January 6th, 2009

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Original poster: luvflix

Title: Worth the wait…again.
Author: [info]luvflix.
Rating: R?/NC-17? …you be the judge
Warnings: Spoilers for December 30th episode, fairly angsty to start but promises of a happy ending! Just pure mush I guess. Okay, and a little porn *hee*.
Disclaimer: Luke and Noah are not my characters and I make absolutely no money from them (I wish I was that inventive!) And I've borrowed Jeff from a number of fics I've seen flying around the community (not sure who I should credit here!)
Beta: none used, didn't know who was available, and a bit nervous to ask
Author's Notes: written for [info]luke_noah monthly challenge #2. This is a long one (8.8k!!) better have a coffee ready.

Please be gentle; this is my first fanfic and probably a fairly predictable, long-winded POV of events during and following the episode mentioned above (those who've read my comments know I tend to get a bit 'wordy'!). I thoroughly enjoyed the writing process and getting inside of Luke's head, but original ideas that leave you guessing are not my forte, so please feel free to comment and provide feedback. It's the only way I'm going to get better. Obviously the dialogue in italics early in the piece is not mine, but belongs to the writers of ATWT.

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[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Ugh. LJ economy dramarama. DO NOT WANT.

Original poster: shizumaslover

When I was surfing [info]ontd_political  earlier I saw an article about LJ laying off almost all of its employees and leaving the site to flounder on life support. They're claiming it's not as bad as it sounds, but who knows. We might lose this comm and all of the wonderful posts in it, and be forced to start over somewhere else. (My vote's for InsaneJournal if it comes to that.)

Thankfully, a fellow ontd_p poster, [info]earthmoon , made this handy post about how to back up LJs and move all the posts to one of the LJ clone sites. I'm not entirely sure if it works for comms or just for personal journals, but I figured it would be worth the mods looking into. And for everyone who posts fic/art/vids only on their personal journals and just links to it here: please, please, please back them up! I couldn't bear it if people started losing all their Nukey goodness.


EDIT: Probably not very bad at all. Thanks for linking to the newer article, [info]raynedanser .

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

NUKE: Finding Worth

Original poster: salianne

Title: Finding Worth

Author: salianne
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: The Angst Addict has escaped...be warned.   

Summary: Noah’s POV after the kiss heard round the world.
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke, Noah, or any other characters from As the World Turns.  This is just for fun kids.
Beta: None.
Author's Notes (A/N): written for luke_noah's monthly challenge #2.

I hope I'm doing this right.  It's my first challenge.  I am so intimidated by the writers in this community - well - good grief - I'm nervous!!  Comments are love, so please love me!

Clicky clicky

May 2009



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