Apr. 22nd, 2008


Which Hex?: Limerick; Sirius, Peter, Snape, Lily/James PG-13

Title: Which Hex?
Prompt: [info]phoenix_flies drabble_a_thon: #31 Water
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy
Rating: PG-13
Form: Limerick
Characters: Sirius, Peter, Lily/James, Snape
Notes: James and Lily enjoy a romantic swim, but there's a Snape lurking in water nearby.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is not mine, I make no money from it, I don’t intend to harm it or anyone else.
Comments and Concrit: Are always welcome.

Which Hex?

Wormtail, look down in the water.
See Snivellus? That lousy rotter!
Which hex shall I serve
That bigoted perv,
For spying on Evans and Potter?