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October 28th, 2019

[info]darkerartemis in [info]darker_london

Battle Royale (Magnus, Allanah)

OOC: Originally posted by Lewis in 2009 but we forgot and wrote things as if Magnus was still about so reposting NOW!

Allanah hadn't heard the name in years, when someone she knew tangentially mentioned they had heard Magnus was around again. No one could make her blood freeze in her veins like Magnus, and even still, Allanah couldn't ignore it. It had been years, yes, but Tasha was on the mend now. If she heard Magnus was about, what would it mean for her? If she went, would Peter follow? Then where the fuck would they be?

Victory )

[info]darkerartemis in [info]darker_london

Special Delivery - Allanah, Open to Hospital

OOC: Originally posted by Lewis in 2009 but we forgot and wrote things as if Magnus was still about so reposting NOW!

Getting back to London with Magnus in tow was even more difficult than finding him in the first place. Allanah took the first opportunity she had to find a very large bin bag and stuff Magnus inside, which made things marginally easier. It took a few bags to accommodate his weight.

Despite the cold conditions, Allanah was soaked through with sweat and extremely tired by the time she reached the Robert Macgavillary Memorial Hospital. The weather was bad enough that cloaking wasn't as difficult a matter as on some days, but it still took effort. Effort was something quite high on Allanah's list of things to avoid right now.

So it was that she strode into the hospital with her prize and dumped it in front of the reception desk. "Someone else can deal with it," she declared. "Inconspicuously." It wouldn't do to have any of the normal people see her bringing a man into the hospital in a rubbish bag...

[info]itsajesusthing in [info]darker_london

Love and chickens (Cai, Zoe)

Cai opened his front door, two days after Zoe broke up with him. Bad days. Hard days, trying to understand what to feel, trying not to let bitterness or frustration get too strong because she didn't deserve that, trying not to be self pitying because maybe he didn't deserve it, trying not to be too moody around his sisters because they didn't, trying not to tell Nonnie he was fine because he wasn't and she didn't deserve being lied to. Hard days.

And then there was Zoe, standing on his doorstep. He didn't know if it was foresight or just hope, but he'd known it would be her.

... )

[info]ephialtes in [info]darker_london

Yayyy (Danny, Zoe)

Cai had messaged Danny, letting him know that he and Zoe were back together and going about things slowly. Danny had jumped up and whooped so loud that Wolf had run to hide and his mother had run into the room to make sure he was okay. Then they had had a conversation about sudden loud noises and Danny felt like he needed to get the hell out of his own house.

He loved his mother, but he was starting to feel a little suffocated by her. She was still so worried about him and honestly he understood why. Greg hadn't just hurt Danny, he had hurt her too. His mother had lost one child, and nearly another, of course she was overprotective. Danny was feeling really great these days, however, and his mother's brand of protective was slightly retraumatising. As if he shouldn't feel better because the world was still shit.

He managed to get away and he tubed over to Cai's to celebrate, though he left before dinner so the family could be together. Then he messaged Zoe and took an Uber to her place where Liz let him in.

"Oh, Danny!" she said, as he gave her a big hug. "Will you stay for dinner?"

"If it's okay with Zoe," he said carefully, looking around for her.