Jan. 29th, 2009


[PICSPAM] Jake Silbermann - 60 +

Original poster: freakykat

*not at all dial-up friendly*

This is what happens when I have a Jake drought.

I go crazy.

So I made this picspam over on my LJ.

Thought I'd link it here if anyone wanted to look at pretty Jake pictures while we wait for him on our screens.

(I'm also planning one for Van but OHMYGOD, SO MANY PICTURES!)

Follow the yellow brick road.

Jan. 23rd, 2009


Microfic Meme: Jake/Van

Original poster: freakykat

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Microfic Meme: Jake/Van )

Notes: Thanks to [info]sagiegurl for starting it. She wanted to see some Jake/Van ones. I did my best. (Points to whoever gets the crossover!) Her Luke/Noah ones were totally awesome. Go read them!


FIC: Fearless (Luke/Noah, First Sentence Challenge series)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Fearless
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG-14
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah, Van or Jake. This is complete fabrication. They belong to others and themselves.
Summary: "You should never be afraid to try new things, my friend.”
A/N: Done for the First Sentence Challenge. Well, this is the third part. I think there may be one more part for sure. No beta. All mistakes mine. Feedback loved and appreciated though not required. But loved!

You should never be afraid to try new things, my friend. )


Jan. 12th, 2009


FIC: Letting Go (Luke/Noah, Luke POV)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Letting Go (Companion piece to Feeling)
Author: [info]freakykat
Time Frame: Um...now? Or at least Monday. :)
Word Count: 280
Summary: Luke reacts.
Rating: That scene should be R cause jesus. But, PG-14.
Warnings: Not a damn one.
A/N: So um...after watching that sneak peek eleventy billion times, um, this happened. It is so dedicated to [info]shizumaslover cause I love her. SEE LESLIE! TOLD YA I WASN'T WRITING NOTHING!
Disclaimer: I own none of this - they belong to P&G, CBS and others. I only play with them a little. Once I'm done, I'll dust them off and give them back.

He heard it come out of his mouth, watched Noah’s eyes fill with that same fear Luke accused him of... )


FIC: Feeling (Luke/Noah, Noah POV)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Feeling (Companion piece to Letting Go)
Author: [info]freakykat
Time Frame: Um...now? Or at least Monday. :)
Word Count: 280
Summary: Noah breaks.
Rating: That scene should be R cause jesus. But, PG-14.
Warnings: Not a damn one.
A/N: So um...after watching that sneak peek eleventy billion times, um, this happened. It is so dedicated to [info]shizumaslover cause I love her. SEE LESLIE! I TOLD YOU WASN'T WRITING NOTHING!
Disclaimer: I own none of this - they belong to P&G, CBS and others. I only play with them a little. Once I'm done, I'll dust them off and give them back.

And that’s when it all stopped, his mind screeching to a halt, and Noah couldn’t breath because... )

Jan. 2nd, 2009


Breathe (Luke/Noah, Noah POV)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Breathe
Author: [info]freakykat
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angsty, oh jesus is this freaking angsty.
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah. They belong to others. No money made from this. Do not sue.
A/N: So I'm in the midst of finishing up a story for a fic exchange for the holidays. (I'm so sorry person that I'm writing it for!) But the blues caught up to me and I just couldn't get it out until I finished this. So yeah. It's right after that scene. Yeah. That one.

Deep breath in. )


Dec. 26th, 2008


FIC: Tomorrow (Luke/Noah, First Sentence Challenge)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Tomorrow
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,153
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah, Van or Jake. This is complete fabrication. They belong to others and themselves.
Summary: "Come on, Noah! We're watching Frosty the Snowman!" Natalie bounced up and down, blissfully ignorant of the longing gazes between her older brother and his ex, "You have to stay!"
A/N: Done for the First Sentence Challenge. It's becoming a shorts series from the looks of it. :) No beta so all mistakes mine. Feedback loved and appreciated.

Previous Part:

Winter Wear

Come on, Noah! We're watching Frosty the Snowman! )


I think I like this sentence challenge series now. *lol*


Dec. 17th, 2008


FIC: Winter Wear (First Sentence Challenge series)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Winter Wear
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke and Noah, Van or Jake. This is complete fabrication. They belong to others and themselves.
Summary: He'd been through an Illinois winter once already, but Noah still wasn't used to the snow.
A/N: Done for the First Sentence Challenge. I'm thinking it might end up being a little shorts series so posted it in the thread and out here.

He'd been through an Illinois winter once already, but Noah still wasn't used to the snow. )


Oops! *lol* It's fixed now.

May. 7th, 2008


FIC: From If To When (Luke/Noah, ATWT, Noah POV) Part One

Original poster: freakykat

Title: From If To When
Series: Part One of Three
Author: [info]freakykat
Rating: G - R
Summary: First set of 10 drabbles from Noah's POV. His life was never easy...
Spoilers: Starts at the end of current storline. Future fic.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, sadly. They belong to P&G, ATWT, Goutman, JP and their respective actors.
A/N: Note: This is in response to a meme I saw floating around. The gist of it was: put your iTunes on shuffle, and write a drabble based on each of the first ten songs that play. Don’t linger when the song is over, this is an exercise. I wrote my ten drabbles in a cohesive vein. My first fic for this fandom so feedback would be lovely. :)

When Luke leaves him finally, it isn’t mean or cold. Noah wishes it was. )

Sep. 9th, 2008


From There to Here (Luke/Noah, ATWT, Luke POV)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: From There to Here
Series: Part Two of Three
Author: [info]freakykat
Beta [info]forbiddenromanc - She is truly awesome. :)
Rating: G - R
Summary: Second set of 10 drabbles - Luke's POV. His life was never easy...
Spoilers: Starts at with the end of the current storyline and goes on. Future fic.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, sadly. They belong to P&G, ATWT, Goutman, JP and their respective actors.
A/N: Note: This is in response to a meme I saw floating around. The gist of it was: put your iTunes on shuffle, and write a drabble based on each of the first ten songs that play. Don’t linger when the song is over, this is an exercise. I wrote my ten drabbles in a cohesive vien. Feedback would be lovely and appreciated but not required. :)

Part One: From If to When

When he left Noah, it had felt like every part of Luke screamed in agony against it. )

Aug. 9th, 2008


RPF: Lights, Camera... (Van/Jake, AU...sort of)

Original poster: freakykat

Disclaimer: I neither know nor own Jake or Van. Nor any of the other peoples. This is NOT real. It is fiction based on an overactive imagination and lots of ATWT viewing. None of the events in this story have happened. Thank you for your time!

Title: Lights, Camera...
Sequel/Series: series...maybe.
Words: 4150
Author: [info]freakykat
Time Frame: It's an AU kind of place. Um...future?
Summary: He’d almost gotten off on a photo shoot. Oh my god.
Rating: PG-13 actions with R-rated sensations (Credit to [info]wouldbedorothy for the description!)
Notes: Lovely beta [info]wouldbedorothy. As always I am in YOUR debt. Thanks to her and [info]forbiddenromanc for the browbeating encouragement. This was done for the [info]boys4all's "Photography" prompt. First story for this pairing. Feedback appreciated.
Disclaimer: I own none of this. I has no money. Please don't sue.

Van had felt so much… so many emotions running under his skin… and when he leaned away from Jake, they had overwhelmed him, and before he knew it, he’d kissed Jake. )


Well. That was kind of fun. *grin*

May 2009




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