April 20th, 2008

[info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented

Alohomora: Limerick; Sirius, Severus PG

*blows off dust*

The next 50-ish entries will be individual limericks written to prompts from [info]phoenix_flies last drabble-a-thon. I wanted to particiapte, but it fell on a really busy weekend so I decided to use the prompts to write limericks. All of these are G-PG-13 and all have something to do with Sirius Black. When I've posted each poem individually, I plan to go back and post a masterlist-- hopefully with the poems grouped chronologically according to canon. For now, I'm just posting each in order of the prompt number.

Title: Alohomora
Prompt: [info]phoenix_flies drabble_a_thon: #1 Alohomora
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented
Rating: PG
Form: Limerick
Characters: Sirius, Snape
Notes: Marauder Era
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is not mine, I make no money from it, I don’t intend to harm it or anyone else.
Comments and Concrit: Are always welcome.


"Alohomora," Sirius spoke.
Hidden by James' trusty cloak.
Levitating a pail
That without fail
Would give Snivellus a much needed soak.