May. 7th, 2009


Can i haz a drabble? YESS!!!!1!!

I got a drabble from [info]blue_siofra as part of that 10 drabble meme that's going around.

It is incredibly wonderful and I love it very much. I'm always amazed at how different her fics are from the norm (whatever that is) and from each other. *snuggles*

Title: Footnotes
Author: [info]blue_siofra
Rating: PG
Characters: Molly Weasley
Gift for: [info]dead_sexydexy
Beta: smirking_muse
Summary: Footnotes in history

Dec. 28th, 2008


Recs from Immeritus

 Posting in the 2nd Immeritus Christmas Exchange has been going on for several days now and I've totally failed to properly pimp all the goodness.  I've given short summaries of what's been posted so far.  Go!  Read!  Click over to the sign-up/ comments threads and leave a little feedback if you like something! (Those who are not currently Immeritus board members will need to register in order to comment, but it's pretty non-scary. Otherwise, feel free to leave feedback here, and I'll make sure the authors/artists/poets get the feedback love.)   If you're really adventurous, scroll through the list of participants and be ready to guess who did what for whom when posting ends! 

The G to PG-13 art forum has one super fabbity piece right now.  

Night Roamers-- features a very smexxy**, yet G rated and totally worksafe Sirius, along with a certain motorbike.  The attention to detail throughout kills me ded.   ** The smexxy could just be me and my tendency to think pretty much anything with Sirius is smexxy. ; ) 

The G to PG-13 fic forum currently houses 3 lovely stories.    All of these are short and sweet and well worth your time, if you're into Marauder Era.  

Peevela--  MWPP are up to no good when they decide to play a Christmas prank on Filch.  

True Happiness--  A heartwarming ficlet featuring  Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Lily.  Sirius is uncharacteristically serious and it makes me love him even more. (If that is indeed possible.)

Libera Delicia--  Delightful story in which a girl dares play hard to get with Sirius, complete with Marauderish pranks, backfires, and a lovely ending. 

The G to PG-13 Poetry has 2  poems for your reading pleasure. 

Chocolate Cake-- This one has a bit of a story frame to go with a sonnet Remus Lupin has written to, you guessed it, Chocolate Cake.

My 'Friend'--   A beautiful poem about Severus Snape's love for Lily Evans.   (It's enough to make me sigh for the greasy git-- and I tend to find his 'devotion' to be on the obsessive stalker creepy side, normally.) 
