Jan. 25th, 2009


Microfic Meme (G-NC-17)

Original poster: chelseafrew

I haven't written Luke & Noah in ages, but I could not resist this, and kept it open at work all day, and just finished.

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Microfic )

Mar. 12th, 2008


New Fic: Ultimatum

Original poster: chelseafrew

Title: Ultimatum
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None/Many for the current storyline
Summary: This is my take on what should have happened when Noah told Luke he wanted to marry Ameera. (Do not expect happiness.)
Notes: I have been increasingly frustrated with this storyline, though I am trying to hang in there. I have been additionally unhappy with how Luke has been acting. This story was born of that frustration. My thanks to [info]marzilla for the encouragement and the beta.


Feb. 28th, 2008


New Fic: Alone Time

Original poster: chelseafrew

Title: Alone Time
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: None/None, unless you missed the show from Oct.-Dec. 2007
Summary: AU. What if Valentine's Day had come and Luke had still been in the wheelchair? This might have happened...
Notes: Second verse, same as the first. I seem trapped in the Temparalysis Arc, and this story is the result of the idea that struck me when I was thinking about writing something for the Valentine's Day Challenge here at [info]luke_noah. My thanks to [info]marzilla for betaing duties, and for not hitting me over the head and telling me to stop with the Luke-in-a-wheelchair fic. I thank her a lot.

Alone Time

Jan. 24th, 2008


New Fic: Nowhere on Earth

Original poster: chelseafrew

Title: Nowhere on Earth
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Spoilers: None/None, unless you missed the show from Oct.-Dec. 2007
Summary: AU. What if New Year's Eve had come and Luke had still been in the wheelchair? This might have happened...
Notes: Written for the New Year's Porn-a-Thon. Beta read by the lovely [info]marzilla. Thanks!

Nowhere on Earth

Jan. 11th, 2008


New Fic: Learning Curve (1/1)

Original poster: chelseafrew

Title: Learning Curve
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: None/Show through, let's say, mid-November
Summary: AU. Luke contemplates how the accident has changed his life. (When reading, presume Luke is still completely paralyzed.)
Notes: I began writing this in November, before there was walking. I completely allowed myself to wallow with this story, but I like how it turned out. My deepest thanks to [info]marzilla for her thorough editing--and for not telling me I was crazy to still be writing fic set during the Temparalysis Arc.

Learning Curve

Jan. 1st, 2008


New Fic: A Midnight Clear

Original poster: chelseafrew

I wrote the following for the [info]yuletide 2007 Challenge.

Title: A Midnight Clear
Author: Chelsea Frew
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary: It's New Year's Eve and the boys are ready to ring in the new year.
Warnings/Spoilers: None/Up to the New Year's episode
Notes: Beta'd by the lovely [info]marzilla

A Midnight Clear

Nov. 15th, 2007


New Fic: Experimentation

Original poster: chelseafrew

Title: Experimentation
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Noah pays Luke a visit. Touching and more ensues. (AU, given the episode of Nov. 14)
Warnings/Spoilers: None/Through Nov. 7 (Luke stands)
Notes: I wanted so badly to get this done before yesterday's episode, when I knew I'd be jossed. It was not to be. This needs to be considered an AU in which Luke stays in the wheelchair. My thanks to [info]marzilla for the speediest beta ever.

Experimentation )

Nov. 4th, 2007


New Fic: Signed On

Original poster: chelseafrew

Wanted to post this before Tuesday's episode blows it out of the water. This is my take on what might could have happened at the end of the 10/31 episode.

Title: Signed On
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah (d'oh!)
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None/Everything through 10/31
Summary: This directly follows the last scene from the 10/31 episode.
Notes: My thanks to [info]marzilla for checking this for me--and for listening to my endless Nuke squee.

Signed On )

Oct. 30th, 2007


New Fic: Brother's Keeper

Original poster: chelseafrew

My second Nuke fic! I am on a roll. God only knows how inspired I will be by tomorrow's episode...

Title: Brother's Keeper
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah (of course)
Rating: PG
Summary: Noah pays Luke a visit. (Again)
Warnings/Spoilers: No/Yes (for everything in the recent past)
Notes: Thanks to [info]marzilla for beta-reading this, even when she hasn't started to watch the show yet.

Brother's Keeper )

Oct. 23rd, 2007


New Fic: Support System

Original poster: chelseafrew

This is my first Nuke fic. I started watching ATWT again (after not watching for over 20 years) when I heard about the Luke/Noah storyline just over a month ago. I have lost many hours on You Tube playing catch-up.

This ficlet was inspired by the photo I show in my icon, a photo some blessed individual posted to the community just about a week ago. I am aware that there was at least Luke on today, but I haven't watched yet. I wanted to finish this story before the show jossed me. So, since in the little glimpse I caught this morning Luke appears to be at home (which makes no sense, but, soap), assume this story takes place between the episode from last Monday (October 15) and today's episode (October 23).

With no further ado... Enjoy!

Title: Support System
Author: Chelsea Frew
Pairing: Luke/Noah (of course)
Rating: PG
Summary: Noah pays Luke another visit.
Warnings/Spoilers: No/Yes (for everything in the recent past)
Notes: My usual beta was unavailable, but I checked it over pretty thoroughly. If you spot any errors, please let me know so I can fix them.

Support System )

May 2009




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