Feb. 4th, 2009


Microfic Meme

Original poster: kissmedirty

This is late .. and there are only  8 of them LMAO .. but what can I say, I'm knee deep in writers block so its kind of a miracle I got this far :P

Comments are almost as good as NUKE!Sex


8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )



My Microfic Meme - repost!

Original poster: altrus01

Author: Altrus01
Characters | Pairing: LukeNoah, VanJake
Rating | Word Count: Mature | 10 x 10 or less!
Spoilers | Warnings: None and none
Genre: All

(Thank you Admins for deleting my first post. I'm not sure why the link didn't work - it always has before!)

Well I finally finished this - or not. I'm not sure I'm happy with it but I found this particular exercise more difficult than most. Maybe it was trying to write in just 10 words or maybe it was trying to write in uncomfortable styles for the first time. But I'm putting it out there so that I can move on to something else. Feedback welcome!

10 Words or Less... Again

Jan. 31st, 2009


Microfic meme attempt!

Original poster: la-fours

Tonya here, I'm new to LJ, but post over at VH,net (as Clearlier).
I decided to try my hand at my own micromeme cause I am so Nuke's bitch :)



A Belated Microfic Meme!

Original poster: shizumaslover

I'm terribly late to this meme party, but I just had to. Still a little behind on fic, so I hope I'm not stepping on anyone else's here -- please let me know if I am. Also, there's some language and sexytiems, so NSFW! 8D

Ten genres. Ten tiny fics. One very flaily fangirl. )

Jan. 25th, 2009


NEW! Nuke Microfic!

Original poster: willwork4dean

What It Is: Nuke Microfic (PG)
Prompt Microfic Meme: Ten tiny fics in ten words or less
Author: WillWork4Dean
Fandom: ATWT
Characters: Noah + Luke
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.


Read more... )


Microfic Meme

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

I thought that I'd give this a go. Who knew that ten freakin' words could be so damn hard to write?

Microfic Meme
Write ten different categories of fic (smut, angst, fluff, etc.), each in ten words or less.

Microfic Meme )


microfic meme! (luke/noah)

Original poster: bella_roma_101

After seeing it pop up so many times, I finally broke down and did it myself. =D


Peek inside... )


Microfic Meme

Original poster: dazzling_icer

I wanted to join in on all the fun! I loved this so much, that I did one for Luke/Noah, and one for Van/Jake. Hope you like them both!


Microfic Meme: Luke/Noah

Original poster: qafaddiction

Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Ten tiny fics )


Microfic Meme (Luke/Noah, G to NC-17)

Original poster: readthisshit

Yes, yes, yes. I've been gone for months. I don't understand how you could ever forgive me, truly. But I come back with a response for this fabulous little meme.

Ten genres, ten words each. )


Microfic Meme (G-NC-17)

Original poster: chelseafrew

I haven't written Luke & Noah in ages, but I could not resist this, and kept it open at work all day, and just finished.

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Microfic )


Microfic meme

Original poster: indigo_5

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Notes: Thanks, [info]sagiegurl!

AU: Luke looked up nervously. His new cellmate was intimidatingly tall. )

Jan. 23rd, 2009


Microfic Meme: Luke/Noah

Original poster: tirpse

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Thought I'd give this a try. Looked like fun :)

I am not a native speaker, so try to ignore mistakes. hehe

Rights this way


Microfic Meme: Luke/Noah

Original poster: flytalian

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Notes: Thanks to sagiegurl for starting this.
Remember I’m not an English native speaker ^^ all mistakes are mine!

Microfic Meme: Luke/Noah )</div>


Micro Fic Meme: Van/Jake

Original poster: salianne

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Microfic Meme: Jake/Van )

Notes: Thanks to </a></b></a>[info]sagiegurl for starting this.  This is fun!


Microfic Meme: Jake/Van

Original poster: freakykat

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Microfic Meme: Jake/Van )

Notes: Thanks to [info]sagiegurl for starting it. She wanted to see some Jake/Van ones. I did my best. (Points to whoever gets the crossover!) Her Luke/Noah ones were totally awesome. Go read them!


Microfic Meme

Original poster: sagiegurl

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic ( angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Notes: This was blatantly stolen from another fandom. I thought it would be interesting to see what the authors in this community could come up with. I did it for Luke and Noah, but it would work for Van and Jake too.


Microfic Meme )

Jan. 1st, 2009


Doctor Who (Adam Rickitt), Jesse and Jeremy 94

Original poster: chasepan

The 94th chapter of this story has action packed thrills with Daleks and soap opera characters including UK, US, and Australia. Derek from Slutty Summer and Four Letter Word appears. This chapter has no sex in it and is probably rated PG13 for violence only. Some language. Luke and NOah appear briefly in the promos at the end...but I think later on I will give them a sex scene since the TV show ATWT seems not to want to do that...


May 2009




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