. 25th, 2008


Vid: Luke and Noah (Something That I Already Know)

Original poster: frances_veritas

I decided to make a Luke and Noah break up video. And I debated back and forth on what song to use and ended up picking this one:

Something That I Already Know by the Backstreet Boys. *facepalm*

I was a bit hesitant because, well, BSB songs tend to be corny. :-P But the lyrics and tone to this song are so utterly Luke and Noah right now, I had to use it.

And it's so dramatic. So yay for dramatic songs and dramatic soap operas. \O/

It's in Luke's POV. And it is not a happy video. Quite angsty, actually. ZOMG ANGST!

Title: Something That I Already Know
Vidder: [info]frances_veritas
Song: Something That I Already Know
Artist: Backstreet Boys. *facepalm*
Pairings: Luke/Noah
Spoilers: Spoilers for all the episodes aired with Luke and Noah in it.
Length: 3:51
File Size: 53.4 MB
Summary: Luke and Noah break up. Luke is broken. Noah is lost.
Notes: Teh video is pretty simple and self-explanatory.

(Something That I Already Know).

Jun. 17th, 2008


Breakup Vid

Original poster: mystictwilight

Hey, friends. Haven't posted here often; I've been more of a lurker. But the recent nuking of Nuke inspired my vidding muse and I thought I'd share the results. I know this song is used in a million vids in every fandom, but my muse was obsessed with the idea, and there's no stopping it at that point.

Song: Goodbye, My Lover
Artist: James Blunt
Description: Angsty post-breakup vid, reflective moments of fluff thrown in. Spoilers up to 6/16's episode
Notes: A million thanks to LukeVanFan for tirelessly uploading clips every episode, and superherofan for awesome screencaps. :-)
Download Link:  
Youtube Link:

Jun. 2nd, 2008


One Year

Original poster: electrcspacegrl

Invalid video URL.

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Noah and Luke meeting each other. LukeVanFan uploaded this tribute to the couple, featuring his favorite moments. I thought I'd post it here so we could all reminisce.

I especially like the inclusion of the "meat" scene. :)

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May 2009




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