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November 28th, 2019

[info]father_peter in [info]darker_london

So about that Razvan (Peter, Serenity, Nova)

When Peter heard someone enter his office, he did not expect it to be Serenity Dawson standing there in his doorway. Not that it was an unpleasant surprise, but a surprise nonetheless. "Serenity?" he said, standing to indicate she could sit in his chair if she wanted. "How can I help you?"

Serenity glanced around, and then instead of heading for his chair, she headed for his sofa and collapsed onto it. "Is Razvan here?" she asked, instead of saying hello.

"Razvan? I don't think so. I haven't seen him, at least. Let me check," he said, taking his seat again. After a few quick calls to Katia, Abby, Stuart and Joe, he was fairly sure Razvan was not at the hospital. "No one here has seen him. I can call Nova, but I didn't want to alarm her if someone else had seen him. Is he not home, Serenity?"

Serenity shook his head and chewed on her lip, "not for days. And he's always been a bit hit or miss and I get that, but he texts me. I mean. He texts the stupidest things because he's fucking terrible at it, but he stays in touch, you know? I think we should call Nova," she said thinly.

Peter sighed and keyed her number in.

[info]your_razvan in [info]darker_london

Thirst (Razvan)

They chatted a lot in the beginning, considering there was nothing else to do. Reggie told Razvan about the family he hadn't seen in over a year, and Razvan told Reggie he had people he cared about but gave no details. Alicia spoke every once in awhile, though Trent said nothing. Razvan was pretty sure if Peter showed up to rescue them all, Trent was the kind of demon who was going to end up in the secure ward.

Moving on )

[info]suave_thomas in [info]darker_london

Old Friends (Thomas, Stephie, Nancy and Scarlett)

Thomas was nervous as he stepped into the hospital Scarlett had been living in for years. She had warned them that she had good days and bad days and he hoped so hard that today was a good day. Part of him believed that if Scarlett came back to them, then everything was going to be okay.

He gave Stephie's hand a squeeze, and slowed down. "I feel like stalling," he admitted quietly, glancing sidelong at Nancy as well. "Like if it stall as long as possible, then we don't know for sure what's waiting for us and we still have hope."